Understanding Prayer By Pastor Paul Enenche

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MESSAGE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what prayer is all about


  1. Prayer is one of the greatest privileges given to man by God
  2. Prayer shapes both history and destiny
  3. Prayer is one of the most potent forces that exists on the earth
  4. Prayer is a tool that changes both times and seasons
    But prayer is a highly misunderstood spiritual practice


  1. Those for whom prayer is a mere religious obligation that is only necessary for the fulfilment of religious righteousness
  2. Those for whom prayer is something to do only when there is a problem
  3. Those for whom prayer is something to be recited
  4. Those who rely on others to do it for them
    Prayer is a non-transferrable responsibility of the spiritual man; it is a non-delegable responsibility

Also Read: The Secrets Of Supernatural Shift By Pastor Paul Enenche


  1. The development of intimacy with the Almighty (Gen. 19:27)
    1a. The place of prayer is the place of workmanship of the relationship between man and His Maker, between the Creator and the creature
    1b. The place of prayer is the place of the irrigation of the connection between humanity and Divinity
  2. The expression of thought and desires between man and God (Matt. 6:9; Phil. 4:6-7; Gen. 18:17-18; Ps. 12:1)
    2a. The place of prayer is the place of communion where feelings, emotions and aspirations are shared
    2b. The place of prayer is the place of openness between man and God where secrets are shared
  3. The discovery of the Will, Plan and Purpose of God (Jer. 33:3; 6:16; Jer. 1:5; Hab. 2:1)
    This is the place of feedback from God
    3a. The place of prayer is the place of unveiling what is on the mind of God
    3b. The place of prayer is the place of discovery of Divine blueprint and design for man (Jer. 1:5; Hab. 2:1)
  4. Alignment with the Will, Plan and Purpose of God (Luke 22:40-42; Gen. 32:24-28)
    When the will of man is married to the Will of God, destiny is delivered
    4a. The place of prayer is the place where the will of man becomes united with the Will of God
    4b. The place of prayer is the place where man comes to the end of himself and is at the beginning with God
    At the place of prayer man takes cover, God takes over, then it is over
  5. Enforcement of the Will, Plan and Purpose of God (Matt. 6:10; 11:12; 1Tim. 1:18)
    This is the place of violence at the place of prayer
    5a. The place of prayer is the place where the revealed or known Will of God is forced into fulfilment
    5b. The place of prayer is the place where Divine promises and prophecies are warred into fulfilment (1Tim. 1:18)
  6. The establishment of God-ordained allocation and inheritance (Matt. 6:11; 1Chron. 4:9-10)
    6a. The place of prayer is the place of accessing Divine provisions and supernatural supplies
    6b. The place of prayer is the place of taking delivery of your portion and heritage in God (1Chron. 4:9-10)
  7. The interception of enemy agenda and orchestrations (Matt. 6:13; Jer. 33:3; 1:10)
    7a. The place of prayer is the place of the uncovering and undoing of enemy plans and activities (Jer. 33:3)
    7b. The place of prayer is the place for the demolition of demonic installations and institutions (Jer. 1:10)
  8. The experience of exchange between man and God (Isa. 40:31; Gen. 28:12)
    8a. The place of prayer is the place of exchange where you give Him your weakness and take up His strength
    You give Him your fears and He gives you His peace; you give Him your pressures and He releases on you His Presence
    8b. The place of prayer is the place of exchange where you give Him your worship and take up His Presence, where you give Him your praise and take up His Power (Gen. 28:12)
  9. Intervention (standing in the gap) for others (Ezek. 22:30; Job 42:10)
    This is one of the highest forms of prayer
    9a. The place of prayer is the place of placing demands for the mercy of God on the behalf of others
    9b. The place of prayer is the place of taking the place of others before God in prayer (Job 42:10)
    This is where you are praying for another as of you are praying for yourself
    The easiest way to get your problems solved is to find someone with a similar need and solve it for them either physically or at the place of prayer
  10. The restoration and cleansing of life (Matt. 6:12; Ps. 23:1-3)
    10a. The place of prayer is the place of spiritual realignment (Ps. 23:1-3)
    10b. The place of prayer is the place of spiritual washing and purification from the stains of the world
    As we walk through this life dust settles on us but when you go into His Presence, He washes you
    It is at the place of prayer that you are brought back to status


  1. Pray realistically, not religiously (Jam. 5:17)
  2. Pray earnestly (Jam. 5:17)
  3. Pray specifically (Jam. 5:17)
  4. Pray perpetually (Jam. 5:18; Luke 18:1; Gal. 6:9)


Father, thank You for Your Word to me today. I am asking Lord for a baptism of the spirit of grace and supplication in this season. I receive the grace to pray persistently, tenaciously and continuously, in Jesus’ Name. (Zech. 12:10; 1Thess 5:17)

Father, by the power of the Blood of Jesus and the power in the Name of Jesus, I intercept and interrupt every agenda of hell and orchestration of the kingdom of darkness against my life, family, the Church, Dunamis, and the Nation. Oh you agenda of hell, SCATTER by the FIRE of the HOLY GHOST NOW!

Father, I receive the grace to pray realistically, earnestly, specifically and perpetually, in Jesus’ Name.


  • The next time God is about to cause calamity around your life and family, God will show it to you and show you the solution
  • A fresh grace to pray the kind of prayers that will align you with the perfect will, plan and purpose of God
  • You will end well! You won’t be cut short before your time!
  • Every promise and prophecy of God that is yet to be fulfilled in your life is warred into fulfilment now!
  • No devil shall deny you your inheritance in God
  • Anything standing in your life that is the handwork of the devil, today it is crushed!
  • As you have come to the place of Divine exchange whatever angels have brought for you, you are leaving here with it today!
  • Whatever stain is upon your spirit, I decree they are deleted!

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