Unraveling The Mystery Of Faith (1&2) By Pastor Paul Enenche - Faithwheel.com

Unraveling The Mystery Of Faith (1&2) By Pastor Paul Enenche

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  1. Exploring and unraveling the mystery of faith
  2. Identifying the sources of faith.

The Bible identifies faith as a mystery, a conundrum, a puzzle, a hidden secret, a riddle, an ambiguous uncertainty, something that could be difficult to understand or comprehend
Faith is not allowed to remain a mystery because:

  1. Our lives, both in quality and durability, rely on our faith (Hab. 2:4; Gal. 3:11)
  2. Our spiritual worth and wealth are anchored on our faith (Heb. 6:12)
    There are things we can’t experience in God without faith
  3. Our very existence and survival on the earth are anchored on our faith (Rom. 1:17; Heb. 10:38)
  4. Our spiritual relevance and impact on the earth are registered by faith (Heb. 11:1-End)
    Existence without faith is existence without impact


  1. Faith is heart-alignment with God and His Word (Luke 5:4-5)
    1a. Faith is being on the same page with God
    1b. Faith is coming on the same frequency and wavelength with God
    1c. Faith is coming into agreement with God on particular issues
    1d. Faith is having no opinion or belief that is contrary to that of God on particular issues (Luke 5:4-5)
  2. Faith is seeing what God said or says (Hab. 2:1; Acts 8:30-31, 35-38)
    For you, what God says is not information, it is revelation (Hab. 2:1)
    THE FAITH LINEAR EQUATION: From understanding to belief, from belief to result
    The depth of your understanding in the Word determines the strength of your faith
    Faith is impossible where the Word of God is not deeply understood to the point where you can see it
    Faith is impossible where the Word of God is only superficially understood
  3. Faith is confidence in the faithfulness of God borne out of a deep knowledge of the Character of God (Num. 23:19; Ps. 89:34-35; 1Sam. 15:29; Tit. 1:2)
    A deep knowledge of the Character of God’s faithfulness is the birthplace of faith (Num. 23:19; Ps. 89:34-35)
    Faith is judging Him faithful who has promised (Heb. 11:11)
    Every word is as good as the one who spoke it; the quality of a word is determined by the quality of the speaker
    After this service, take time to ask God to reveal Himself to you
    Confidence in the faithfulness of God makes you walk in the realm where doubt is cleared
  4. Faith is seeing Light out of the Word, believing it, and becoming supernaturally empowered to manifest it. (John 1:12; 1;1; Isa. 2:5; 2Cor. 5:7; Mark 5:25-29)
    i. You saw Light out of the Word
    ii. You believed it because it fired conviction into your heart
    iii. You begin to walk in the reality of that Light
    iv. You are supernaturally empowered to manifest the products of that Light
    You are supernaturally processed into the products of that Light
    Any day, anywhere and anytime, faith is the switch of power
  5. Faith is seeing the outcome from the onset through the Word (2Cor. 4:17-18; Heb. 11:27)
    5a. Faith is seeing the end from the beginning through the Word
    5b. Faith is seeing the realities of the invisible beyond the uncertainties of the visible
    5c. Faith is seeing beyond the immediate to the ultimate; it is seeing beyond where you are to where you are going
    5d. Faith is seeing beyond the obvious to the oblivious
    5e. Faith is seeing beyond what is seen to what is not yet seen (2Cor. 4:17-18)
    If you can see it ahead, no devil can stop you here
  6. Faith is acting with the certainty and confidence that the Word of God is true (Ps. 119:89)
    Act as if the Word of God is true because it is true – Kenneth E. Hagin
    6a. Faith is taking Word-based steps and making Word-based moves in order to achieve Word-based marks
    It is those who make moves that make waves in this Kingdom
    6b. Faith is accepting revelational responsibilities in order to experience revolutionary possibilities
  7. Faith is functioning beyond the limit of the human senses to experience limitless possibilities
    (Gen. 12:1-4; 22:1-5; Luke 5:4-5; John 2:1-11; 2Cor. 5:7; 1Cor. 1:25)
    Most things that make faith don’t make sense
    7a. Faith is functioning and acting beyond natural reasoning and mindset based on the Word of God
    What is most important is not whether it makes sense, it is where it makes faith!
    It is not possible to walk in faith without once in a while being considered a fool but the good news is that the foolishness of God is wiser than men! (2Cor. 5:7; 1Cor. 1:25)
    There is a time faith makes you to move before you begin to see where you are going
    Faith says move even when you cannot yet see
    In the realm of faith you see first, others see later
    When the senses are in charge faith is in chains
  8. Faith is Word-based adventure into the realm of all possibilities (Jer. 1:11-12; Hab. 2:1)
  9. You step into Scripture
  10. You see the picture of your future
  11. You dare to venture
  12. You begin to capture the realities of that picture
    In the world of faith, you saw yourself there before you found yourself there
    When you find yourself there, you will be grateful although you are not surprised; you can’t be surprised about what you have been seeing!
    Beware what you see, negative or positive, you will have it
    ‘I will see myself there then I will find myself there and when I find myself there I will be grateful but I will not be surprised!’
  13. Faith is drawing supernatural virtue from the Word to produce extraordinary outcomes (Luke 6:19)
    The Bible has something inside that when you tap into it, it can power your whole destiny
    9a. Faith draws from the wealth of the Word to produce needed answers, solutions and results – it draws life, light and power (John 6:63; 1:4)
  14. Faith is living in the realm of what is expected, not what is experienced (Heb. 11:22; Gen. 50:25)
    Faith is living the future today; it is living ahead of time
    You refuse to be tied down by your circumstances, you are living based on your Word-based expectation
    There are those who wait for things to happen and there are those who make things happen
    People of faith don’t wait for the future to happen to them, they happen to the future.
    If your ship does no come to shore to meet you, swim to meet it!
    You don’t wait for the future to happen to you, you happen to it!


  1. The Word of God (Acts 6:7; 1Thess. 1:8; Heb. 13:7; Rom. 10:8, 17: Heb. 11:3)
    Reliable faith is Word-based faith
    The possession of revelation is foundational for faith
    Productive faith is Word-based faith
    The availability of the Word is the prosperity of faith but the scarcity of Word leads to the bankruptcy of faith
  2. The Knowledge of God (Dan. 11:32; Phil. 3:10; Acts 3:16; Heb. 11:11; Acts 6:8; 1Pet. 1:5; 2Kings 6:17)
    The Knowledge of God gives birth to strength and power and faith also gives birth to strength and power; the knowledge of God equals faith
    Belief is natural where God is known; you only doubt who you don’t know
    To know Him is to walk in faith; the stronger your knowledge of God, the more audacious your faith
    ‘Oh Lord reveal Yourself to me in a dimension I have never seen before!’
  3. The Acts of God (Ex. 14:31; Luke 1:36-38, 45; John 2:22; Rom. 10:17; Ps. 27:13; John 2:11; 2:23)
    There are things you hear that explode your faith (Luke 1:36-38, 45)
    Every sign has a voice, every miracle carries a message; there are words in wonders (Ex. 4:8)
    One testimony can preach a thousand messages
    Testimonies always release a knockout blow on the devil and on adversity! (Rev. 12:11)


1. Father, thank You for Your Word to me today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, that I may know You and the power of the resurrection. Help me to know You, show me dimensions of Yourself that I have not known before, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

4. Father, open my eyes and open my ears to hear Your voice out of every sign and out of every wonder. Open my eyes and ears oh Lord, in Jesus’ name.

5. Father, thank You for Your goodness towards me; Thank You for Your Word to me today, Draw me closer to You LORD, Let me see another side of You that I have never seen before in the Name of Jesus’ Christ

6. Father, help me to know You like I have never known before; help me to know Your works like I have never known before, in Jesus’ Name!

7. Thank You Lord for answered prayers. To You be all the glory Lord in Jesus’ Name.


  • The Spirit of wisdom and revelation. This communion communicates wisdom and revelation. Every demon of doubt and spell of unbelief and fear is deleted by the communion. What my Father in Heaven has not planted in your body is flushed out now!


  • The God that cannot lie will show you His faithfulness in this season! Before this month is over, God will prove to you that He is real!
  • I prophesy, by faith, power is coming your way right now to manifest the results you desire!
  • In this year the kind of possibilities you have never seen before will be seen in your life, family and work of your hands!
  • What God will do in your life will shake your community and shake your world!
  • Your journey of faith and faith explosion and results is starting today
  • Before this week is over, may you see the dimension of God you have never seen before!
  • Any testimony you ever heard that is related to something you desire, I declare it is multiplied to you!
  • After today’s service, you will realise that those who wait on the Lord don’t waste in life!
  • This week, experience recoveries, recoveries and recoveries!

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