When The Heaven Is Closed By Dr. D.K Olukoya - Faithwheel.com

When The Heaven Is Closed By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. Olukoya

ANCHORED SCRIPTURES: Deuteronomy 28:23-24


This is a message that requires very serious prayers. Are you concerned about success in life? Do you want to speak woe unto failure? Do you want to enjoy maximum prosperity? The first thing to check is whether your heavens are closed or not. If the heavens are closed, all kinds of things will happen to the person.

Every man has his allocation of heaven over his or her head. That is why the Bible says in Deuteronomy 28:23 “and thy heaven that is over thy head”. So, there is a personal heaven. There is a communal heaven. There is a country heaven. There is a racial heaven.

I pray that the Lord will tear the heavens open and His grace and power will come down and you will go from strength to strength and from glory to glory, in Jesus’ name.

Also See: The Message Of Zion By Pastor D.K Olukoya

If the heavens are closed upon a man, many things take place. And this is why you need to listen very carefully and pray when you are asked to pray.

When the heavens of a man are closed:

  • demons will overcome the person with ease.
  • nothing will go smoothly. Are you concerned about success in life? Are you concerned about getting to where you wish to get to? Have you checked the heavens over your head? If it’s closed, it’s a serious problem indeed.
  • you will plant much but reap very little
  • the whole of his life becomes a struggle
  • there will be what is known as profitless hard work
  • problems remain the same even after deliverance ministrations

PRAY (put in your marriage, career, calling, etc) Heavens over my career, open by fire in the name of Jesus!

When the heavens over a man are closed:

  • the person will labour so much but achieve very little
  • devourers are released upon the labour of the person
  • the person will be living on old or past achievements
  • there will be no fresh fire in that spiritual life
  • the prayers become ordinary noise
  • the mind of the person will be wandering around during prayers
  • the Bible reading becomes routine and dry
  • quiet time becomes dry
  • the person finds it easy to coexist with darkness. All kinds of spirits that are not supposed to be around the person will be roaming around the person, because the heavens are closed.
  • the expectations of the person are always cut off. So, it is a very sad and horrible thing for the heavens over a man to be closed.
  • you look for much investment but you get very little
  • you have leakage in your purse. There will be plenty of pockets with holes.
  • there will be stubborn satanic dominion over the life of that person. If the person has a business, the business will be running into debts
  • there will be scarcity of testimonies
  • there will be lack of divine vision, dreams, revelations
  • there will be chain problems. As one problem is going, another one is coming.

I pray that any demons in the heavens over your head, any principality upon your head trying to control the heavens over your head, I scatter them in the name of Jesus!

When the heavens of a man’s head are closed, there will be:

  • unexplainable hardship
  • backwardness and regression
  • manipulation by evil powers
  • delusion instead of reality
  • darkness instead of light
  • contempt instead of honour
  • war instead of peace
  • hatred instead of love
  • bondage instead of freedom
  • sadness instead of joy
  • frustration instead of fulfillment

When the heavens are closed:

  • problems remain the same no matter how much the person is praying, simply because the heavens over the head of the person have been taken over by strange powers.
  • worldliness would be set into the soul of the person even after series of deliverance and prayers. The person would have prayed and cried about a situation but 2 hours after the prayers, the person is back in it.
  • for years, what the person is doing just remains the same. Instead of the thing to move forward it just moves backward.
  • you are working but there is nothing to show for it
  • there is no rain for a long time, and people go about looking for water. People go about searching for where there is water. A person may be zealous, but then the heavens are closed over all his activities.
  • the result you are getting is not justifying the labour you are putting in
  • you cannot cast out demons under closed heavens. Deliverance session can go on for weeks and weeks, but the demon is saying “do all your best, but we are not leaving here”.
  • a lot of labourers get tired because there is nothing to show for it
  • destiny fulfilment becomes very difficult
  • intercessors will labour and labour without breaking through
  • spiritual warfare becomes useless effort
  • individual assignments as people become difficult
  • spiritual promotion becomes unobtainable
  • people backslide so easily. This is a very, very serious matter.
  • temptation overcomes the believer with ease.

But listen beloveth, when does heaven become closed? This is where you need to listen to me very carefully. Heavens become closed when:

  • we live in sin and disobedience
  • there is ignorance on what to do to get the heavens open
  • we are operating outside the will of God
  • the prayer altar is weak
  • men and women do not seek first the kingdom of God
  • we are stingy towards God
  • there are ancestral family and community bondages in place.

Read your Bible very well. When Jesus wanted to start his work and He went to be baptized, the Bible says heavens were open unto Him and then he was baptized, he was preaching, he was teaching. But when heavens have not opened unto a person, all these things will be a big struggle.

Heavens cannot open to you when:

  • You are not born again. Take note of that.
  • you are unrepentant
  • you refuse to pay your tithes and offerings
  • you are not using your talents to serve the Lord. It is possible to sing, dance, jump up, attend conferences, whereas the heavens over your head are closed.

This space over our heads must be opened and this is the purpose of today’s meeting.
To pray for open heavens. For it to open over your life, career, business, all you do so that you can be a champion for Jesus.

Things To Do:

  1. You need to make God your friend
  2. You need to work hard
  3. Repent from all known sins
  4. Ensure your complete deliverance
  5. Pray heaven tearing prayers (Isa 64:1)


  1. My heavens, hear the word of the Lord, open by fire in the name of Jesus.
  2. O heavens over my career, tear open in the name of Jesus.
  3. Anything done against my life under satanic anointing, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  4. Powers tabling my affairs in a coven, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
  5. Imagination of darkness against my existence, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every sorcerer assigned against me, destroy yourself in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every sword of darkness raised up against me, kill your owner in the name of Jesus.
  8. Satanic oracles consulted against me, fight your owners in the name of Jesus.
  9. My blood, my blood, my blood, reject every infirmity in the name of Jesus.
  10. Stubborn pursuers of my life, turn back, perish in your Red Sea in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every domestic hidden enemy, lose your power in the name of Jesus.
    The Lord will arise and silence the powers that want to silence you. Your mouth shall be larger than the mouths of your enemies. The well that has swallowed your breakthroughs shall vomit them right now. And those that have been mocking you shall join in your celebration in the name of Jesus! Any power that hates your existence shall die in your place in the name of Jesus.
  12. Embargo power of my father’s house, die in the name of Jesus.
  13. (Raise up your right hand) Generational liability, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus.
  14. Strongman assigned to limit my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  15. Owners of limitation, carry your load in the name of Jesus.

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