When The Holy Ghost Confronts A Problem By Dr. D.K Olukoya - Faithwheel.com

When The Holy Ghost Confronts A Problem By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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The Mountain Of Fire And Miracle Ministries International Headquarters
Manna Water Service
Topic: When The Holy Ghost Confronts A Problem
Anchored Scriptures: Genesis 1:1-2 Luke 1:30-35, Zechariah 4:6
Minister: Dr. Daniel Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide)


Listen carefully: when a problem confronts the Holy Ghost or when the Holy Ghost confronts a problem, something must happen. Can you shout this at the top of your voice without any apology to anybody sitting beside you:

Holy Ghost, confront my problems by the thunder of your power, in the name of Jesus.

My way, hear the word of the Lord, by the bull dozing power of the Holy Ghost, open! in the name of Jesus.

The Bible says that in the beginning the world was in a chaotic situation, a confused situation. No form, it was void. Then what happened? The Spirit moved upon the waters. If you are a careful reader of the scriptures, many times, over and over, you will be reading about the Spirit moving upon men and men demonstrating the power of God after that move of the Holy Spirit. Many times in the scriptures, you will read “and the Spirit of God came upon him”.

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 28 April  2022  –Topic: PRAYERS FOR YOUR COMMUNITY 

That is why one of my favourites songs which I want you to sing loud and clear is:
Holy Spirit, move me now,
Make my life whole again!
Spirit move over me
Spirit move over me.

Shout this loud and clear:
Holy Ghost, move upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost, torment my tormentors, in the name of Jesus.

It is a day of disaster for the Holy Ghost to collide with a problem. The reason some people fall down when we are praying and begin to feel faint is because there is a strongman in their lives, and the Holy Ghost collides with that strong man, and there is a battle to going on inside the person. The person may fall down or may not be able to stand. A head on collision with the Holy Ghost is a serious disaster for a problem. Something must happen. Something has to happen. It is compulsory

I am praying for somebody here today, the Holy Ghost shall come upon you, in the name of Jesus.

If a cow wants to fight a goat, you do not need a professor to teach you what will happen.
That is why I am decreeing a head-on collision between the Holy Ghost and your problems, in the name of Jesus.

Shout this:
Holy Ghost, my life is available, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

Zechariah 4:6 is the origin of that popular song which we are going to sing now:
“It’s not by power (it’s not by power)
It’s not by might (it’s not by might)
But by my Spirit” says the Lord!
This mountain must be removed
This mountain must be removed in Jesus name
This mountain must be removed,
“By my Spirit” says the Lord.
Sing: By the reason of the anointing, every yoke must be broken!
Raise up your two hands and shout loud and clear:

Holy Ghost, break my yoke now, in the name of Jesus!

  1. When the Holy Ghost confronts a problem, the number one thing He can do for you is to reveal to you the secret of the problem. Maybe it could be:
  • sin,
  • curses,
  • evil covenants,
  • satanic attacks,
  • demonic invasion,
  • self afflicted, or even
  • carelessness.

He will reveal to you whether the solution is deliverance, or whether you need to be discipled more as a child of God. He will reveal to you whether the problem is rejection or unfriendly friends, or household wickedness, or just a power encounter. By power encounter, we mean that you are firing live bullets at the enemies and you do not expect them to fire nothing back at you. They will not fire rubber bullets at you. That is what happened when Paul and Silas entered into a city.

Immediately they began to move in the power of God, there was a power encounter. They raged against them. They started fighting them. That could be what is happening. You have attacked, and they are trying to attack you back. The Holy Ghost will reveal to you whether it is God that is actually your problem or not; because God can also be the source of your problem

In that case, no deliverance minister or pastor, no matter how anointed they are, can help you. God told Jonah “go to Nineveh” but he changed direction to Tarshish. So, God started with him. The storm on the sea was caused by God. There was no prophet who could help Jonah until he repented. When God is the source of your trouble, you need to repent and you need to have faith.

  1. The Holy Ghost helps you to pray the right prayers. You could pray the wrong prayers from the cradle to the grave. Sometimes, we pray for already available blessings while what we should pray for is to contest against the hindering powers. The fact that God has rained down showers of blessings does not mean that a person would get it. He might be unable to receive it because the enemy has chained his hands. There could be blessings but the hands of the receiver have been chained.

Such a person should stop the prayer on rains of blessings and command his hands to be unchained. He could also be praying for rains of blessings but his pockets may be leaking. So he should pray the right prayers. That is why this prayer point ‘O God arise, let me be in the right place at the right time’ is one of the most powerful prayers you can ever pray; because many people suffer from satanic diversion. Imagine the angel of the Lord is waiting for you in Lagos because that is the forwarding address he has been given.

But you thought things are too hard, and then you ran to Ghana, while the angel is waiting in vain for you to appear in Lagos. And you are in Ghana praying where you are: “O God, bless me!” That is the wrong prayer. The right prayer is “O God arise, let me be in the right place at the right time; O God, let me relocate to where my angels are waiting for me”. This is a very serious matter.

  1. When the Holy Ghost confronts a problem, He tells you which level the answers to your prayers are; whether the prayers are denied, or delayed, or you should pray it differently, or He is asking you to wait a little.
  2. When the Holy Ghost confronts a problem, He confronts it as a God miracle agent. He will now discern, defeat, drive out and destroy the problem.

There is somebody here tonight: as we are going to start the prayers that make the Holy Ghost to confront the problems, and as you pray the prayers, regardless of how you have come here today, you will not go home the same, in the name of Jesus!


  1. Powers building a siege around my destiny, lose your power, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Battles assigned to scatter my happiness, Holy Ghost, scatter them, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Any power assigned to cover my glory, Holy Ghost, crush them to powder, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Voice of the wicked, over my destiny, shut up, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Holy Ghost, flush out every poison from my blood, in the name of Jesus.
  6. The curse of Goliath over my life, you shall not stand, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Powers gathering strange fire against me, be consumed by your fire, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Powers assigned to attack me with sickness, carry your load, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Spider of backwardness in my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Powers assigned to make me assist my battle, die in the name of Jesus


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