WHO IS THE “GOD OF COMFORT?” – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 29 April 2020

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“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Matthew 11:28-29

April 29, 2020

Rest, security, comfort – doesn’t that sound nice? When life is hard, unfair, or just plain cruel, don’t we all desire to run away somewhere safe? It’s a longing to escape all the pressures and just be comforted – even if only for a moment. It reminds me of being a child. There was something about running into the arms of a parent that made life seem safe, secure – like everything was going to be ok.

Now I know not everyone had parents they could count on when life got hard, but Jesus’ invitation is to come and lay our burdens, our exhaustion, and our striving at His feet. Jesus invites all of us, no matter our background or baggage, to find comfort and security in Him.

The Prophet Isaiah paints a beautiful picture of the God who comforts us during hard times: the image is of a mother caring for her child (Isaiah 66: 12-13). A baby finds comfort, security, safety – even strength in the arms of his mother. Now, guys, I realize this might be more challenging to relate to because we can be a little awkward around a newborn! Think about what happens when a baby starts to cry. We immediately hand him back to Mom; she knows what to do – right?

In all seriousness – God’s word is showing us a level of personal care and attention that is exactly what our hearts crave during a challenging time. In the same way that a mother knows just how to comfort her child in a very unique, personal way, so God wants to provide for us during seasons of insecurity, fear, and pain.

Do you know this God of comfort that Isaiah and Matthew describe? He’s ready and waiting to offer true peace, security, and comfort if you’ll only look to Him. Because no matter what you’re facing, you’re not alone. God is bigger. Allow the God of comfort to comfort you.

Adapted from a sermon by Senior Pastor, George Wright
Shandon Baptist Church, SC

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