Wisdom Keys For Preservation by Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVES: Understanding the wisdom keys for preservation

Scriptures make it abundantly clear that the way of wisdom is the way of life; to be wise is to live (Prov. 13:14, 15:24)

The way of foolishness is the way of death (Prov. 9:6; Eccl. 7:17)


  1. Maintain your place in God’s Presence (Ps. 91:1, 23:4)
    1a. Safety outside of God’s Presence is never guaranteed
    1b. Danger and Divine Presence are mutually exclusive
  2. Avoid living in guilt (Isa. 33:15-16; Prov. 8:1)
    2a. Guilt weakens faith and faith shields life (Eph. 6:16)
    2b. The guilt of sin forbids the Presence of God and the Presence of God is a preservative of life (Isa. 59:2)
  3. Maintain the shield of the Word (Ps. 91:4; John 1:5)
    Ensure that there is a revelation you are holding unto from the Word of God that is a shield for your life
    3a. The Word of God shields life directly and the Word of God also builds faith which is a shield of life
    3b. The Word of God is Light that dissipates the forces and agenda of darkness
  4. Give no room to fear (Job 3:25; 1John 4:18)
    4a. Fear attracts the enemy and his activities
    4b. Fear is the foundation for torment; to be afraid today is to be tormented tomorrow
  5. Ensure that you are surrounded by the company of the brethren (Acts 4:23, 14:20)
    5a. Your surrounding affects your survival
    Who surrounds you determines what you can survive
    5b. Isolation is the foundation for destruction
  6. Avoid the wrong association (Prov. 13:20; 2Sam. 15:11)
    Beware who you follow because you don’t know what is following them
    6a. The wrong association can never lead to the right destination
    6b. The wrong association is doorway to destruction of life and destiny
  7. Never take your peace for granted (Ps. 85:8; Phil. 4:6-7)
    Ensure that peace is the major determinant in any decision you want to take
    7a. Peace is the vehicle of Divine direction and Divine direction aborts enemy orchestration
    7b. The absence of peace is signal for impending crisis
    Don’t force yourself to be at peace with what you are not at peace about
  8. Never exist above Godly counsel or admonition (Prov. 11:14, 24:6)
    8a. The way of admonition is the way of preservation
    8b. The avoidance of counsel is the acceptance of crisis
    Counsel is important especially from people who love you and have your interest at heart
  9. Live in love (1John 3:14-15; Songs. 8:6)
    9a. Life travels in love; the walk of love is the walk of life
    9b. The absence of love is the presence of death
  10. Guard your words (Prov. 18:21; Matt. 12:37; Eccl. 5:6)
    Most of the things you see around your life are satanic suggestions, he just wants to see your reactions and hear what you say; when you accept it, it is accepted, when you reject it is ejected
    10a. Words transmit life or death depending on what is being said
    10b. Words empower the right or wrong spirits depending on what was spoken


Father, thank You for Your Word to me today. I receive the grace to employ these words and live in the reality of these Words; to maintain my place and live in Your Presence, to live in uprightness, for vibrancy of revelation in Your Word, to overcome fear all the time avoid the wrong association, maintain my peace, to maintain connection with the brethren, never to avoid the company of brethren and guard my words. I receive that grace Lord in Jesus’ Name.


I prophesy this is your Communion of escape and your Passover communion; affliction, premature death and enemy attack shall pass over you in Jesus’ Name


This Anointing is a seal upon your life in this month of October. By reason of this anointing, every arrow looking for you returns back to sender. You are preserved in Jesus’ Name


  • The pit dug to take you before your time is closed forever
  • Every satanic schedule scheduled for you for October, that schedule is cancelled and the proposal nullified in Jesus’ Name
  • The season of harm, the season of pain and affliction is over forever
  • Everything packaged to take you before your time is flushed out in Jesus’ Name

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