You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing! By Bishop David Oyedepo

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Topic: You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing!

Welcome to another exciting week! I hope you were blessed by last week teaching. This week, we shall focus on: You Are Blessed to Be A Blessing!

Today, the world is facing the worst economic crisis in history and according to Scriptures, this is only the beginning. However, we must understand that despite the current economic crisis in the world, it is possible to still live a financially stress-free life. This is because God has ordained that His covenant people be exempted and distinguished with wealth in this world of financial gloom. The good news is that you are one of such persons ordained to be envied not to be pitied. You are a king ordained to reign on the earth. You are not a slave or a beggar on the street; you are a source of blessing to multitudes. So, stop carrying the mentality of being a burden, stop thinking about who will help you but focus on God, the custodian of wealth. That is why I know that every everlasting financial mountain that may be staring at you, must come to an end today!

First, let us begin with the understanding that we are blessed to be a blessing to our world. As it is written, Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate (1 Timothy 6:17-18). What that means is that we are blessed primarily to be a channel of blessings to our world and for the promotion of God’s Kingdom.

Also Read: Enjoying Kingdom Wealth By David Ibiyeomie

The subject of wealth in the Kingdom is not an attainment, endowment or entitlement. Wealth in the Kingdom is essentially an entrustment. God’s blessing is only accessible to the people He can trust. No wonder Jesus said, If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches (Luke 16:11; see also Matthew 25:40). This means that Kingdom wealth is entrusted to us as stewards so that it can be applied to advance His agenda on the earth. Therefore, we are enriched to enrich others and we are blessed to be a blessing. But, when we are not interested in being a blessing, we have placed a limit on how much blessing can be entrusted in our hands. For instance, in contemporary times, John D. Rockefeller, the first American billionaire and a blessing to humanity, was struck with cancer. When the doctor said he would not see his 52nd birthday, he gave 50% of his fortune to bless humanity. Do you know what God did? He added over forty more years to him and he lived to be 93 years old. In another instance, we saw from scripture how the rich fool did not understand the purpose of his wealth so his life was terminated before he could enjoy his riches (Luke 12:16-20). In Luke 12:21, the scripture warns, So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. The rich fool cut his own life short, but thank God John D. Rockefeller was a wise rich man and he gave his way into longevity.

Unfortunately, like the rich fool, many are running after financial fortune on the earth today, while others are scheming to acquire wealth. Also, we understand from Scriptures that running after wealth makes a fool of such individuals (Proverbs 23:4-5).

Reasons God Blesses His People

1. To Establish His Covenant: God is not a seed consumer but a seed multiplier. This is because His covenant is to multiply the seed sown (Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Corinthians 9:9-10).

2. To Promote His Kingdom: The primary reason God wants us to prosper is for the gospel of Christ; He wants the gospel spread everywhere. Thus, putting God and the interest of the Kingdom first in our financial stewardship is what gets us into the realm of financial fortune (Matthew 6:33; Zechariah 1:17).

3. To Bless Humanity Through You: God wants to bless humanity through us. He wants us to cloth the naked, feed the hungry and provide shelter to the homeless. God wants us to be a blessing to our world that is why He wants us blessed (Genesis 12:3, 22:17-18).

In summary, God will never bless any man beyond his commitment to be a blessing because it can wreck him. Therefore, the more committed we are to being a blessing, the more blessings God entrust into our hands. Let us recognise that it is not how much we give that matters but how well our heart is with God. Without a heart for the needy, we are not candidates of His blessings. The moment God sees that our hearts are after Him and the interests of His Kingdom, there will be no end to the flow of His blessings into our lives (Proverbs 11:24).

However, you cannot benefit from this teaching unless you are truly saved. Are you born again? If you are not, this is an opportunity to do so. Simply say the following prayer: Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. Today, I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me! Now, I know I am born again!

For further reading, get my books: Understanding Financial Prosperity, Breaking Financial Hardship, Covenant Wealth and The Hidden Covenant of Blessing. I invite you to fellowship with us at the Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, the covenant home of Winners. We have three services on Sundays, holding at 6:00 a.m., 7:50 a.m., and 9:40 a.m. respectively.

However, due to the restrictions, you can join our live services via Facebook: David Oyedepo Ministries International, Twitter: @Davidoyedepomin, Instagram: davidoyedepomin, YouTube: Domi Stream, Hebron 95.9 FM, Winners World App, Impact Africa TV (on Startimes and NigComSat), Domi Radio and via the Church Satellite.

I know this teaching has blessed you. Write and share your testimony with me through: Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, P.M.B. 21688, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, call 01-4548070, 01-4548280, or E-mail:

Bishop David O. Oyedepo is a Nigerian Christian author, architect, preacher, and the founder and presiding bishop of the mega church, Living Faith Church Worldwide, also known as Winners’ Chapel.

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