Bible Story – Topic:  KNOWING THE TRUTH

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Dearly beloved, Knowing the truth comes with greater benefits and put one upon a higher ground, and in this chapter, we shall be looking at what it pays for knowing the truth. The truth as you know in this book and reality is in Person and in Word, but not many have knowledge of Him as in Person and in Word. To know is to have knowledge of, and knowledge are facts about a person or anything. The emphasis of Jesus Christ the truth in his doctrines was centered on two things, namely, know and believe (See John 10:38). Jesus Christ lamented always about the ignorance or lack of knowledge of the Jews about God and His Word, inspite of the Jews claim or protest that they know God. It was the reason why Jesus Christ and the Jews always strived throughout His days. Jesus Christ told them, if you people know God, you should have known His Word (Son) also, but they know Him not, even by His fruits they still did not know Him.


Jesus Christ emphasis on the word know and believe, owes much to the deliverance of every man from the power of darkness. Because knowledge brings deliverance even as Proverbs 11:9, declared, “…But through knowledge shall the just be delivered.” The gospel is preach and taught to enlighten people and make them know the truth that has power to make them free. No man is delivered without knowledge, and behind any deliverance there is knowledge. Believing what you don’t know can bring you death and destruction except God’s mercy and grace intervene. God has never hide Himself from not being known. Jesus Christ is God who came in the form of man (See John 1:14), to reveal Himself to us that we might know Him and believe in Him. He made Himself known to mankind in words and in deeds and this help many to believed in Him. Jesus Christ testified, “Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.”—John 4:48.

Dearly beloved, the truth makes people free both physically and spiritually, and through signs and wonders many believed in Him (Jesus Christ). Nobody came to Him with problem and go back the same way, because knowing Him is deliverance, and this is why He said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”—John 8:32. Knowing the truth (Jesus Christ) is more than being a Christian or church goer or just only believing He is the Son of God. Jesus Christ can be known in our body, spirit, and soul, through sanctification, prayers, studying the Bible, fellowshipping, and meditation of His Word. Many Christians only know Him as doctrinal position or figure and that is all, but knowing the truth is far beyond the worldly view and conception of the truth.

No man knows Jesus Christ the truth that still swim, wallow, and linger in sins, because those who know Him knows that their old man has being crucified with Him, and that the body of sin has been destroyed, so they can no longer serve sins (See Romans 6:6). You can’t claim you know the truth Jesus Christ, and you are not doing the will of God which is our sanctification and that we abstain from fornication of any magnitude (See 1 Thessalonians 4:3). Knowing the truth is not a thing we can proclaim only in words but also in deeds, in style, characters and in conducts similar to that of the truth Jesus Christ, so then, we can boldly say, we are Christians (Christ like). Not calling ourselves Christians while living in sinfulness, erring and whoring in our bodies, spirits, and souls. And the truth required that those who know Him should followed Him through sanctification. See the scripture verses below. “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”—Luke 9:23. “And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”—Luke 14:27.
“And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”—Matthew 10:38.

Dearly beloved, Jesus Christ required also that those who know Him, should fellowship and meditate with Him and of Him (See John 15:1-15), and this if we do and obey is a proof that we know Him and also love Him (See John 10:27; 14:15). The truth knows many doesn’t know Him, and being religious or a religion leader is not even a proof that you know Him. Knowing the truth is also being obedient to His Word, not distorting or rebelling against His Word as the manner of some is. You don’t know the truth if His word can’t find a place to dwell in your heart or is revealed in your words and deeds. Knowing the truth should be the priority of all those who called themselves Christians in words but not in deeds. God cried, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”—Hosea 4:6. This is something that strike God in His heart, and many Christians are no exception of the rebellious Jews who were God’s people. They have the laws of God as the Bible is at our disposal today, yet many people don’t know the truth, this is a shame!

Many Pastors’ don’t emphasized on knowing the truth as they emphasized on the paying of tithes and offerings which is for their personal interests and for which cause many people are turning into Pastors’ not because God has called them, but because it is now a professional work for people to earning their living. Jesus Christ emphasized so much on knowing and believing more than anything else in His doctrines of the truth. Because He knew the virulent consequences of not knowing and believing the truth. Knowing the truth is the paramount important thing for all mankind because it has a greater role in determining our eternal destinies which many don’t care about because of their ignorance of it. Believing what you don’t know is darkness, it is confusion and can lead to eternal destruction. Without the truth (Jesus Christ) there wouldn’t have been any church, but people know church but they don’t know the truth.

It is a shame that many Christians are still in darkness about what is of God and not of God and they may not enter heaven because they know not the truth neither believe Him. Knowing the truth is having eternal life and the benefits are earthly and eternal. Though it has an all round benefits but we shall look at four benefits of knowing the truth and these four benefits should serve you as reasons why you should know the truth.

It is written in Romans 1:18, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.” Be it clear unto you, as the pillar of truth (Jesus Christ), we must not support any unclean, ungodly, worldly and carnal things. We should live God’s Word practically, spiritually and physically, our light must shine for the world to see (See Matthew 5:16), not of hypocrisy but of the truth and reality. Repent from your secret sins and give your life to Jesus Christ TO RECEIVE FROM Him eternal life. Share with your friends. Shalom!

Moral lesson

  1. Knowledge of the word of God brings deliverance from every stronghold
  2. Knowledge of the truth gives us freedom from sins
  3. Knowing the truth should be the priority of every believer, as it makes us know our place in the kingdom
  4. Knowing the truth is paramount because it has a greater role in determining our destiny
  5. We should learn to practice God’s word because that is how our light will shine for the world to see


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