Facilitators Of Insight In The Word Of God By Pastor Paul Enenche

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MESSAGE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the factors that work together with the Word to generate insight

The destiny of everything is a product of the synergy of different parts
If we must see the best out of the Word, it must work in concert with a number of factors


  1. The art of meditation (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 119:97-99; Ps. 49:3)
    i. It is thinking the Word
    ii. It is asking questions and expecting answers on the Word
    iii. It is comparing Scripture with Scripture
    1a. Meditation breaks down the Scripture into absorbable bits and pieces
    1b. Meditation releases the Voice within the verse (Ps. 62:11)
    1c. Meditation opens the door of understanding (Ps. 49:3)
    1d. Meditation activates the Voice of the Spirit (Acts 10:19)
  2. The attitude of joy and praise (Isa. 12:3; Eph. 5:26; Isa. 61:3; 1Sam. 16:23; 2Kings 3:15; Isa. 30:29-30; 1Pet. 1:8; Rom. 14:17)
    2a. The attitude of joy and praise destroys the spirit of depression which closes the channels of inspiration (Isa. 61:3; 1Sam. 16:23)
    2b. The attitude of joy and praise releases the Voice of God (2Kings 3:15; Isa. 30:29-30)
    2c. The action of joy and praise is an action of faith expectation for revelation (1Pet. 1:8)
    2d. The climate of joy and praise is the climate of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17; Acts 13:2)
  3. The help of the Holy Spirit (2Tim. 3:15-17; 2Pet. 1:21; John 14:26; 16:12-14; John 17:17; 1Cor. 2:9-10, 13)
    The Holy Ghost is our Comforter, Counsellor, Guide, Standby, Teacher and Advocate among other things
    3a. The Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and no one understands a Book like the author
    3b. The Holy Spirit’s official title is Teacher and His assignment is to teach
    3c. The Holy Spirit deepens our understanding of Scripture by ushering us into the depth of Truth (John 16:12-13)
    3d. The Holy Spirit interconnects and networks Scripture with Scripture to assist insight (1Cor. 2:9-10,13)
  4. The force of fasting and prayer (Isa. 58:6, 8; Ps. 35:13; Matt. 17:21; 2Cor. 11:27; Ps. 63:1-2)
    4a. Fasting opens the spirit of man to spiritual realities as it humbles the flesh (Ps. 35:13)
    4b. Fasting increases spiritual sensitivity and receptivity (Matt. 17:21)
    4c. Fasting is a covenant season for the breaking forth of light (Isa. 58:6, 8)
    4d. Fasting is a season of intensified desire and interest (Ps. 63:1-2)
    Anywhere desire is confirmed, discoveries follow; anywhere interest is confirmed, insight is established
    A prayerless fast will end as a powerless fast and a wordless fast will end as a hunger strike
  5. Addiction to the House of God (Ps. 73:17; 1Tim. 3:15; Ps. 77:13; Acts 6:4)
    5a. The House of God is the Place of understanding (Ps. 73:17)
    5b. The House of God is the Ground and Pillar of Truth (1Tim. 3:15)
    When you camp around the Church, you camp around safety but when you stray away from the Church, you stray into error
    Whatever keeps you from the House, keeps you in error
    5c. The House of the Lord is the Address of the Way of the Lord (Ps. 77:13)
    5d. The House of God is the Place of the speakings of the Spirit (Acts 13:1-2)
    It doesn’t matter how anointed you are, there are some things that God will not tell you when you are on your own; you need the atmosphere of the Church


  1. When you go to church look for God, don’t look for man
  2. When you go to church stop looking for faults
  3. Pray and be sure that you are established in the right place per time


Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, thank You for helping me deal with the hindrances to insight in the Word, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I receive Your help to perfect the art of meditation on Your Word, I reject depression, help me Lord to have an attitude of joy and praise, help me by Your Spirit to see what I haven’t seen before in Your Word, help me to take advantage of the season of fasting and prayer to see in Your Word what I haven’t seen before, help me Lord to be ruggedly addicted to the Your House, help me to be planted in Your House, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, the grace for addiction to Your House, I receive that grace, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, arrest the plague of the enemy in Nigeria and Africa. We command the spread of COVID-19, thus far you have gone and no further. Affliction shall not rise up a second time, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, Your plan for this year shall not be derailed because of coronavirus, in Jesus’ Name.


  • In this season God will make you see what you have not seen before
  • Anyone experiencing instability in life, by this Word today, stability is established
  • Every sudden affliction, attack, distraction or detraction, today it is arrested!
  • Everyone trusting God for direction, today that direction is released!
  • The plague will never come near you or come near your family
  • Every curse of barrenness or fruitlessness around your life is broken right now!

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