The Secret Place of The Most High By Pastor D. K. Olukoya

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MFM Sunday Service Live streaming with Daddy D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)
Date:Sunday, 28 June 2020
Topic: The Secret Place of The Most High
Ministering: Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)

Anchored Scriptures: Psalm 91:1, Ecclesiastes 5:8, Psalm 25:4, Revelations 10:4, Psalm 27:5, Psalm 31:20, Colossians 3:1, Galatians 2:20, John 12:20-24, Proverbs 18:10


Before we begin to pray, we want to look at a very important topic: ‘The secret place of the Most High’. This our topic is a very very serious matter and it’s a place where most Christians miss it. Look at the popular Psalm 91:1.

Beloved, there is someone known as the Most High. There is someone higher than the highest, taller than the tallest and bigger than the biggest.
Men call themselves all kind of names.

Men call themselves:

  • His majesty,
  • His royal highness
  • His excellency
  • Honorable minister
  • The most right reverend
  • The most senior apostle, e.t.c

Sometimes all these people bearing these names, they end up in shameful places; sometimes including prison for criminal activities.

There is someone who is taller than the tallest, there is someone who is stronger than the strongest. There is someone who is higher than the highest. Ecclesiastes 5:8.

The Almighty is also known as the Eternal God, the Lord God, the Most High God, the mighty God, the Lord mighty in battle.

But this most high also has secrets, Psalm 25:14 tells us. God has secret.
In Revelation 10:4. But then, the Almighty has a secret place, a secret place where He hides His own in the time of trouble. Psalm 27:5, Psalm 31:20
We can dwell in that secret place and it is good to be dwellers in the secret place. We can also be visitors in the secret place.

Many are going around with all kinds of strange powers thinking these powers will protect them. But the problem with dark powers is that the day somebody finds something with a better power, you are in trouble. If you have all kinds of evil covenant, the day they will bring somebody who have a deeper covenant with the devil, you’re in trouble.

The secret place of the Almighty is not a place that is advertised in the newspapers.

  • In that secret place, you can be there and God will look after you and you will not get into troubles that other men get to.
  • In the secret place, you will be secured from both physical and spiritual danger, in the secret place of the most high.
  • In the secret place of the Most High, you will be secured from many things that trouble men. You will definitely in that secret place, receive heavenly exception from danger.

I pray that any power assigned to terminate your life shall terminate themselves in the name of Jesus!

I fire back every arrow of untimely death fashioned against you in the name of Jesus!

In that secret place, you receive angelic security. You see a lot of believers claim Psalm 91 but nothing happens to you, why? Because the promises is conditional.
The whole of psalm 91 is conditional, it is for those dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. It is those people who shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The next question is this:
Where is this secret place?
Is it the Holy of holies we found in the Bible?
Is it the bar beach, the cemeteries, is it the mountains, is it something you acquire by joining some occultic groups?

No, there is someone called the Almighty and He has more power; He has more power than any other powers.
The one to which all things are possible is called the Almighty and this Almighty has a shadow, He covers you in that shadow so no enemy can come near you.
He hides His own in the time of trouble. The Almighty has wings and you can hide under the shadow of His wings.

You now ask a question:

  • How do you get into the secret place of the Most High?
  • How do you dwell in that secret place of the Most High?
  • How do you become somebody who dwells there, not somebody who just visits?
  • How do you become somebody who is a permanent resident in that secret place?

The condition for getting into the shadow is going into the secret place, but how does a man enter into the secret place of the Most High? Because a secret place is hidden, it has to be searched for.
Colossians 3:1, set your affection on things above and not on things on earth.

  1. You enter into that secret place when your life is hidden with Christ in God the first door to that secret place is death to the flesh. When you die to the flesh, it leads you into another realm. You get into the realm of God. You die to our own realm and live in the realm of God. Although your physical body may be here, but you’re not here. Galatians 2:20, the old Paul was dead, and nailed to the cross.

Beloved, Unfortunately; self always intercept the move of God in somebody’s life. Self is like an evil garment, therefore God does not pamper the flesh, God does not pamper self. God does not decorate self. God does not send self to the Bible school because He will get nothing out of it. God does not send self for deliverance because you cannot deliver yourself from your flesh. God’s solution to the self is death. ‘Mr Me and Mr I’ must be dragged to the cross and be crucified. The only thing that can hinder you to move into that secret place is self and once that self dies in your life, you move automatically into the secret place of the Most High.

In John 12:20-24, You may do anything to your corn of wheat but if it does not fall to the ground and die, it will not bring fruit.
Satan decided to sponsor the breaking of the back bone of Jesus by nailing Him to the cross but Jesus was dead to self. So satan had a no anchor to get into Him.

Jesus was not a lover of the praises of men, neither does He seek for popularity or position which most of us seek for these days.
The secret place of the most High is the place you must get into.

  1. The secret place of the most High is also inside a name. In Proverbs 18:10. The secret place is something kept from the view and knowledge of others. It is good for us to know that God has secrets. Psalm 27:5
  • May He set you upon the rock in the name of Jesus!
  • May He be your rock and your shield in the name of Jesus!
  • May He move you from strength to strength and from glory to glory in the name of Jesus!
  • May He shield you and keep you in His secret pavilion where no power can reach your life in the name of Jesus!

How best does the Bible describes God’s hiding place for His children? He calls them ‘the apple of my eyes’. Zachariah 2:8. Under the shadow of God’s wing, you become the apple of God’s eye. When they are in that place, they are the apple of God’s eye.

Also, He builds a edge of fire around them. Zachariah 2:5. He builds a wall of fire around you. Psalm 17:8 prays a very powerful prayer.

I pray that the Almighty will overshadow you with the blood of Jesus!

He will draw a line of the blood of Jesus that the enemy cannot penetrate around you in the name of Jesus!

Believers lives are meant to be hidden in Christ. You get to a place in God where sin, devil, satan and the world can do you no harm.

Let’s look at examples in the word of God of people that the devil cannot harm:

  1. In 2 Kings 6:19-20, we see the enemies looking for Elisha but they could not even recognize him because he was under the shadow of the Almighty God.
  2. In Genesis 5:24, we read about a man called Enoch. God loved him so much and took him away.
  3. In Jobs 1:9-10, God can make a edge that even the enemy cannot penetrate. The devil recognizes that edge around Job and with that edge around Job, he could not touch Job.

I pray that the edge of fire will surround you in the name of Jesus!

  1. In Luke 24:5-9, He wanted to cast Jesus down headlock but Christ could not be hurt. They took up sharp stones to cast at Him but Jesus hid Himself and went out of that temple. John 8:59
  2. In Exodus 12:13, when you’re under the blood of the lamb, you’re under the shadow of the Almighty God. They were protected from death.
  3. Luke 21:18, God said ‘no hair of your head will perish’.

Why do we need to be in the secret place of the most high? Is it just to escape from physical death, no! Not at all.

In Romans 14:8, It is because of what the Bible describes in the following names:

  • Wolves
  • Dogs
  • Serpent
  • Scorpions
  • Fowlers
  • Bear
  • Arrows of the night
  • Destruction by noon day

These things are able to cause spiritual and physical death.

This takes us to that very deep hymn that the only place to run to in the times of trouble, a place to receive the oil of gladness in the times of trouble, a place where friends meet by faith in the times of trouble. A wonderful hymn indeed, the hymn talks about ‘the mercy seat’.
The mercy seat is something to look upon seriously. Of all the stormy winds that blows, there is a place of sure retreat; it is under that mercy seat.

May we understand the mystery of the mercy seat in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree that any power that does not want you in the secret place of the Almighty shall be put to shame in the mighty name of Jesus!

In Exodus 25:20-22

I pray that the mystery of the mercy seat will be clear to us in the name of Jesus!

  • The mercy seat has two cherubim with overshadowing wings.
  • The mercy seat is made of pure gold.
  • The mercy seat is placed upon their mark which contains the pot of Manna, Aaron’s rod, the temple of stones.
  • The mercy seat is the point of contact between God and man.
  • The mercy seat with the two angels signifies: the overshadowing of the spirit. The covering is one of the protection and overshadowing that doesn’t only change man’s nature, but protect him while the change is being made.

The idea is carried forth as follows: in Exodus 33:22.
It is amazing that God had to protect Moses, the radiation of God’s power was too much for Moses eyes so God simply hid him in a rock
The overshadowing always brings protection along. Once God overshadow you, it brings protection along. Psalm 57:1, Isaiah 25:4

May the Lord overshadow you with His presence, May He overshadow you in His power, May the overshadowing presence of the Lord signified by the mercy seat; be upon your life in the name of Jesus!

May you be hidden in the secret place of the most high!

May the Almighty keep you as the apple of His eye and hide you under the shadow of His wings in the name of Jesus!

  • Do you want to stay in the secret place of the most high?
  • Do you want to be living there?

The secret is 1 Corinthians 15:31, the secret is die daily! No magic, no charm, no incantation can affect a dead person. So once you’re dead, you’re in that secret place.
The Lord will take control of your life and bless you mightily in the name of Jesus!


Right there where you are, make up your mind that you will have faith in Jesus alone without dilution.
Make up your mind, that like David; you will be in the secret place where lions have no effect, bears have no effect. All the the exploits that those men of God did in scriptures by faith, they did it under the overshadowing power of the Lord.

I pray that it shall be well with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Prayer Rain:

During Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:

  1. Darkness from the pit, I’m not your candidate, you cannot overshadow me; scatter in the name of Jesus!

After Ministration prayers by Daddy Daddy G.O:

The Bible says ‘and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony’.
You are going to pray like this and pray with fire and thunder:

  1. Arrows assigned to expose me to danger, backfire in the name of Jesus!
  2. Arrows working against my celebration, die in the name of Jesus!
  3. Oh God arise and help me to crucify my flesh in the name of Jesus!
  4. My destiny, hear the word of the Lord: reject spiritual delay in the name of Jesus!
  5. Every evil power assigned to suppress my star, die in the name of Jesus!

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