Topic: God Wants You To Go For It! [Joel Osteen Devotional june 13 2019]

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“…the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.”
(Matthew 11:12, ESV)


It’s time to be aggressive and energetic when it comes to letting go of the past and pressing forward to the abundant life God has in store. You can’t sit around in self-pity and think about what you lost, who hurt you, and how unfair it was. It’s time to develop a warrior mentality and boldly go after your victory! A warrior doesn’t complain about opposition; a warrior loves a good fight. It’s time to proactively pursue the happiness, health, and peace that is promised in God’s Word. God told Joshua to cross over the Jordan and go in and possess the land. Notice that the word “possess” implies action. It means to drive out the previous tenants. It’s time to quit dwelling on past mistakes and failures and determine to never look back! As you set your focus on the Word of God and His promises, you’ll discover victory rising in every area of your life—you’ll discover the champion in you!


“God, I want to live the victorious life you intended for me. I know I am not perfect, but help me to focus on the future, not my past mistakes, and grant me the courage to pursue the happiness, health, and peace that you promised for me. In Jesus’ name – Amen.”

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