MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 13 September 2019 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – The Mystery of Fasting and Prayer

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TOPIC: The Mystery of Fasting and Prayer (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 13 September 2019)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Proverbs 16-18; 2 Corinthians 6


MEMORY VERSE: “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” – Matthew 17:21


Fasting and prayer are great keys believers should use often to unlock and access spiritual power. The flesh is the major obstacle to receiving and retaining the power of God. Fasting and praying helps to mortify the flesh and conquer the carnal human nature. Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights. Elijah and the Lord Jesus Christ also fasted for several days. Apostle Paul, revealing some of the secrets of his spiritual greatness, said, “in fasting often.”

Jesus once told His disciples that they would not be able to confront, conquer and cast out some demons unless they first engage in serious and long fasting and praying.

When you fast and do not set aside time to pray, you won’t get the best results or reward for your fast. Avoid hunger strike. When you fast, you should also set aside time to read and meditate on the word of God. The time of fasting and praying should be seen as a great opportunity to hear from God. Fasting and prayer help to sharpen your reception. When you fast, you discipline your body and become more receptive to God’s Spirit. As you fast, your spirit man is made ready to receive the guidance and direction that God is giving you.

Acts 13 (our Fire Scripture for today) reveals that fasting and praying were parts of the secrets of the exploits the apostles performed in their days. Fasting and praying was a lifestyle for them. On one occasion, these men of God gathered to fast and pray to the Lord. Acts 13:2 says that as they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said to them, “Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” That divine instruction came to them while they were fasting and praying. The apostles continued to fast and pray and with their increased anointing and grace, they laid hands on Barnabas and Saul and released them to go on their missionary journey.

Are there important issues of your life you need to hear from God clearly about? Do you want to know the will of God concerning a matter that is crucial in your life? You can’t afford to leave such matters to guess work or commit them to someone else (especially a person you are not sure of his salvation). I encourage you to set some days aside to fast and pray about the matter. The good Lord will speak to you and give you the right direction to take. As a New Testament believer, it will do you a lot good if you can set a day or two aside to fast and pray every week. Be wise!


Your prayer bullets shall meet target.


1. Father, give me the grace to observe the spiritual discipline of fasting and prayer, in the name of Jesus.

2. Holy Spirit, teach me and help me to profit greatly from fasting and prayer, in the name of Jesus.

3. As I mortify my body and empower my spirit through fasting and prayer, O Lord, help me to be more receptive to Your Spirit, in the name of Jesus.


4. Father, empower me to hear You clearly, in the name of Jesus.

5. Father, let the discipline of fasting and prayer make me a spiritual giant and fruitful Christian, in the name of Jesus.

6. Father, catapult me to the mountain top spiritually, in the name of Jesus.

7. Father, let every stubborn problem in my life, bow and die, in the name of Jesus.

MFM 2019 Seventy Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

Day 40 0f 70 Days



Scripture Reading: Romans 10

Confession: Matthew 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Day 10, Friday (13-09-19)

Reading through the Bible in 70 Days (Day 40 – Eccl 2:5-12:14;SS 1:1-8:14;Isa 1:1-6:12)

Devotional Songs

Praise and Worship

Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving


253 Divine elevation that will cancel shame and reproach, manifest in my life,the name of Jesus.

254 On anything concerning me, O Lord, show me a sign for good, in the name of Jesus.

255 Powers troubling my life, arise and destroy yourselves, in the name of Jesus.

256 Every evil hand placed upon my head, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

257 Any bondage mocking the name of God in my life, break, in Jesus’ name;

258 Favour that l have never had before, arise and locate me, in Jesus’ name.

259 Every joy that I have lost, I possess you, in the name of Jesus.

260 Every covenant waging war against me, be consumed by fire, in Jesus‘ name.

261 Powers determined to make me cry, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.

262 Holy Ghost fire, take away the garment of curses from my body, in the name of Jesus.

263 Any power in my body, preventing my coast from being enlarged, die, in the name of Jesus.

264 Every evil handwriting and ordinance of my father‘s house, you shall not prevail over me, in the name of Jesus.

265 Bondage in my life, hear the word of the Lord, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.

266 Every power, tying down my blessings, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

267 Long term ancient bondage, get out of my body, in the name of Jesus.

268 O God, arise by Your mighty power and fight for me, in the name of Jesus.

269 Thou covenant of working without profit, break, in the name of Jesus

270 Any negative word working against me, be cancelled, in the name of Jesus.

271 Strangers of darkness, dwelling in my habitation, catch fire, in Jesus’ name.

272 Any ungodly power that wants to make itself lord over my life, perish, in the name of Jesus.

273 Every spell fashioned against the works of my hands, die, in Jesus’ name.

274 Any curse tying me down, break, in the name of Jesus.

275 Powers, assigned to bury my star and destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.

276 Strong man, assigned to bury my star and destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

277 Every battle and kingdom, hindering my progress, scatter, in Jesus’ name.

278 Powers making me invisible to my helpers, clear away, in the name of Jesus

279 Power of excreta in my career and business, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

280 My certificates kept in the covens, I collect you back, in the name of Jesus.

70 DAYS PRAYER & FASTING PROGRAMME is published by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide)

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

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