Power Communion Service – 12th June 2019
Anchor Scripture(S): Isaiah 43:19-21 
Message Topic: A New Beginning By The Word 
By: Dr. Paul Enenche

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor Paul Enenche

A New Beginning By The Word by Pastor Paul Enenche


  1. Understanding the God of new beginnings
  2. Understanding the connection between the Word of God and new beginnings


1. God is the God of new beginnings (Isa. 43:19) 
He is the God that cannot run out of new things; He is the God that cannot run out of news.

i. Samson. 
ii. The prodigal son.

2. The new beginning involves God making a way where there was none (Isa. 43:19)

3. The new beginning involves God making rivers to flow in deserts (Isa. 43:19) 
This involves God making supplies to come out of where nothing is expected to come out. 
God can cause water to come out of your dry land, dry life and dry ministry.

4. The new beginning will compel beastly and untameable creatures of the earth to honour your God (Isa. 43:20)

5. The new beginning will cause praise to break forth from God’s people (Isa. 43:21)

New beginnings with God are sparked off by His Word. Anytime fresh Word arrives, new things begin

a. Creation (Gen. 1:1-3) 
b. The valley of dry bones (Ezek. 37:1-2, 7) 
c. Peter at the Lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:4-5) 
d. The wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:5)

Also Read: Breaking Family and Generational Curses (2) By Pastor Paul Enenche


  1. The Word of God is the creative raw material of God (Heb. 11:3)
  2. The Word of God contains Divine energy and power to facilitate Divine workings (Luke 4:32) 
    Energy needed to make things happen is carried in the Word
  3. The Word of God carries Divine energy and power to frustrate resisting forces (Eccl. 8:4) 
    The power of God is inside what God says and what He says no devil can stop!
  4. The Word of God is a spiritual seed that produces harvest after its kind (Mark 4:14; Luke 8:11) 
    If God wants a harvest, He plants Word.


  1. Possess the Word (Rom. 10:8) 
    Anywhere you are trusting God for something to change, look for the Word there and possess it 
    Know the Word of God concerning your expectation like you know your name.
  2. Believe the Word (Rom. 12:1-2) 
    Use the Word to change your mindset.
  3. Declare the Word (2Cor. 4:13) 
    Anything you cannot declare with boldness, you don’t believe completely. 
    Declare with audacity.
    Say it when it has not appeared, say it when there are traces of it, say it when there is an abundance of what you are saying, say it even when the abundance is challenged!


Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You Lord be all the glory, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, thank You for a new beginning in my life, family and career. I shall fulfil my days. The plan and purpose of hell cannot succeed against me, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, according to Your Word, begin something new in the life of this Your child. Begin now by the power of Your Word Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, begin something new in our families and our church, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, begin something new in our nation, something that can be dated to this service, begin it Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, we ask that You remove every covering cast over our Nation Nigeria Lord in Jesus’ Name (Isa. 25:7)


  • In the Name of Jesus, every garment of destruction, disfavour or rejection on my life, today is your end. O you garment, catch FIRE NOW!

Communion of a new beginning


  • You will never be a victim!
  • Every spirit of death looking for you or your family members is arrested and the Almighty God perfect His purpose in your life in Jesus’ Name!
  • Every arrow of destruction, spirit of insanity fired at you is returning back to sender
  • Every unclean spirit in your life is leaving you NOW!
  • Every spirit of impersonation, every familiar spirit diverting your destiny, destroying your life, today is their end in Jesus’ Name
  • Every garment of mourning that the enemy has put on you either in the physical or spiritual is catching FIRE now!
  • Any means of transportation you use, if they will crash you will never enter and if you have entered, they will never crash
  • Every chain on your hands and feet is broken, whatever has tied your hands from getting what is yours or tied your feet from reaching where you are meant to reach is broken today in Jesus’ Name
  • Every shadow or darkness following you and tormenting your life, today is the end of that shadow
  • Every prison that has caged you will vomit you today, every hole where the enemy has kept you will release you today. Every old garment on your life is set on fire and a new garment is put on you today
  • God will use your life to shock the world!
  • All those wicked entities of the earth will look at you and all those new things God is doing in your life and they will honour your God
  • In your family, community and our nation, the beastly, untameable entities making life difficult for you shall soon bow and say indeed there is a God
  • Something that will make you to dance without drumbeat is about to happen!
  • Something that will make this city and this nation to break forth into celebration is about to happen
  • What you lay your hands on shall come to pass
  • Surely there is an end and your expectation shall not be cut short!
  • Under the next 24 hours, your testimony shall appear!
  • Before the end of this month, you shall celebrate and jubilate and accelerate because of the new beginning come your way
  • For every sorrow the devil cause you, you shall have multiple celebrations!
  • What God has said concerning your life, family and destiny, one million devils cannot stop it!
  • What God has said concerning your life for 2019, no devil can stop you!

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