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  • Revise the previous lessons with the children.
  • Ask the questions to ensure the lessons have been well understood.
  • Tell your class to review the previous lessons during the week before the revision day.


BIBLE TEXT: Nehemiah 8:1 -12:49

MEMORY VERSE: Proverb 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority; the people rejoice”

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Give thanks to your political leaders and thank God for Government.

INTRODUCTION: While serving as servant to king Artaxerxes king of Babylon Nehemiah heard that his people in Jerusalem are living in deplorable condition so he took permission from his master to go and rebuild the wall of the city of lerusalem. The king of Babylon did not only permit him, he also gave him money, resource materials and people to help him to rebuild the city of Jerusalem.

A. After building the wall of Jerusalem, The people gathered together in the sheet and asked Ezra the scribe and priest to read the law of Moses to them. 8:1
B. All who could understand stood and listen attentively as Ezra read the law from morning until noon. (They were thankful to God that as a nation they can come back together again. They bowed down and worship God giving the his word and reminding them that he created beautiful world they live in psalm 107:8 says “oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men. Each and every, you should thank God for what he has done for you. These people were thankful to hear God’s word 8:2-5)
C. Ezra praised God and the people worshiped the Lord 8:6
D. The Levites moved among the people helping them understand the meaning of the law 8:7-8
E. The leaders told the people not to weep, because this was a holy day and should be celebrated 8:9 (Why do they cry? They were reminded of their sin as they heard the word of God. How do you feel in your heart when you know you have sinned? lt was because of sin that Jesus that Jesus died on the cross. The Bible says; but he was wounded for our transgressions He was bruised for our iniquities Isaiah 58:5 Because He loves you and me the perfect son of God took the punishment for our sin. He gave his blood when He died so that you and I could be forgiven on the third day Jesus arose from the dead. They were sorrowful for their sins).
F. Ezra encouraged them to go home, eat, give to the needy and rejoice and they obeyed 8:10-12
G. When elders met the second day they learn about the special feast from the Bible and in obedience they celebrated the feast, they prepared and dedicated the will.

CLIMAX: Everyone around knew they were happy because they heard them praising God for making Jerusalem a city of honour. The same God has done special things for us as a nation in Nigeria we have many reason to show gratitude to God as a nation and to appreciate our leader. For example we have some celebration days too like:
a. Independence day October 1st
b. Labour day May 1st
c. Children’s day May 27th
d. Democracy day May 29th

CONCLUSION: You must always give gratitude to God and appreciate the Government of your country.

CHALLENGE: What are the ways you can give gratitude to Government? Honour your leaders, pray for them and obey rules and regulations.

INVITATION: like the Israelites they came together heard the word of God and repented, so also you too need to receive Jesus as your Saviour John 1:12.


BIBLE TEXT: Acts 8:28-40

MEMORY VERSE: Acts I:8a “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you”

LESSON AIM: The Holy Spirit is the gift of God to you to be empowered.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Pray to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

INTRODUCTION: Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is the Spirit of Truth, Helper and Comforter. He is at work in the lives of every child of God as promised by Jesus John 14:16-17.
The Holy Spirit is God in you, He requires your fellowship and submission. He gives you power for service and also uphold and guide you in your journey of life, therefore you need to be grateful to Him always.

A. Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying “Arise and go towards the south along the road which goes from Jerusalem to Gaza” (This is desert).
B. So he arose and went, and behold an Ethiopian Eunuch who had come to Jerusalem to worship was returning in his chariot and reading Isaiah the Prophet. Verse 27, 28. (The Ethiopian Eunuch wants to know about God’s word but needs help)
Do you also thirst to know about God through His word.
C. Then the spirit said to Philip”Go near and overtake this chariot, so Philip ran to him and heard him reading Prophet Isaiah and said “Do you understand what you are reading? (Philip was filled with the Holy Spirit so he could hear Him speak to him and He obeyed because he is yielded to him. Every child of God must obey the Holy Spirit)
D The Ethiopian Eunuch said to Philip “How can I, unless someone guides me” and he asked Philip to come up and sit with Him (You also need the guidance of your teachers, Pastors and Parents to teach about God, So you can know Him more, love Him more, witness about Him and serve Him and more importantly have a grateful Heart to Him)
E. He was reading the book of Prophet Isaiah that talked about Jesus in Isaiah 53:7, So he asked Philip and said” l ask you of whom does the Prophet say this of himself or some other man?
F. Then Philip”beginning at this scripture preached Jesus to him. (Who is Jesus? Jesus is the perfect son of God, He was sent by God the father into the world to die for you and I so that we can have our sins forgiven. Why did God sent Him? He was sent so that you can have your sins forgiven, Romans 3:23. God loves you and cares about you, John 3:16 and Jesus came died on the cross and rose again. Hebrew 9:13. For you to have your sins forgiven you must admit your sin, believe Jesus died for you and then accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. John 1:12.)
G. Now as they went down they saw a river and the Eunuch asked to be baptized.

CLIMAX: Now as they came out of the river, the spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the Eunuch saw him no more; he went his way rejoicing.

CONCLUSION: Philip was filled with the Holy Spirit and he was able to carry out God’s assignment as being directed by Him. You too can be filled by the Holy Spirit.

CHALLENGE: Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit.

INVITATION: You need Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, so that you too can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 16:31.



MEMORY VERSE: 1 Peter 5:5b, “And be clothed with humility: for God resist the proud, and giveth grace to the humble”.

LESSON AIM: God wants you to be humble


INTRODUCTION: What is Humility? The quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance. It is freedom from pride and arrogance. Proverbs 22:4 says “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honour and life”. Colossians 3:12. Put on therefore, as the
elect of God, holy and beloved, bowel of mercies, meekness, long-suffering. Is the humble that can really appreciate act of goodness and kindness done for him or her, so be humble and thankful.

Also Read: Open Heaven 18 November  2023 – BY THEIR FRUITS 

A. God communicated His plan to Moses through a flaming bush. Verse 1-6
(Moses removed his shoes showing reverence for the all-powerful God who created all things. This same God, made you, He knows all about you including your sins Psalm 51:5. He loves you but hate your sins. John 3:16 He gave His son Jesus Christ to die for your sins, so that you can be forgiven. Jesus gave His blood for you to save you from your sins and be reconciled to God. Hebrew 9:13)
B. God told Moses He had come to rescue His people and that Moses would lead them out of Egypt. 3:7-10 (When God spoke to Moses he was 80 years old, God told him he would be the deliverer of Israel and His ambassador. At age 40, Moses had proudly thought himself a deliverer, He needed to see his own weakness before God could use him.)
C. Moses felt unable to do the job God had given him. Verse 3:11(He felt as if he just didn’t have what it would take on the inside to do such an important job may be you have felt that you are unable to do things for God too, in your heart you have said. I can’t tell others about God; l can’t sing or i am not strong enough to say no to sin or I’m not brave enough to tell my friends not to do wrong things, we are not strong enough, smart enough, good or brave enough to do these things for God by ourselves. But God does not want you to do anything without His help. He wants you to trust Him. Trust God to give you power to do what He asks you to do, all you need is to humble yourself and tell him about your weakness.)
D. God promised He would go with Moses. 3:12
E. Moses worried about how to convinced the people God had sent him. 3:13
F God assured Moses of His character as the eternal, ever present one.
G. God told Moses what to say to the elders regarding who God is and how He would lead the people out. 3: 18-22.
H. Moses doubted the people would believe him, God gave Mose three miracles to perform to show that he was God’s ambassador 4:1,9. Moses humbly told God about his slowness of speech would keep him from convincing the people. 4:10. (He was humble even to tell God all about his weaknesses and fear. He did not feel competent or confident enough by his own ability. God needs you to humble yourself so that He can help you. 2 Chronicles 7:14)
J. God reminded Moses that He created him that He knew Moses abilities and that He will help him know what to say. 4:11-12.
K. Moses agreed and God choose Aaron his brother to go with him as his spokesman and gave Moses the sign of the rod. 4:13-17

CLIMAX: Moses realized that God would provide the power to carry out the job God had given him to do, and he decided to go.

CONCLUSION: Moses humbly bare out his weaknesses and fear to. God and he receive the help that he needed to do his God given assignment. Are you ready to humble yourself too and tell God your weaknesses and fears so that you can receive help?

CHALLENGE: Go to God and truthfully tell Him areas where you need His help.

INVITATION: Remember the memory verse. God resist the proud but give grace to the humble. Humble yourself by asking for the need of Salvation.Call on the Jesus to save your soul today. John 1:12


BIBLE TEXT: Acts 16:16-40

MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 14:25a, “A true witness delivers souls.”

LESSON AIM: God wants you to be a true witness.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Tell others about Jesus Christ.

INTRODUCTION: Witnessing simply means telling others about Jesus so that they may receive the grace of salvation. Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15 commands you to preach the gospel that is tell others about Jesus. If you are grateful that Jesus saved you from your sin and you re now His child, you will give Him gratitude with your grateful heart by witnessing.

A. Paul and Silas traveled to Philip were they taught. Verse 12, 13, 16.
B. Following them each day, a fortune teller called out that Paul and Silas were servants of God who proclaimed the way of salvation. Verse 16, 17. (She was speaking the truth but controlled by the evil spirit. Her master uses her fortune telling to make money).
C. Grieved, Paul commanded the evil spirit to leave her in Jesus name. Verse 18.
D. With their business ruined, the girl’s owner took Paul and Silas to the town officials and accuse them of teaching against the law. Verse 19-21.
E. The crowd attacked Paul and Silas, the officials ordered them beating and put in prison, placing them in stocks in the inner cell. Verse 22-24. (Paul and Silas rejoiced even in their hard times. You too can rejoice in the Lord even in hard times).
F At midnight, the other prisoners heard Paul and Silas singing and praying when an earthquake suddenly shook open all the doors. Verse 25,26.
G. Thinking the prisoners had escaped, the jailer drew his sword to kill himself, but stopped him. Verse 27, 28.
H. The jailer ran to Paul and Silas asking” what must I do to be save? Verse 29, 30. (He must have realized that God is with Paul and Silas and helping them to rejoice even in their hard times, so he wants to believe in their God. So even the lives of Paul and Silas in the prison witnessed for Christ. Can your life witness for Christ even in a hard situation that even other can see and want believe in Christ?)
I. Paul to him, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. you and your household” (Romans 6:23, Jesus Christ is the perfect son of God, whom God sent to die for your sins. John 3:16, He came gave His blood on the cross, died and rose the third day. Hebrew 9:13, when you believed Jesus died for you, you can be saved from your sins, so that someday you can have eternal live and be with God in Heaven. That’s the message Paul and Silas shared with the jailer.)
J. In the jailer’s home. Paul and Silas taught everyone present about Jesus and the jailer washed their wounds. Verse 32.

CLIMAX: God turned Paul and Silas pain to joy and victory as the jailer and his fanily believed in the Lord and are baptized to show their belief. Verse 33b.

CONCLUSION: The rejoicing jailer served Paul and Silas a meal, they were set free from jail and they went to other believers’ house (Lydia) to praise God and encourage other believers. Verse 34-40.

CHALLENGE: Paul and Silas rejoiced as they suffered in prison but still used their lives and words to witness for Christ. If you have believed in Jesus Christ will you use your life and words to witness? Always do this and rejoice in the Lord by thanking Him for what you remember about Him or sing praises to Him.

INVITATION:Will you believe on Jesus. Acts 16:31 .


BIBLE TEXT: Mark 5:1-20

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:46 “I will speak of your testimonies also before kings; And l will not be ashamed”.

LESSON AIM:God desire that you testify

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Always testify of God’s goodness to you.

INTRODUCTION: A testifier is someone who declare the goodness of God, they tell other what God has done or is doing in their lives. Testimony is to honour God and to encourage others about the goodness and the faithfulness of God I Peter 5:12. A testifier is some with a grateful heart, not hiding the goodness of God.

A. Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes.
B. And when he had come out of the boat immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no one could bind him not even with chains Vs 2,3 (The man was sick, but there is also a terrible situation more serious than sickness and that is sin. Sin is anything you do, think or say that displease God. Example; Fighting, lying stealing etc. Sir separates you from God. Roman 3:23).
C. He is often, bound in chains which he tore apart, night and day he always in the mountain and in the tomb crying out and cutting himself with stones. Vs 4,5
D. When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worship him and cried out with a loud voice and said “what have I to do with you, Jesus, son of the most high God? l implore you by God that you do not torment me”. Vs. 7(The mad man recognized Jesus as the son of God).
Who is God? (God is the creator of heaven and earth he is love, He is holy and loves you but hates your sins, He does not want you to be punished for you sin, so he gave his son Jesus Christ to come to the earth and died for your sin John 3:16).

E. Jesus asked the unclean spirit to come out of him and what is his name and he said legion “for we are many, the demons begged Jesus to send them into the swine that they may enter them” vs 7-10.
F. And at once Jesus gave them permission, them the unclean spirits went out and entered the swine and there were about two thousand; and the herd ran violently into the sea and are drowned. Vs 10-15 Jesus has authority to command demons.
Who is Jesus?
(Jesus is the perfect son of God He gave his blood to take away your sin died on the cross and rose the third day.)

G. Those that fed the swine fled into the city to tell the people who came and saw the man that was demon possessed clothed and sitted and they were afraid , and plead that he should depart from their region .vs l6,17 (Do you tell others about the wonder of Jesus?)

CLIMAX: And when Jesus got into the boat, the healed man begged to be with Jesus, but Jesus did not permit him, but said to him ” Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, how he has had compassion on you .vs 18-19 (Jesus wants you to testify about his goodness in your life)

CONCLUSION: And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him, and all marveled. Vs. 20

CHALLENGE: You too should also tell your friends and others what Jesus has done for you.

INVITATION: Receive Jesus as your Saviour now Romans 10:13

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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