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  • Revise the previous lesson with the children.
  • Ask them question to ensure lessons have been well understood.
  • Tell your class to review the previous lessons during the week.

BIBLE TEXT: Acts 5:1-42

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”.

LESSON AIM: Sin is a destroyer

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: You are born in sin.

INTRODUCTION: What is Sin? Sin is anything you think, say or do that displeases God. Romans 3:23 the bible says we are all sinners. Examples of sin are: Lying, Stealing, Fighting, Cheating. Disobeying etc. Romans 6:23 says the wages (punishment) of sin is death that is spiritual separation from God.

A. God made man from the dust of the earth and placed him in a beautiful garden 2:7-8 (God is powerful, He creates world, made you and I and He loves you, He is perfect and holy)
B. God gave the first man, Adam, the task of working in the garden and taking care of it 2:15
C. God told Adam that he could eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil 2:16,17
D. God knew man’s need to be with others of his kind, so He formed a woman using Adam’s rib 2:18-24
E. One day as the woman (named Eve) walke.l alone in the garden, the serpent questions her concerning God’s Commandment (3:1) Eve explained they could eat from all the tree except one 3:2-3
F. Satan tempted Eve, assuring her that she and Adam would not die but would be like God Knowing good and evil 3:4-5
G. Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit, also giving it to Adam 3:6-7. (This is how sin entered the world, since then, every person who has been born has a sinful nature. A nature that does not want to please God).

Do You Know What Sin Is?
It is the wrong things we do. (Let the children give examples.) through Adam sin entered the world and death separates man from God, this spread to all men, because all sinned Romans 5:12 you and I sin because we were born in sin with a “want to do wrong things our own way. Sin is very serious! It cause a great unhappiness; it ruined God’s perfect plan for man. How sad that Adam and Eve disobeyed God and caused sin to enter the world.
H. Having their eyes opened, Adam and Eve knew they were naked and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves 3:7
I. God came into the garden seeking Adam and Eve, but they hid. 3:8-9
J. Adam and Eve were afraid: they knew they had disobeyed God 3:10 (sin brings lear)
K. As God questioned them about their sin, he would one day send one who would put away sin and have victory over Satan 3:14-15. (The seed of the woman represent the Lord Jesus Christ, He alone has final victory over Satan Isaiah 53:5. God gave His perfect son Jesus Christ to die, so that your sin sin can be forgiven Revelation 1:5b)
L. God made clothes from animal skins to cover Adam and Eve 3:21. (The event represent the sacrifice to cover sin, it symbolizes the death of Jesus Christ on the cross as the final and complete payment for our sin.)

CLIMAX: God punish Adam and Eve for their disobedience and rebellion by sending them out of the garden 3:23 (sin takes you away from God’s presence because cannot behold sin-Separation from God).

CONCLUSION: The serpent, Adam and Eve suffered the consequences of their sin. (A sinner cannot go unpunished. Proverbs 11:21).

BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 1:26-31; 1 Peter 2:9-12

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Peter 2:9a “But you are a chosen generation”.

LESSON AIM: You are a great child of God.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: You are special to God.

INTRODUCTION: You are not just special to God, you are also made in the image for His Purpose. Psalm 127:4-5 Children are the heritage of the Lord. You are God’s own given to your parents as a gift. For care and nurture. You are special!, You are Unique! You are Great!

A. Then God said “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness Vs. 26 (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit made man in His image.)
B. So God created man in His own image in the image of God He created them. Vs.27 (Adam and Eve were created by God and you are descendant, so you are created in God’s image, you are specially made) Then God bless them and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply Fill the earth Have dominion on everything. Vs 27-30 (You are blessed, you are fruitful, you are to multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and dominate over all things.)
C. Then God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good. Vs. 31 (God made you very good, do not let anyone made you unhappy by telling you, you have a big head, nose etc. Psalm 139:4 Says I praise you, for I am fearful and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knows right well.)

CLIMAX: 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a: Chosen generation Royal priesthood An Holy nation A peculiar people

CONCLUSION: Revelation 4:11b For you created all things for your pleasure they were created. (If you have received Jesus as your Saviour you are therefore a child of God).

BIBLE TEXT: Psalms 61:1-5; Judges 6:1-40

MEMORY VERSE: 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind”.

LESSON AIM: Always be in the right mental state.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to be strong and not allow bullies or fear to stop you.

INTRODUCTION: When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don’t be afraid of the dark. For God walk with you and His love is true. He will guide every step you take. Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, through you may be tossed and blown, walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone.

A. Because the children of Israel Has done evil in God’s sight. He allowed the Midianites to oppress them for seven years. V4-6 (the Midianites are the enemies of the Israelites who continually stole).
B. Afraid of their enemies the Israelites hid v.3 (you too many have bullies or situations that gives you fear that is a problem that can affect your mental health-disturbs you emotionally, God wants you to talk to Him at such situation so that He can give you power to strengthen you mentally and to solve the problem for you.)
C. When Israel cried out to the Lord, God sent a prophet to remind them of His faithfulness and their disobedience. 8-10.
D. As fearful Gideon hid from the Midianites threshing wheat in a wine press the Angel of the Lord appeared and said, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valour. Vs. 11-12 (Gideon was frightened, have you ever been afraid to take a bold step for God? Being bold is overcoming fear so that you do or say what is right with strength and courage. God wants you to be bold to tell others about Him and to live courageously.)
E. When Gideon accused God of forsaking Israel, the Angel shocked him with the news that God would use him to deliver them. Vs. 13-15.
F. Though the Angel encouraged Gideon, assuring him of God’s presence and promising victory over midian. Gideon asked for a sign and God confirmed the sign. Vs. 16-23.
G. At last Gideon believed, built an altar an worship God v. 24.
H. That night God told Gideon to tear down his father’s altar of Baal and build an altar to the lord in its place. Vs.24-26 (the same way God wants to pull down the idol of sin in your heart and accept Jesus as your saviour, Jesus died for you so you can be saved, so receive him as your Saviour).
I. Wanting to obey God, but still timid, Gideon secretly tore down the idol of Baal by night and build an altar to the Lord. V.27.
J. The next day the men of the city saw what happened and wanted Gideon to be put to death but the father Joash told them to let Baal stand for himself. (God help Gideon to be bold and stand up for God, not also allowing intimidation or bullying. Isaiah 12:2 V.33-35

CONCLUSION: God deliver Israel from the Midianites oppression using Gideon who became bold and courageous. V. 40

BIBLE TEXT: 1 Corinthians 6:15-20

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 6:15, “Do you not know that your bodies are member of Christ?”


CHILD RELATED TRUTH: God wants His children to be sexually pure.

INTRODUCTION: Remember God made you in own image Genesis 1:26-27 and Leviticus 19:2b You shall be holy; for I the LORD your GOD am HOLY. Sexual impurity is a sin.

What Is Sexual Impurity?
It encompasses abstinence from all sexual perverse, deliberate sensual arousal, impure thought and gratification of desire for intimacy with opposite sex, intimacy outside marriage. Sexual purity is the virtue of decency and being uncontaminated sexually in your thought, action and motives.

A. The Lord made Joseph successful as a slave to potiphar. Vs. 2-3
B. Joseph’s master promoted him to rule his household. Vs. 4
C. Potiphar trusted Joseph with all he had. Vs. 6
D. Potiphar’s wife thought Joseph was good looking and wanted him to love her. Vs. 7
E. Joseph refused to do this great wickedness and sin against God. Vs. 8-9 (Joseph knew God is Holy and hates sin. He hates the wrong things you do, but He loves you. Jesus died on the cross and gave His life’s blood for you, Romans 5:8. He took the punishment for your sins then rose from the dead. You can believe in Him as your Saviour from sin he will give you everlasting life. Joseph knew God is holy, so he choose to have sexual purity, he refused to, sin).
F. Joseph resisted as Potiphar’s wife continued to tempt him (he remained sexually pure).
G. One day as he was working in the house, potiphar’s wife grabbed his coat sleeves and again tempted him to do wrong things with her. V11-12.
H. Joseph slipped out from his coat and ran from the house v.12 (Joseph ran from temptation, he did not want to lose his sexual purity. God gave you made you in his image he made you and give you special body part; your breast, lips, penis, vagina, buttocks. Do not let any one touch your special body parts they are called sex organ private part. Do not let anyone touch it, they are private part that means they belongs to you and no one should touch it. If any one tries to touch it: scream, run away, report. Also do not touch other people’s private part, they belong to them. God want you to keep your private part clean and pure).
I. Potiphar’s wife lashed out against Joseph by lying to the men of the house. V 13-15.
J. Angry potiphar stripped Joseph of his position and threw him into prison for something he had not done. v.20.

CLIMAX: God was with Joseph even in the prison and honored him for saying no to sin.

CONCLUSION: God gave Joseph favour in the sight of the prison keeper. V.21. Joseph given charge of the prison even there God prospered him for doing the right thing. v.22-23

BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 17:8-13; Acts 9:23-31

MEMORY VERSE: Galatians 6:2 “bear ye one another’s burden and so fulfil the law of Christ

LESSON AIM: God wants his child to bear others burden.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Bear others burden.

INTRODUCTION: Empathy is ability to feel what another person is feeling a burden is a duty or responsibility that causes worry, difficulty or hardship. God want his children to be of help with burden by showing empathy. Empathy is putting one In the same situation of someone in need of help. Sympathy is showing pity for someone in need of help without offering help

A. Aaron and Hur shares Moses burden (exodus 17:8-13). Amalekites come and attacked the Israelites a Rephidin. Moses told Joshua to choose some men to fight the Amalekites. Joshua fought the Amalekites while Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill vs 8-10.

B. As long as Moses held up his hands the Israelite were winning, but when his hands are lowered, the Amalekites were winning. As Moses hand became tired, they took a stone and put it under him and sat on it, Aaron and Hur held Moses hands up one on one side. An one on the other side also long as Moses hands were up the Israelite keep winning If Aaron and Hur had not held Moses hands up what do you think could ave happened? (the Amalekite would have defeated Israel, it is beneficial to share burdens).

C. In Acts 9:20-34 Barnabas helped Saul when Saul came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were afraid of him not believing that he was really a disciples after his fierce persecution. Barnabas brought Saul to the Disciples. He told them how Saul was converted on the road of Damascus and he has become a believer. The Disciples were convinced and calm. They accepted Saul as one of them this is because Barnabas to share and bear Saul’s burden

D. You can share one another burden (Empathy) You start by paying close attention to people around you so as to notice what he/she is passing through. When someone needs empathy or carrying a burden, He may be sad, get angry easily, cry unnecessarily, staying too guide, aggressive etc. Encourage by reminding him/her of God’s love, Psalm 145:17-19 God loves you and, God is Love 1 John 4:8. He showed His love by creating us in his image. He also gave His begotten son to die for you so that you can have your sins cleansed. Jesus died for you, gave His blood to take your sins away. He rose again on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) Tell the Burdened person around you that Jesus Love him/her and really cares about him/her.

  • Be a listening ear James 1:19, Do not condemn or jump to CONCLUSION and be judgemental but be emphatic and counsel.
  • Pray for someone that is burdened; Eph 3:20 pray for him and pray with him also check constantly by following up on him.

CLIMAX: When you carry others burdened. By showing empathy it proof. That you are a child of God. John 13:35

CONCLUSION: Bear One anothers burden and so fulfil the law of Christ Galatians 6:2.

Open Heavens 2025 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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