Topic: Abide in Love [Joyce Meyer Devotional 15 July 2020]

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I have loved you, [just] as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love [continue in His love with Me].— John 15:9 (AMPC)

Today God reminded me to always abide (stay) in His love. Being consciously aware of God’s love is one of the most important things we can take time to do. His love strengthens and heals us, makes us secure, and reminds us of our value as His children.

Be careful that when you sin, you don’t lose your awareness of God’s love. It’s so easy to let guilty feelings rob us of that when we feel like we’ve failed. The truth is, God never stops loving us—not for one moment. Actually, when God shows us our sins, it’s because He loves us and wants to bring us closer to Him (see Revelation 3:19).

The devil works tirelessly to steal our awareness of God’s love from us through deception. He knows how powerful God’s love is. He reminds us of our mistakes and tries to convince us that God doesn’t love us or that He’s angry with us, but remember that the enemy is a liar! God loves you, and that is final. Nothing—no mistake, no pain, no struggle, nothing—can separate you from His love (see Romans 8:38-39).

Prayer Starter: Father, teach me to abide in Your love! Thank You for loving me no matter what I do, and for giving me the grace to repent and grow closer to You when I mess up. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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