Topic: AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH – – November 2019

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Dearly beloved, to have come this far in talking about the truth from January till now, I believed you have seen a lot of facts about the truth. It will be alarming in Heaven if you still don’t know the truth coming this far. And I always thank God for His mercies that endureth in our lives, giving us more room to adjust, amend, and make up for past failures, wasted years or time, and misplaced priorities. The truth and all that I have been talking about is just about the title above which I believe I have been speaking about as God gave me the grace to do. The importance of the word “And ye shall know the truth”, holds the key to the eternal destinations of many people as Jesus Christ told me. For those who know the truth and believe in Him, to them eternal bliss of a glorious home awaits them, but to them who know not the truth and do not believe in Him, to them eternal miseries without hope or deliverance awaits them. There is nothing much more important to God concerning us than we should know and believe the truth, because it is the key that can open the door of eternal bliss to those who know the truth. But the ignorance of the truth and unbelief of it holds the key that shut the door of eternal bliss against those who know not the truth. God doesn’t make jest with anything He does because anything He says or does is eternal. The importance of “And ye shall know the truth”, is rooted or found in John 3:16-18. This is the key, it is not in God’s hand, but it is in your hand, it is your decision to make.

It is you that will decide (See Deuteronomy 30:15-19) whether you want eternal life or eternal death and it’s tied to knowing the truth or not knowing the truth. God’s top most priority concerning us is that we know the truth, and it was the emphasis of Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul in their days on earth. From what Jesus Christ showed me, the condemnation of not knowing the truth is indescribable even as the eternal bliss of knowing the truth is also indescribable. That you may know the truth is all that God want for you first above other things of life (See Matthew 6:33). That people may know the truth is the mission objective of Christ showing me secret and deep things of God to tell people , and now we shall look at some key steps in knowing the truth. That you are a Christians doesn’t mean you certainly know the truth, but following these key steps is the gate way those who know the truth followed.

Dearly beloved, before Jesus Christ said, “And ye shall know the truth”, He said this, “If ye continue in my doctrine, then are ye my Disciples indeed.”—John 8:31. Note the word “continue in my doctrine.” Half knowledge is a disaster, but full knowledge is life. Half know is also worse than ignorance. The purpose why the Old Testament is part of the Bible is not because God supported us to continue in the Levitical priesthood abolished works and its laws. But for the purpose of understanding of His agenda for man concerning how salvation came about. Many Christians have read Matthew to Acts, even Matthew to Revelation but they have failed to understand all that concern Jesus Christ. The failure to understand lies in their failure to beginning from Genesis. Some started from there yet stopped half way and couldn’t continue. Half knowledge about a thing is a confusion, and this confusion is found with many when they open a book they have bought, after reading some chapters and find something contrary to their expectations, they will dumped the book and start criticizing which they could have done after reading the whole book to get the picture and message of the book. You can’t know the truth about a book if you stop reading half way. I have seen the truth that Churches do less for people to know the truth, only few who have holy curiosity go extra miles to know the doctrine. And it is also because many churches teach and preach their self-invented or made doctrines rather than that of Christ, and people know their Church doctrines rather than that of Jesus Christ doctrine; and some of the few who know Christ doctrines lacks continuity.

And this is reflecting in the lives of many Christians both in words and deeds, the reformation the words of Jesus Christ brings to a man’s life is hardly seen and found in many Christians lives. If Christ doctrines is wholly what the Churches are teaching many Christians would have knowledge of God and know the truth, but mixtures of man-made doctrines and Christ doctrines makes it difficult for many people to know the truth. For those who can read yet fail to study Christ doctrine, they can never know the truth. All that Christ doctrine consists is obedience to God the Father and His Word and love your neighbour as yourself. The doctrine of Christ is all about love for God and for your neighbour and also godliness. These Jesus Christ called the greatest commandments (See Matthew 22:36-40). Continuity in Christ doctrine is the reason why the word ‘Christian’ came into existence, the Disciples of Jesus Christ demonstrated Christ doctrine in words and deeds. The Antiochians could do nothing but to call them Christ-like, but many who called themselves Christians by going to Church or being a Church-goer are far from Christ-like in words and in deeds. We can only be Christ-like and know the truth if only we start and continue in Christ doctrine. Jesus Christ said continuity in His Word makes us His Disciples indeed, and that was found in Acts 11:26. “Disciples indeed” is a product of continuity in Christ doctrine. The Disciples indeed are followers of Christ in words and deeds, and by their fruits, ye shall know them.

“The more we study the more we discover our ignorance.”—Napoleon Hill. And the more we study Christ doctrine the more we know Him, and the less we become ignorant of Him, and the more we become His Disciples indeed. Studying Christ doctrine is one step to knowing the truth, and another is this.

Dearly beloved, this is another important step to take in knowing the truth. Through studying of Christ doctrine we grow in knowledge of Christ the truth. People hear and believe while others have to see before they believe, but Jesus Christ said to the doubting Thomas, “…blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”—John 19:29. Thomas knew Jesus Christ in the flesh not in the spirit, but still don’t believe in His Word. Jesus Christ laid so much emphasis on “Know and Believe” in all His messages, because he knows it is possible for people to know the truth and yet not believe and abide in Him, even as Satan and his spiritual and physical beasts and dragons know the truth but can’t believe and abide in Him. Knowing and believing the truth distinguish us as Christians in words and in deeds. You can’t know and believe the truth and never bring forth Christ-like fruit in words and deeds. We know to know God is more than a mere confession with mouth, it must be believe in the heart, that is, we must be really convinced and must have fellowship with Him always. To know and believe are interwoven like the soul and spirit, joint and marrow. Knowing can make you believe and believing can make you know. Jesus Christ said, “…that ye may know and believe.”—John 10:38. He said this because the Jews were finding it difficult for them to believe in Him as the Son of God. In spite of the unbelievable things He has done before their eyes and the voice of God that speak openly to Jesus Christ because of their unbelief (See Matthew 17:5), were all done to make them believe He is God’s Son. This is why I hate the slogan, “Seeing is, Believing”, because many saw Jesus Christ works and still they never believe in Him. One thing I know about believing, who will believe will believe whether he or she sees or hears. One of the priorities of Christ was to make them know and believe, and because of that many works of signs and wonders such as the world has never seen before were done by Him, yet many still don’t believe. To know and believe the truth holds the key to your eternal destination.

God don’t want anybody to perish (See 2 Peter 3:9), and this makes Jesus Christ to strive to impact the truth into them in words and in deeds. To know something or a person is the fact collected or gathered from or about something or someone. The facts about Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God is the most common facts to get, yet many still don’t know and believe in Him. It is just like salvation which cost us nothing, but so simple that many overlook it, but so profound that they can’t comprehend it. Many Christians for the years they have spent in the Church still don’t know the truth and believe in Jesus Christ. They may appear as if they know and believe in Him, but by their fruits, Jesus Christ said, “…ye shall know them.” A sinner needs the basic fact to know and believe in Jesus Christ, and it is this fact we all started with in knowing and believing in Jesus Christ. And the fact is the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God who died for our salvation and shed His blood for us even for the forgiveness of our sins. As simple as A, B, C, yet many don’t know Him and they don’t believe in Him. Let me show you some scenarios of know and believe in the Bible. Jesus Christ strove with the Jews so much because they don’t know and believe that He is the Son of the Living God, that he came down from Heaven, and that he is sent from God though being in human nature but has no difference with the Father (See all these in John 5:19, 26; 6:29, 40, 46, 50; 7:28-29; 8:18-19, 56; 10:18, 25, 30). And because of all these He did many miracles to convince them to believe and know Him.

Yet they find it difficult in themselves to know and believe Him. What John the Baptist said of Jesus Christ made Peter and his brother Andrew knows and believe in Jesus Christ. “And looking upon Jesus Christ as he walked, he saith, behold the Lamb of God. And the two Disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.”—John 1:36-37. What Philip told Nathaniel (See John 1:45), draw him near Jesus Christ, but what Jesus Christ told Nathaniel made him know and believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God (See John 1:47-51).

Jesus Christ said, “Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.”—John 4:48. Many saw greater signs and wonders yet they did not believe, and this made void of that slogan, ‘Seeing is, Believing’. I tell you if ten people see a wonder or sign, only two or three may believe. Jesus Christ told the Jews, “But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.”—John 10:38. Unbelief is a palmerworm and cankerworm that hinders people from knowing and believing the truth even though they see signs and wonders they will not believe. You and me never saw Jesus Christ physically, but we believe and know Him and we are blessed for that even as Jesus Christ said in John 20:29, “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” Believe is the key to knowing and abiding in Christ Jesus, this is what Christ so emphasized on in John 3:16-18. Believe is the key to eternal life, not just believing in anything, but in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God, believe He died for your sins, and believe He has washed away your sins by His blood, and also believe there is no difference between Him and His Father beside the name in which He manifested Himself. Believe is what we hold and conviction is what holds us. What we know is what we can believe, know Jesus Christ through His doctrine and prayers, and believe in Him, and you will see greater things. Know and believe is the key to explore the impossible world and the rule to walk with Jesus Christ or God, know and believe in Jesus Christ.


It is written, “Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth”—1 Corinthians 13:6. To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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