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  1. The truth will not free you except you know Him (See John 8:32; 6:51-54):

Dearly beloved, yes, that is the truth you should know. The truth is not longing for recognition but for your own good earthly and eternally. He want you to know Him for your salvation, deliverance, redemption, forgiveness of your sins, acceptance unto God, and for your justification from God’s wrath eternally, and for all these depend on your knowledge of the truth. Knowing the truth is a panacea to the virulent and detrimental earthly and eternal consequences of lack of knowledge or ignorance. Many Christians are children of assumption, presumptions, and suppositions, unbelief, religion dogmas, hypocrisy, and others, because they know not the truth. Many of them are stumbling concerning God’s Word because they don’t know the truth, striving, contentions, logics, positions, titles, and others have blinded the eyes and hearts of many from knowing the truth. The condition is clear, if you don’t know the truth you can never be made free from earthly and eternal destructions. And you can never be free from the enslaving tentacles of ignorance and you will continue to stumble because you have no guiding light and know not the truth. All those who received salvation and deliverance in the days of Christ ministry on earth received them because they believe and know Him as the son of the living God and that He is able to save and delivered and so He really does. Hebrews 11:6, said, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” If you don’t know the truth you can never receive deliverance from the truth in anything.

The Jews strived and stumbled, contend and offend Jesus Christ because of their ignorance of the Word of God which they proclaim they know, but just in word not in deeds, but with their mouths not with their hearts. Jesus Christ tried to make them know but the more ignorant they become because of pride and unbelief, and He told them, “…If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”—John 8:31-31. Even in words and deeds many Jews find it difficult to acknowledged Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God. This is what Jesus Christ wants everybody to acknowledge though not by forcing or killing anybody, but only if you believe because of what He has said and what He has done or what you have heard of Him in words and in deeds. And that is just the truth. That acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God or our savior is what holds the key to our salvation and deliverance or freedom (See Romans 10:9-10). Something powerful always followed the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God. When Nathaniel acknowledged Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the King of Israel, Jesus Christ told him, “…thou shalt see greater things than these.”—John 1:44-51. And when Peter acknowledged the truth that He is the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ declared, “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”—Matthew 16:18. The confession of Jesus Christ as the son of the living God has brought many salvation and deliverance. Knowing Him consist of believing in Him and obedience to His Word, and this Jesus Christ made clear in John 8:31, and when that is done, you are consider as one that know the truth and you are made free by the knowledge of Him both in word and in person of Him. Confessing Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God is what salvation is, because that confession holds the power of deliverance from the power of darkness or from the kingdom of darkness. Only what we know we can call upon in the days of trouble to save us, so if you will be free, saved, and delivered, you must know the truth in word and in person.

  1. The truth doesn’t have many followers (See Matthew 7:13-14; John 6:64-69):

Dearly beloved, just like I said under the truth not a friend of the multitudes the truth is with the few not with multitudes. Multitudes don’t know the truth and if they say they know the truth, it is by their mouths not by their hearts. The truth offends them when they are rebuked of their hypocrisy or darkness. Because of the revealing and slaying power of the truth, the multitudes hate the truth, but only few loved the truth and only few the truth loved, walk and work with them. Multitudes are always against God’s will (See 1Samuel 8:5-8; Numbers 11:1-10; 14:1-11), they lusts too much seeking their own pleasures rather than God’s will. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus Christ showed us the end of the way of the multitudes and also the end of the way of the few. The truth (Jesus Christ) has few followers, but the liar (Satan) has many followers. Don’t ever assume that walking in the broad way is the truth, and if you do so, you are deceiving yourself to destruction. Multitudes hates to hear the truth, they can’t stand it but flee from it. This was revealed in John 6:64-69. Having heard what Jesus Christ said in verses 51-58 of John 6, the multitudes couldn’t comprehend the truth, it mystified them and they find it difficult to accept it because they were natural men who cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God. To some of them what Jesus Christ said was foolishness to them, but was the truth that can make them free. The scripture said, “From that time many (multitudes) of his Disciples went (steer clear) back, and walk no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, will ye also go away?”—John 6:66-67.

Jesus Christ lost many followers for speaking, preaching, and teaching the truth. This is why many Pastors’ today compromise speaking the truth because of the fear of losing followers. Multitudes of followers don’t mean anything to Jesus Christ because He did not want them for His own benefits but for their own good. Many Pastors’ want multitudes in their Churches because of money tithes and offerings, for their personal interests they want multitudes. Whether they have repented or not, born again or not, but what Pastors’ want is that they pay the money man-made tithes and offerings which matters most to Pastors’. It is the purpose many Pastors’ want multitudes. And because of that they say and do many things to seduced multitudes to their Churches, they always avoid speaking the truth and they fear offending people by speaking or preaching the truth in order not to offend their followers and lose them. But Jesus Christ doesn’t care about that neither own them apology when they were offended. If you are seeking for God’s will only not your personal interests, you will have no regard for the persons of men neither fear losing them.

  1. The truth offends hypocrites and sinners (See Matthew 15:1-12):

Dearly beloved, it is written, “Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?”—Matthew 15:12. The pride of men is in the tradition of men or their cultures which were invented by men after their own flesh and lusts, even in assumptions, presumptions, and suppositions, for their glory. People pride in their tradition in which they are brought up. Some Christians still treasure their tradition and have high regard for them. But the problems with the traditions of men are these, they distort God’s Word and way, they are contrary to God’s Word because they are works of the flesh or born out of the flesh. The tradition or cultures of men nullify the effectiveness of God’s Word in people’s lives. The tradition of men is made by men to honour men not God, it has respect for the persons of men not God, it glorifies men, bring them praises, and many of them prides in it. Holding unto the tradition of your land or culture after you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour will certainly hinders you from the growth of grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is not the author of the traditions of men and these traditions are the works of ignorance of not knowing the true way which God’s Word has showed us. Men traditions are born in ignorance and they blind the hearts and eyes of people from the truth God would have them know. The traditions of men are worldly not godly, they are carnal not spiritual, they magnify and exalt the flesh, but never rejoice in the spirit. Men are more zealous to obey the tradition of men because they are man-made and support their fleshly lusts, but find difficulty in obeying the Word of God, because it sanctifies and purifies those who obey it from sins and all unrighteousness. Jesus Christ condemned the tradition of the elders of the Jews because of the contradiction it is to the word or commandments of God.

Most provoking thing, was Jesus Christ telling all the Jews before their elders that this is not how it should be, but like this, “And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.”—Matthew 15:10-11. The Pharisees and the elders of the Jews were offended by the truth because it was a blow to their pride and personality. They assumed themselves as doctors of the laws, makers and keepers of the laws of their nation Israel. They pride and glory in this that they are educated, and they carved out a personality for themselves as rulers who are guiding the people by their self-invented laws. And people regard and esteem them as the doctors of the laws. Jesus Christ telling the Jews who are accustomed to the tradition of the elders don’t follow it like that, but follow it like this, at the same time rendered the Pharisees who always appeared to know it all as people who knows nothing. Though that wasn’t Jesus Christ target but that the people know the truth and are delivered from the enslaving tentacles of the traditions of men and that God be glorified was what Jesus Christ cares for and was after. The Pharisees and the elders were offended to the point that the Disciples of Jesus Christ were troubled because their pride and personalities were battered and shattered by the truth. They were offended as many would have been offended today, if someone who never schooled tells a professor of laws that this is not how the laws should be.

The professor certainly will be offended because he has spent enormous time and years studying the laws and then somebody who never schooled told him you are wrong about the laws. They may know it is true but their pride will make it difficult for them to accept the truth. But Jesus Christ doesn’t care nor owe any offended by the truth any apology. Will you say it is a lack of respect from Jesus Christ, as many today may say? But Jesus Christ never ever rebelled against those in authority in any form. He paid tax knowing it is a law and also the tradition of men and that not paying will offend the government. “Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.”—Matthew 17:27. Jesus Christ has respect for people, government, authority, and elders, but not when it comes to speaking, preaching, and teaching the truth. Not when it concern God the Father being glorified, but these many preachers of the word don’t know. The truth offends, it unsettled the uncrucified hearts, revealed and slain their darkness which they are conformed to. That people are offended by the truth or will be offended by the truth should not deter us from not speaking, preaching, and teaching the truth. And we owe no man apology for speaking the truth, provided our messages are not aim at anybody or anything or born out of bitterness and resentment towards anybody or thing.

  1. The truth is hard for people to confess (John 12:42-43):

Dearly beloved, everything I have been talking about in this chapter are happening among us and they are in practical not in theories. The truth because it offend, reveal and slay darkness and those in it, don’t have many followers, respect not the persons of men, cannot be influenced, and others, make it difficult for people to confess him (as a Person) or it (as Word). Many Christians outside the Church cannot boldly declare that they know the Lord Jesus Christ and that they belong to Him. Many Christians can’t do it because they look to the works of the laws for their justification and they have dead works more than good ones and this eat up their confidence to confess the truth publicly. Others can’t confess the truth because of their friendship with the world and the world hate the truth, so it is not pleasant to behold for a friend of the world to confess the truth publicly. Many people know the truth but can’t confess Him or it, because they know the societies, cities, nations hate the truth and all that speak the truth. They fear confessing the truth in order not to lose anything they have gotten from the world who is not a friend of the truth. People hate the truth and those who preach, speak, and teach it. They do everything to avoid them and flee from them wherever they see them. People fear loses and persecutions those who confess the truth always suffer. They know the truth doesn’t support unrighteousness, filthy life and others which are their lifestyles. In other to enjoy worldly funs and pleasures and the good of materialism and pleasures, people don’t have to confess the truth, not just to confess but not confessing it publicly.

This shows many Christians are not proud of the truth, and it is a shame that many Christians especially the youth are ashamed to confess the truth publicly that they know Him. This is not even a problem because they don’t know and beside fear of loses and persecutions, many don’t really know the truth, neither can they confess Him. Jesus Christ said in Luke 9:26, “For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.” The truth is clear and settled. Nobody truly knows the truth is afraid to confess Him or it publicly but rather proud to identify with the truth, when people identified you with the truth, they will be persecuting you to refrain from the truth, and they will try to hinder you in all ways to compromise speaking, preaching, and teaching of the truth. Don’t fear to confess the truth publicly if you know who you believe that He is able to save your body and soul from Hell where all those who are ashamed of the truth will dwell forever. The scripture showed another cretinous reason why people find it difficult to confess the truth. “Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”—John 12:42-43. I believe you can see why people find it difficult to confess the truth and I know you also have reasons why you may not have been confessing the truth publicly, but now I know you can confess Him or it publicly. You need to know the truth and the truth will make you free, and you have seen some reality not fantasy of the truth, you need to know the truth, seek Him and you will find Him. Develop a holy curiosity to know and believe in Him and you will see the difference, liberty, hope, and life, the truth gives to those who know Him. Confess Him now don’t tarry, fear not to declared the truth publicly, on the last day, the truth will not be ashamed of you before His Righteous Father and His holy angels.


It is written, “Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth”—1 Corinthians 13:6. To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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