Topic: Are you willing to be different? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 20 July 2020] -

Topic: Are you willing to be different? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 20 July 2020]

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Are you willing to be different?


“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy…” (Acts 20:24a)


Do you pay a price—some extra time in the morning—to get into the Word of God? Do you pay the price of being ridiculed because you keep your Bible on your desk at the office or bow your head and thank God for His gracious goodness to you when He gives you a meal? Are you willing to be different? Will you finish your course?

When you’re running this race, you’re going to find out that you’re running right against the grain. Don’t get the idea that there’s a broad road and a narrow road, and the narrow road runs alongside the broad road, and over there a bunch of people are going this way, and over here you’re going in the same direction.

No, there’s the broad way, and here you are, right in the middle of it, going the other way. Against the tide. Against the grain.

What we believe

  • starts at a different source
  • follows a different course
  • ends at a different conclusion

…and there is a price to pay.


We don’t like the idea of a “price to pay.” We say, “I’m saved by grace, so I’m just going to float on into Heaven on flowery beds of ease.” No. A disciple is one who follows his Master. There is a price to pay. Get the sin out of your life. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ. Don’t slack up. Finish your course. Go across the finish line with a burst of energy

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