Topic: BE STRONG IN GRACE – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 28 February 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:1 KJV

Today, believers are easily satisfied with just attending church programs or watching online services. There is nothing wrong about that but unfortunately, that is where they stop. That is not acceptable!  You must be thirsty for God in this day and time. Only those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. So, don’t spend your time seeking after things. Seek after God and I can assure you that the more of God you know, the more of His grace that will flow into your life. At that level, your capacity is enlarged and you can do things that others cannot dare. Grace brings you to a level of holy audacity that will shock your world.

David was able to confront Goliath in his days because of what he had developed capacity for. He had come to know God intimately while tending sheep in the wilderness. He had contended with the bear and the lion. Every experience brought him closer to God as he grew in grace. Goliath was just another obstacle to be brought down and as you know, he did it successfully.

Arise from slumber and launch out into the marketplace or wherever it is the Lord has located you. Refuse to merely fold your arms and watch like a spectator while expecting things to fall on your plate like a bag of cherries. You may have been told that you cannot make it in that business or job, but understand that no man has the final say over your life.  You will succeed in that same place where you failed before. The terrain may be tough, but you have what it takes to break through and be on top of your game. God never promised that things would be easy. But He promised that He will be your Helper, your Guide and your Sustainer.

Don’t be static! Don’t settle for crumbs! You are much more than that! Exceed yesterday’s achievement! Go for the best! Only the best is good enough for you!

Further Reading: 1 Samuel 17:32-37

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 17-18; Evening- Mark 6:30-35

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