Topic: Bearing Good Fruit [Joyce Meyer Devotional 28 February 2021]

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When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine.— John 15:8 (AMPC)

Our lives are not given to us for us to waste them—God wants us to bear good fruit with our time on earth. Doing good, being creative, helping others, finishing goals, and other things like this give me an awesome feeling of accomplishment. On the other hand, when I waste a day doing nothing, feeling sorry for myself, being angry or lazy, that doesn’t feel good at all.

I’m not saying that we need to spend all of our time working, but we should be productive on a regular basis. Praying for others as we go about our day is productive. Being friendly and encouraging people is a simple way to bear good fruit. One day when I went to the hospital to visit my mother, a young woman was in her room administering a heart test. She had lovely skin and hair and a beautiful smile, and she was very kind. Instead of just thinking these things, I told her that she was really pretty. The look on her face let me know that she didn’t hear it nearly often enough, and that it made her feel really good about herself.

It’s easy to focus on people’s flaws and totally miss the good things about them, but we don’t have to be that way—we can decide to bear good fruit by making a big deal out of each good thing we notice about people. You and I have the power to make someone else’s day awesome by being God’s voice and letting them hear through us the good things He sees in them. Make today—and every day—a special day by bearing good fruit that honors God and shows His love to people.

Prayer Starter Father, please teach me how to bear good fruit today; show me opportunities to show Your love to people. Thank You for the gift of life, and for helping me seize every moment. In Jesus’ name, amen

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