Topic: “BLOOD” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 8 January 2022

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READ: Leviticus 17:11

…Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you” – John 6:53

Blood is a red, oxygen-containing liquid that carries life by carrying life-giving oxygen everywhere and taking away poisonous carbon dioxide. The blood gives life because it can reach every part of the body. When a person’s blood drains out of him, he dies because his life has drained out of him.

Also Read: Open Heaven 8 January 2022 Saturday Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – The Spirit Of Excellence

Just as human blood carries life to every part of the body, the blood of Jesus carries eternal life everywhere it goes. Just as our human blood by its fluid nature reaches every part of the body, the blood of Jesus Christ can reach every single member of the body of Christ.

The blood gives life because it unites the whole body. It unites the rest of the body with vital organs like the heart and the lungs. Just as our human blood unites the entire body, all members of the body are related to one another and to the head by the blood that flows everywhere. Through the blood of Jesus, everyone can be connected to the head, that is God.

Just as the blood reaches every part of the body, the blood of Jesus is able to reach every part of the world. The blood of Jesus is effective universally. Every tribe and every nation of the world can been reached by this blood. The blood of Jesus will connect the remotest village in the world to the throne of God. The Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world, no matter which part of the world.

The blood of Jesus is therefore the basis for strong relations and bonds that develop in the body of Christ between apparently unrelated people of varied backgrounds.

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