Topic: BRAND-MARKS OF JESUS – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 29 July 2020]

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July 29, 2020

“…for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus.” – GALATIANS 6:17Error loading player:Network error

The “marks” Paul received for his faith and ministry in Christ were dramatic. He received 39 lashes five times from the Jews. He was beaten with rods three times. He was stoned once and shipwrecked on three occasions. He experienced hunger, thirst, and all sorts of hardships. While none of us can match Paul’s physical marks, we will be marked by what rules our lives. What are the marks of a Christian? Mercy – Love – Faith – Patience – Forgiveness – Truthfulness to name a few.

So I ask you: Can others tell by the marks on your life that you follow Christ? Is your character being conformed to His? Are His priorities your priorities? In other words, is there enough of Jesus in your life to give yourself away as belonging to Him? If not, give Him rule of your life so you will be forever marked as His

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