Topic: God Can Put the Pieces Back Together  [Tony Evans Ministry 29 July 2020]

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God Can Put the Pieces Back Together

Nearly 40% of first marriages will end in divorce, according to a survey by the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center. This is because marriage has become less meaningful for many in our culture.

There are lots of reasons for this, from the decline in moral values, to the depiction of marriage and family in entertainment and the media. The biblical view of marriage is under attack as “outdated,” and there’s a growing agenda to “redefine” marriage.  No matter how society defines marriage, nothing will work like the original plan God gave us in His Word.

The courts and society make breakups easier to swallow by calling them “no fault” divorces, yet I now that God put the pieces back together again. He can heal homes and families.

No matter what the problem may be in your marriage or family, never count God out … because He has a plan and purpose for everything.

God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, to enjoy a beautiful relationship while completing their purpose in life.

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