Topic: Change Is a Process [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 June 2020]

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And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.— Hebrews 6:15 (NIV)

Change doesn’t come easily. I’ll never forget about one lady who approached me after I finished teaching many years ago. In exasperation, she put her hands on her hips and said, “I want my money back!” Naturally, I was pretty surprised and I asked, “What do you mean, you want your money back?” She said, “Joyce, I gave to your ministry and I’ve been doing this stuff you say to do for two whole weeks and nothing’s changed!”

In hindsight, it’s pretty comical, but in the moment I was explaining to this woman that’s not the way it works, it was challenging. She left frustrated because she wanted an instant fix, but that’s not what God offers us. Change always takes time. And patience is required to successfully work through the process of getting the result you want. When you were saved, you stepped onto a road that led you to a lifelong journey of change. And our lives are changed through God’s Word (see James 1: 21– 25).

If you want to live in close, intimate fellowship with God, make the decision to be a lifetime follower and learner. Read His Word. Listen to teachings about the Word. There is nothing better than getting the Word of God into your heart . . . it’s the most important part of the process. The Bible says we inherit the promises of God through faith and patience (see Hebrews 6:12), and faith comes by hearing God’s Word (see Romans 10:17). As you spend time in God’s Word and stay patient with yourself, you will see the change you’re longing for!

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to stay in Your Word daily, and to be patient with myself as I’m learning. Thank You for changing me! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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