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Dearly beloved, when Jesus Christ told me the first time, “My son, money is a god in the Churches”, I was wondering within me, saying how? He asked me, “Why are you wondering? Stop wondering how and I will tell you how.” My beloved, all that you have read so far till this point are happening before our eyes, yet we don’t see it and don’t understand it, we don’t even care nor are interested, some may even say, and what is my concern about all these issues of money in churches; it is between them and God. That is well said, but it should concerns you because you are among the victims, because you are paying Emperor Constantine money invented tithe and offering in the church, which Pastors’ are falsely justifying with Malachi 3:8-10, and they have enslaved Christians to paying this man-made tithes, telling lies God made it obligation for us yet they have no biblical evidence to show us where God made money tithe and offerings obligation for us in Old and New Testaments. You don’t know the truth that you are living in bondage spiritually but believing you are free physically, the blood of Jesus Christ has redeemed you (See Galatians 3:13) from the curse of the law included in Malachi 3:8-10, yet your Pastors’ are still falsely telling you that you are robbing God for what God never made an obligation for you, and the curse He never included you, and you believe your Pastors’ lies which has kept many Christians in bondage spiritually, and they don’t have regard for Jesus Christ blood that gave them justification (See Romans 5:9) before God and acceptance to God (See Ephesians 2:13), and you still believe you are free. Spiritually you may be dead, but thinking you are alive physically, you can’t understand it, not until God in His mercy open or enlighten your eyes of understandings you will see nothing and know nothing. While Christ was still weeping, He said, “Money has taken over everything in many of my Churches, but I still have faithful Churches, but they are very few, and I am coming to rapture them.” Believe me, Jesus Christ don’t lie and can never tell us what is not true, what is not seen, and what doesn’t have evidence. He said in John 14:1, “If it were not so, I would have told you.”

The desperation or uncanny appetite of many Churches and their Pastors’ to get money by all means is one of the roots of worldliness, erring and whoring, uncleanness, dead works, and all unrighteousness found in many Churches of Christ all over the world. Having magnified money with Ecclesiastes 10:19; Mark 21:1-4; and Malachi 3:8-10, almost all hearts have turned to money for their help. Many Christians look to money not the blood of Jesus Christ for their forgiveness of sins, justification before God, and acceptance to God. They see money giving in Church as the fear and love of God (the precept of men) with these and others, money simply has become a god in the Church. Since it has been exalted and magnified beyond measures by reasons of too much emphasis about it. Those who now have it certainly are exalted and magnified also like the money by those who emphasized too much on it. Those who have it are highly regarded and respected by Pastors’ in the Church. They are specially and carefully treated and attended to by Pastors’ in the Church. Why? The answer is very simple, they hold the key to the achieving of their lusts and they are platform by which Pastors’ can rake into their pockets and bank accounts silver and gold. Preferential treatment are given to those who have money in the Church and the Church always want to please them because when they are pleased they give fat offering and tithes and donate large sum of money.

Those who have money in the Church are given general attention or recognition, Pastors’ praises them and uses fair speeches to do so, messages are designed to pleased them, and many Pastors’ fear offending them, and because they don’t want to lose them to other Churches nor throw away their chances of getting their lusts for money from these people who have money inside the Church. The Church have made the giving of money the fear and love of God, and those who have money give big, so it will then be the rich fear and love God more than the poor because they give more money. This is total darkness inside the Church which is brought in by money used in everything inside the Church. The Satanist, cultists, and others have more money than many of those born of the Spirit and walking in the Spirit. They are loved, cherished, and preferred by Pastors’ more than other brethren. Because they have means by which the Pastors’ can achieve their lusts for money. For many Pastors’ and Churches it is no longer about God in their hearts but all about money, though it may be about God in their mouth. Whenever these rich people are absent from the Church, visitation teams will be sent to know their well-being, but such is never given to others inside the Churches. Those who have money inside the Church are the pillars of the Church, Pastors’ may deny this truth by their mouths, but by their fruits, ye shall know them, for their fruits always revealed them.

Your importance to the Church doesn’t depend on any spiritual work or commitment or devotion or dedication or works, but your financial status. For whatever gift you may have the Church have regard for those who have money, give fat offerings and tithes than those spiritually minded, humble in heart, pure, sanctified, holy, fear and love God, have knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God and His Word. Jesus Christ said, “My Church is sinking, the leaders are chosen by money not by my counsel, they (Pastors’) are choosing leaders after their lusts not after my will. Their lusts is what they want to fulfill not my will, they are for themselves not for Me and My Father.” And evidence was given to me for the truth the Lord Jesus Christ told me. The local assembly I was attending at that time was given a new Pastor by the mission leaders. As soon as the Pastor settled down, the lists of all those who have money and their children abroad were given to the Pastor by some busybodies and tares sowers members even as the Pastor requested. And it all coincided with the time the mission always tell their branches to bring the lists of those to be ordained as leaders, deacons and deaconess, and other prosaic titles such as kingdom general, majors, kingdom ladies, kingdom business men and women.

The Pastors’ not only the one in my local assembly then but almost all other branches under the denomination listed the rich men and women, those who have large business, working in big companies, those who have children abroad were all listed. It was like a plan work and it was found to be true and the reason was to get them committed financially to the Church, even though they have nothing in them to be a leader but their money made Pastors’ chose them for ordination. I wept because Jesus Christ is weeping, and because He also allowed me to see and bear witness to what He told me about Church electing leaders by money. Naturally, common or ordinary Christians can never see anything wrong in such thing, they will assume it to be God’s will as many are assuming everything done in Churches to be God’s will because of their ignorance. There was no standard by which this Church and others are and were choosing leaders, but leaders were chosen because of their money. A woman who has been divorced for many years rejected being made or called a deaconess, but was forced to accept it by the Pastor because she has a daughter abroad. And the Pastors’ set their eyes and hearts to eat and drink from all these people who have money. Nothing annoyed me like what the Pastor in one of the local branches I once was attending said when I questioned him on why are they choosing uncanny and uncrucified people to be leaders in the Church instead of those with honest reports, filled with the Holy Ghost, and have God’s wisdom as Apostles of Christ used in electing leaders in the Church (See Acts 6:3).

The Pastor said, “Hmmmm, we appointed them may be God can changed them through the titles or position they are given. And we (Pastors’) think they will change from bad attitudes to good ones in order not to bring shame upon themselves because of their positions. And they are chosen because they have what it takes (that is, money) to help the Church.” I wept at the answers, simply because they are spiritually and mentally cretinous, and they are the wisdom of men not of God, because all the answers are assumptions, presumptions, and suppositions. I remembered the Word of Jesus Christ, “My Church is sinking.” And the love of money is the instrument by which Satan is sinking the Church. The standard the Bible showed us (See Acts 6:1-6) in choosing leaders were never used by eighty percent of Churches in this world to choose leaders but by money is the standard by which they are choosing leaders after their own lusts. If God never elected the Levites to be His priest over Israel in the days of Moses and the Levitical Priesthood, they may never have been priests of God by works, money or influence, but the blood of goats and bulls made them priests of God. It was the law that made them priests not work and even money is making many leaders in Church not God. Almost all the uncrucified hearts have money more than the crucified hearts. Nothing baffles me about what many Churches and Pastors’ are doing because of money doesn’t annoy me anymore because Jesus Christ made me know the truth about all these things.

Many Pastors’ don’t care about the spiritual consequences of what they are doing because of money. Electing people who don’t know the truth, neither can they tell others the truth to be leaders over God’s flocks because of their money is a virulent thing. After all they (the Church congregation) will turn to their Pastors’ for counseling what true Church leaders would have done as a simple task if they have the knowledge and wisdom of God. The scripture give us a clue of how the Apostles of Christ choose leaders in their days in Acts 6:3, which should have been the standard by which every Church worldwide choose or appoint leaders. But the Church have rejected such standard because the humble in hearts and spiritual minded ones have the standard but many of them don’t have pools of money like the uncrucified minds. The scripture showed us in Acts 1:15-26, another way by which leaders was and should be chosen. Both of the ways the Apostles elected leaders are godly directed ways, and those who were chosen by these ways were all God’s elect and they never failed God but lead in truth and spirit. Money never rule and reign in the early Church of Christ, until Emperor Constantine who invented the man-made tithes and offerings of money came. Many Pastors’ are on their way to eternal damnation for holding the truth in unrighteousness because of money, electing leaders because of money, using God’s name, word, and works to generate money for themselves. And except they repent, they will have eternal woes and reproaches. Jesus Christ is not happy about their works.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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