Topic: MISCONCEPTION OF TITHES – – 12 June 2021

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I always pray this prayer whenever I want to read the Word of God and after I finish reading it, “Lord, let the knowledge of your Word put me in control of the events of my life.” I pray this prayer due to what Apostle Paul said in Romans 10:1-2, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel (Church) is that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.” Paul was speaking after much observation of how the children of Israel do things, behave and serve God. He could discern the degree of their ignorance in spite of all they have heard and seen of God, but see that they are still ignorant of the necessary things that glorify God and brings Him pleasures. But rather they give much attention, time, and energy to the required (of law), but not of the necessary (of grace) things.

  And from his observation, they are like a runaway horse that has no knowledge of where it is running to, and that is the work of zeal without knowledge. God gave Israel laws but never have they find anybody like Jesus Christ who gave them the true explanation or meaning of the law they think they know and are keeping. You can have a zeal for something but without knowledge to put you in control you can’t do such thing well. Apostle Paul saw their lack of knowledge even as God told them of it in Hosea 4:6. Paul knew if they continue in this manner of zeal without knowledge they may perish and that is why he prayed as his heart desire that Israel (Church) should be saved. 

  Many Christians don’t really have the basic knowledge of what the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ means to us and that is why they are still swimming in man-made doctrines, precepts of men, and traditions of their elders. And yet in their eyes they believe that they are doing the service of God well but they don’t have knowledge to put them in control of how to do the services of God in a way that God will be pleased. To walk with and for God, we need zeal which is required, and knowledge which is necessary, because zeal without knowledge is like a runaway horse that has no knowledge of where it is running to. Misconception of what God do and say or required or demanded us to know and do is a product of our ignorance of the purpose why God demand that we do such things and our personal interests also create a misconception of what God say and do and the purpose of what He say and do.


  My prayers have never been that it should be well with me alone, why the Church and Christ flocks are dying, carried away and outside God’s will. The failure of the Church in many things and ways affects me seriously and this is why I feel uncomfortable with every deleterious comment against the Church of Christ and the slandering of the name of the Holy One of Israel and His Church because of our ignorance of the truth. I keep praying to God whenever I see people zealously carried away to do any services of the Lord but they are totally ignorant and have no knowledge of the things of God. Then I always see what Apostle Paul was talking about in Romans 10:1-2. In their zeal they begin to do it in the wrong way not according to the knowledge of God. And I have found this one thing among many Christians they don’t have holy curiosity of inquiry, because the modern methods of instructions have strangled their holy curiosity of inquiry. And also because of their microwave mentality, they preferred to do the required which are not necessary to God. And I could see why many people that are ignorant of the truth are tossed to and fro by the wind of doctrines. 

  In this chapter, we shall be looking at misconception of tithe, what we think we are tithing are not Biblical or God’s appointed and approved tithe, it is a man-made invented tithe and offerings we are paying. People because of their ignorance and fear of Malachi 3:8-10 are paying tithe and offerings of money as many Pastors’ want them to do and they treasure these man-made invented dogmas more than the knowledge of God. The necessary things of God or things that matters most to God such as written in Hosea 6:6, are least talked about by many Pastors’ what God delighted in such as His knowledge, our love for one another, our giving to the poor and needy are not treasured by us as we treasured the money tithes and offerings. Jesus Christ told me the truth in 2015, when He said, “Money is a god in the church”, and I know many will argue especially Pastors’ saying it is not true. If you can read the book, you will see the truth why money is really a god in the Church.

  My prayer and desire is to see the Churches equipped with the power and knowledge of God’s Word. The Church is given a glorious light by God, yet many Christians are stumbling in darkness because they have no light (Jesus Christ and knowledge of Him) in them. They are easily tossed to and fro by ministers who set up the Churches for their bellies and self-purposes not for God’s glory and divine plan. My prayer is this, that God should open the eyes of understanding of the people about the Biblical truth for them to know the difference between God-made or appointed things and man-made appointed things. The truth and Word of God is a jewel of inestimable value now and forever, but it doesn’t look so to many, but only when it will become a rare thing. Several questions have been asked about this money tithes and offerings, and it has caused contention and division even among Christians, some who have read the Bible knew it is not God’s appointed tithes and offerings the Church is paying but man-made, but many Pastors’ because of their personal interests doesn’t want to admit the truth, and my prayer is that God help many Christians and Pastors’ to know the truth and embrace it

  Many ministers of God don’t even know why God made tithe a law in the Bible and that the children of Israel should pay it to their brethren the Levites. The cause for which it was introduce is no longer in existence, and that means it is no longer valid. I pray that God liberate His people by the truth. Admitting and accepting the truth are two things, God do things for a purpose, and if the purpose why God created the Biblical tithes and offerings as law for Israel is no longer in existence then, it is invalid. Tithe should be a voluntary thing not a must do as many Pastors’ are saying, telling lies it is the gateway to blessings and to heaven, to make the ignorant and the lustful people do it. Before you do and say anything about the written Word of God such as the issue of tithe, study first everything about it in the Bible and know the purpose why God did or say anything and why He commands us to do certain things. My prayer is that God open peoples’ eyes of understanding about the truth that the tithe and offerings the Church is paying is a man-made invented not Biblical or God’s appointed and approved ones.


The Roman Emperor Constantine’s Influence on the Christian Church is not the work of God, but of man. The Church money tithe and offerings we are paying today is not Biblical and not of God but invented by the Roman Emperor called Constantine. Many Christians are deceived by their Pastors’ who are quoting Malachi 3:8-10 to them to falsely justify why they should pay their man-made invented money tithe and offerings. They probable sensed that many Christians don’t read the Bible and some don’t understand what they read from the Bible and apart from these, many Pastors’ desperately need the money more than the truth of God’s Word. They used the word the work of God to have people pay this man-made invented tithe and offerings, they won’t tell people the truth, and voluntary offerings doesn’t exist in Church anymore, because of so much uncanny emphasis on giving of money using God’s works. Take a brief look at what was done by Constantine that influenced the Church, he wasn’t sent or told by God but just the work of his flesh to further his political reign and influence. 

Over the centuries, Christianity has been exposed to the pull and push of societies, governments and individuals. One person who markedly influenced Christianity was the Roman Emperor Constantine. He became the Western Emperor in 312 A.D. and the only Roman Emperor in 324 A.D. Constantine was also the first emperor to accept Christianity. Some scholars question the sincerity of his conversion. In fact, many historians now debate whether “The first Christian Emperor” was really a Christian at all. “Some see him by reason of his deeds and conducts as unprincipled power seeker. What religion he had, many argue, was at best a blend of paganism and Christianity for purely political purposes.” However, only God knows the heart. Now, let’s look at four ways Roman Emperor Constantine influenced the practices of many Christians today.

First, Pastors’ were unsalaried for some three hundred years after Christ’s death on the cross. They were volunteers who largely supported themselves by their work as did Christ and His Apostles; however, they did accept free-will gifts. Emperor Constantine paid the clergy from imperial and municipal treasuries. Salaried clergy cannot be found in the New Testament. Christ was a carpenter (Luke 8:3), and the Apostle Paul was a tentmaker (Acts 1:31.) Peter, James, and John were fishermen, and Matthew was a tax-collector. Emperor Constantine, however, decided to pay clergy (bishops) handsome salaries, making them (Pastors’) “professional” vendors of the gospel of Salvation through Christ. Under him, the clergy had many advantages. In addition to being paid salaries, they were also exempt from serving in the military and from paying taxes. Constantine saw the Christian ministry as a job, not as a “calling” from God. 

Second, Constantine launched a huge building program, constructing magnificent cathedrals in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Constantinople, and other places. In the early fourth century Emperor Constantine decided to build a basilica in ancient Rome. Construction of the basilica started between 319 A.D and 322 A.D. It was finally completed around 349 A.D. The church had a 279 foot-long nave with four aisles and a spacious atrium with a central fountain, enclosed by a colonnade. No doubt, many poor Roman slaves and beggars sat in the shadows of this grand edifice. 

One historian writes: “The middle-classes were increasingly squeezed out of existence and many farmers and laborers were transformed into serfs.” Remember, Christ was born in a humble stable! “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (See 1 Samuel 16:7.)

Third, in order to pay for these extravagancies office buildings and pastoral salaries, Constantine abandoned the practice of free-will giving by Christians after the cross and levied a 10% tax, tithe, on the citizens. This tithing plan he, no doubt, lifted from the Mosaic laws, which were annulled by the death of Christ. Many Churches today require their members to pay a tithe tax rather than continuing the plan of free-will giving taught and demonstrated by Christ’s life, His disciples’ lives, and the theme of love demonstrated in the parable of the Good Samaratine.

Fourth, Constantine wrote the first Sunday law, which was contrary to the teaching of the fourth of the Ten Commandments (See Exodus 20). You will recall that at creation, God sanctified the seventh-day as the weekly Sabbath, which means “rest.” (See Genesis 2:2). Emperor Constantine’s Sunday Law of 321 A.D., reads, “On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” This Sunday law was an obvious injection of pagan sun god worship into Christianity.

Therefore, Constantine began the practice of,

(1) Paying the Christian clergy a salary from the man-made money of tithes and offerings he invented, of 

(2) Building extravagant cathedrals by the man-made money of tithes and offerings he invented, often at the expense of the working poor and slaves, of 

(3) Reinstating the practice of tithe, but not of the farm products (Biblical), but of money tithing tax (man-made) into the church, and of,

(4) Writing and enforcing the first Sunday law, requiring certain people to abstain from labour on their (Roman sun god day) “venerable day of their sun god.” Therefore, a pressing question that we Christians must ask ourselves is, “Has Constantine had more influence on various Christian practices than Christ and His apostles?” If the answer is, yes, do we continue following Constantine, or do we return to our Creator and the teachings of His prophets, His Apostles, and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ?


  Dearly beloved, the word Tithe was not mentioned in the Bible from the days of Adam’s to the days of Noah’s, until it came to the days of Abraham. In Genesis chapter 14, the scripture told us of the war or battles between Kings of the nations of the earth, and during these wars, Sodom and Gomorrah were invaded and led into captivity, of which Abraham’s cousin called Lot who lived in Sodom was also taken captive. And when Abraham heard such, he equipped himself and his servants and went to war against those Kings or nations that took his cousin captive. It was when he was returning from the slaughter of Kings that he met Melchizedek king of Salem (peace) who is the High priest of God, who blessed Abraham on his return from wars and gave Abraham bread and wine. And in thanksgiving, Abraham gave him one-tenth from the spoil of the war not from his personal properties or riches but only from the war spoils.

  This is the root of tithe in the Bible and it is how it came about. Abraham paid it as thanksgiving not by any law or constraint. It was out of his appreciation of what Melchizedek did to him (that is, he blessed him, gave him bread and wine), that made Abraham gave him one tenth, and let us see what the scripture said concerning Abraham and Melchizedek whom he paid the first tithe to that brought about tithing in the Bible. It is written in Hebrews 7:1-12, 

For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

 2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

 3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. 

 4 Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils.

 5 And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham:

 6 But he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.

 7 And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.

 8 And here men that die receive tithes; but there he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth.

 9 And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.

 10 For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek met him.

 11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

 12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

    My beloved, it is important that you know the origin of tithe in the Bible, I know many Pastors’ have misinterpreted and distorted what happened in Genesis 14 about tithe to manipulate people to pay it. Abraham has already being blessed and established by God before paying tithe not as a law but as appreciation and thanksgiving to the High priest of God. You will see Pastors lies when you get to the place. The book of Hebrews 7:1-12, is a point to prove the greater priesthood between that of law and grace. Abraham paid tithe to the High priest of God which is Jesus Christ (See John 8:56). Tithe was an optional thing then, before God instituted it as law to compensate the Levites who were chosen as His priests of the sanctuary and they were given tithe as their inheritance for not having land inheritance among their brethren. God or Melchizedek never forced Abraham to pay tithe as some Pastors’ are forcing their congregations. Abraham was already blessed by God, and Melchizedek blessing was an additional blessing it wasn’t because of tithe as many Pastors’ are lying looking for excuses to convince the ignorant Christians to be paying their man-made money tithe.

  Abraham paid his tithe out of appreciation and thanksgiving to the High priest of God who in all form is Jesus Christ. Tithe was a free will before it was passed into the Levitical priesthood laws. Many Christians are doing the money tithing in tears, pains, and sorrows, even when it is not God’s law but the precept of men as prophet Isaiah said it is what the ministers of God are now using to teach people the fear and love of God (See Isaiah 29:13). Under law, the tithe was a required thing but was not necessary to please God and get justification and acceptance from Him. Under grace, the tithe is not required and not necessary, what is in the Church is just the works of men, even though some ministers of God really need financial help to spread the gospel but not by the precept of men, it should be done voluntarily. Don’t offered to God anything forced out from you, offer God anything you want to Give Him with a joyful heart like Abraham did. Money tithes and offerings began in the 3rd century under Roman Emperor Constantine; God is not the author of tithe and offering in the Church.


  Dearly beloved, the truth is what many Christians do not know, that is why they are being deceived by those trusted or believed to be ministers of God, believing them that they are telling them the truth. Many Christians believe that anybody called Pastors’ that they know the truth about God’s Word but they are ignorant of the truth that many Pastors’ are also ignorant of the truth. Many Christians are not really reading or studying the Bible and they are not questioning what they hear in preaching and searching the scripture like the Bereans (See Acts 17:11) to see if those things they have heard are so. Apostle Paul told the Church of Thessalonians, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”—1Thessalonians 5:21. Many Christians don’t care or question themselves if what God said should be used in tithing in the Bible is what we are using to tithe and pay offerings. They won’t ask, if they are not, why are we using non-Biblical approved things to pay tithe and offerings? God is never the author of confusion, but many Pastors’ lusts for money and their ignorance are making some Christians to see God as the author of confusion concerning certain things such as tithe and offerings paid in the Church by money which is contrary to the Biblical. Any offering outside the law was done voluntarily not by constraining anybody and such offerings where the ones they are using to build God’s house or repair it or maintain it and such was the one the widow in Luke 21:1-4 paid. It wasn’t that of the Levitical priesthood which God commanded all Israelites to be paying. Below are some Biblical facts about tithing and offerings.

Biblical Types of Offerings

 Biblical offerings were paid with agricultural products not with money, not because money wasn’t existing in those as some pastors’ are lying or saying, but God knows the love of money will put many of His ministers outside His will as it has put many outside His will from the 3rd Century when money offering was born by Emperor Constantine till now

1. Burnt offerings (See Leviticus 23:12, 18, 37; Numbers 10:10; Exodus 10:25; 20:24; 24:5): See the scripture verses and see what God said they should use in paying it 


2. Peace offerings (See Deuteronomy 27:7; Numbers 29:39; 15:8; 10:10; Leviticus 22:21; 17:5; 10:14; Exodus 29:28): See the scripture verses and see what God said they should use in paying it.

3. Free-will offerings (See Leviticus 22:18; 23:38; Deuteronomy 12:6, 17; Numbers 29:39): See the scripture verses and see what God said they should use in paying it.

4. Meat offerings (See Exodus 29:41; 30:9; 40; Leviticus 2:4; Numbers 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 37; 29:28): See the scripture verses and see what God said they should use in paying it.

5. Drink offerings (See Leviticus 23:18, 37; Numbers 29:11, 18-19, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 37,39; Deuteronomy 32:39): See the scripture verses and see what God said they should use in paying it.

The Truth about Biblical Tithe

Biblical tithe is God’s appointed and approved tithe and that is not the tithe the Church is paying, but the man-made tithe of money. Tithes are paid with farm or agriculture products not with money, not because money wasn’t in existence in those days but God knows the love of money will put many of His ministers outside His will as it has put many outside His will from the 3rd century when money tithe was born by Emperor Constantine till now

1. The Levites are the only people entitled by God to collect tithe (See Numbers 18:20-26; Nehemiah 10:38): Who gave Pastors’ the right to be collecting money from Christ flocks when they are not Levites?

2. Money is not among the things that are to be tithe (See Deuteronomy 12:17; 14:24-26): Emperor Constantine created tithe is what we are paying not God’s appointed and approved tithes, and some Pastors’ distorted Deuteronomy 14:24-26, lying that God said we should turn tithe into money, but the ignorant believed this lie.

3. Tithe is not stored in bank but store house (See Deuteronomy 14:23; 12:5-7, 17-18; 15:19-20): This is why Malachi 3:8-10 is invalid and it shouldn’t be quoted to force people to tithe their money. See, the store house is where the agriculture products people tithes are stored not bank. See Nehemiah 10:38. Ask your Pastor where is the store house in Church? Bank and store house are two different things, bank is for money saving and store house is for farm products and other physical goods.

4. Tithe paying was a yearly thing not every Sabbath (See Leviticus 27:30; Deuteronomy 14:22; 12:6, 17; Nehemiah 10:37): The difference between God’s made and man-made is very clear. Every Sunday or Saturday money tithe are paid in Saturdays and Sundays Churches, but Biblical tithe is once in a year, these truth you are reading here reveal the darkness in money tithe and prove God is not the author. People paying it or not is not what I am after neither am I writing to encourage you to keep paying it or stop it, that is your choice not mine, but that they should know it is not God’s invented and shouldn’t look to it to find acceptance to God and justification from God, and that your confidence toward God shouldn’t stand in this man-made rituals or precept of men. You can please God when you don’t know the truth.

5. Only Pastors’ are consuming money tithe (See Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:24; Deuteronomy 14:28-29; 26:12): It was what Emperor Constantine setup that is still found in the Church today. The Biblical tithes were eaten or shared with the widow, poor, and needy, it was eaten and shared among people who have need or are less privileged. People eat their tithe in the temple or house of God. But money man-made tithe is far from this Biblical truth.

6. Tithe is not the only gate of blessings (See Deuteronomy 28:1-13): Many Pastors’ are saying many foolish things because of money they are longing for, and just to drive Christ flocks to give out their money. To say things God never said to convince people to do their lusts for them is sin. Some Pastors’ are saying if their congregation doesn’t pay tithe they won’t enter heaven, and Bishop David Oyedepo said in 2017, when Daddy Freez brought the issue of this man-made tithing the church is paying, that, “Any of his church members who refused to pay this money tithe will remain a permanent beggar.” Did God say such a thing in the Bible concerning His appointed tithe? What spirit is responsible for what such a highly respected man of God said? That is the darkness of Satan and what the love of money can cause. 

Biblical Types of Tithe see all the Biblical things they used in paying tithe or they give tithe of and look and see whether you will see tithe of money.

And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD.”—Leviticus 27:30

Tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD.”—Leviticus 27:32

Tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or of thy oil, or the firstlings of thy herds or of thy flock, nor any of thy vows which thou vowest, nor thy freewill offerings, or heave offering of thine hand.”—Deuteronomy 12:17

Tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks.”—Deuteronomy 14:23 

Tithe first-fruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field.”—2Chronicles31:5.

Tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of holy things which were consecrated unto the LORD their God, and laid them by heaps.”—2Chronicles 31:6

Tithe of the corn and the new wine and the oil unto the treasuries (Store house).”—Nehemiah 13:12

Tithe of mint and anise and cumin.”—Matthew 23:23

These are truth many Christians doesn’t know neither will their Pastors’ ever tell them the truth that will make them free from the precept of men. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (See Galatians 3:13), but many Pastors’ are still talking about curses to threaten Christians if they don’t pay their man-made money offerings and tithes. I pray that God have mercy upon them and deliver them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Many pastors’ quoting Malachi 3:8-10, are trampling upon the blood of Jesus Christ, and they are ignorant of this truth, because if Malachi 3:8-9 has any effect on Christians, then Galatians 3:13 is useless to Christians. And it also speaks that Christ blood has done nothing for us.


Dearly beloved, the purpose why God introduced the tithe into the Levitical priesthood law was for the tribe of Levi which has no land inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. God gave them tithe as a compensation for they not having land inheritance and for the task of the sanctuary given to them by God which in terms of work is very demanding (washing, burning, roasting, killing, cleaning), which they were doing every day. The truth people don’t know is this, they fail to ask or know the purpose for every word God speak and anything He ask to be done. Knowing the purpose of a thing, owes the key to knowing whether the things is still valid or invalid. The purpose of God introducing tithe into law is two thousand and some years terminated by God’s design, which is the burning of Jerusalem in A.D 70, where all the Levitical priesthood records were all burnt. Because of their Levitical works, they rejected the Son of God and Jesus Christ told them in Matthew 24:1-2, of what will befall their pride which is the temple of God and the rituals and ordinances they glorying in but their hearts are far from God.

  Do we still have Levitical priesthood today? The answer is No! All Biblical tithe were done under this priesthood apart from the one Abraham gave to God’s High priest which wasn’t under any law or done by constraint, and Abraham never paid tithe with his personal things such as gold or silver or materials. He paid tithe as thanks to Melchizedek who first blessed him with bread and wine when he returned from war, before Abraham gave him one tenth of the war spoil. And of Jacob, it was done as a vow to God, what he asked God to do for him if it is done he will give God one tenth. All other tithes were under the law of the Levitical priesthood and that law has been abolished by Christ death. Purpose determine whether a thing is still valid or invalid, the purpose God made tithe a law for Israel is no longer in existence, this made citing of Malachi 3:8-10, a stupid and fooling things pastors are using to rob Christ flocks because of their ignorance and lack of knowledge of God. See the purpose why God made tithe a law if it is still in existence and nobody will tell you Pastors’ are robbing Christ flock.

And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Thou shalt have no inheritance in their land, neither shalt thou have any part among them: I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel. And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die. But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they shall bear their iniquity: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations, that among the children of Israel they have no inheritance. But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as an heave offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance. Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe.”—Numbers 18:20-26.

  I believe you have seen the purpose of why Biblical tithe came into existence, and God never do anything without a purpose. The question many people don’t ask in what they are doing is what is the purpose of what I am doing? God is a purposeful God, and whatever we are doing is either for a purpose that glorifies God or a purpose that dishonor Him. Any Christian who knows the truth about Biblical tithe will not accept the man-made money tithe ruling the Church today. Pastors’ are defending Emperor Constantine man-made money tithe because they find the word tithe in the Bible, but they don’t ask themselves this question, is the tithe the Church is paying serving the same purpose the Biblical tithe was created by God to serve? Is the purpose the Biblical tithe was created still valid today? And the answer they give to these question must not be from outside the Bible but from inside, and they will see their darkness and nakedness that they don’t know the truth.

  Purpose determine the validity of a thing, if the purpose God appointed and approved tithe was created is still in existence today, then the demand for tithe will only be done by the Levites and only Israel would be paying it, not any other nation. To speak the truth, you must purge yourselves from your personal interests and sentiments, sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity, and you must make pleasing God your priority not pleasing people and yourself. It is a slogan, that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable and unavoidable. Pastors’ are abusing God’s grace by turning His flocks into their money generating machines to achieve their earthly lusts. God never force being a Pastor on anybody, and when He called you, He will never fail to supply you all you need, but using precept of man to blind God’s flock calling man’s precept the Word of God or the law of God is total darkness. I believed you have seen the purpose why Biblical tithe was created by God, if the purpose is still functioning, anybody outside the Israelites won’t even partake from it. No Pastor is a Levite, and they have no power to demand tithe from Christ flocks, money for any work of God should be a voluntary giving, if the work matters, you will see how God will touch people hearts to give for it. 


  If the Bible said in 1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Then, why can’t you also believe that the love of money can make people lie, deceive, distort, manipulate, and extort people using God’s Word and works to achieve their lust and love for money? The ignorant people adore what they don’t know and understand, and that is where many Christians are in when it comes to about tithe, simply because no Church or Pastor has fully educate them on the subject of tithe. I will tell you about their lies about tithe from the days of Abraham (before-law), Moses (in the days of law), and in the days of Christ Jesus. If you are a Pastor reading this, I owe you no apology, for this cause that I should speak, preach, and teach the truth, Jesus Christ called me, and I don’t care whether anybody is offended or not as I care to speak the truth.

In the days of Abraham (See Genesis 14:1-24)

a. Many Pastors’ have lied and are still lying to their congregation that because Abraham paid tithe, that is why God blessed him and made him rich. 

b. They also lied to their congregation that Abraham gave one-tenth of all he had.

  But the truth is this, they Pastors’ already know that 98% if not 100% of their congregations are lusting lustfully for material riches or glories, and telling them the above lies which they really won’t explain to them, will cause many who are craving for these blessings to fall into their act of seduction. The truths about Abraham’s tithe are these below:

a. Abraham wasn’t bless by God because of tithe as some Pastors’ are lying, he was blessed by God because of his obedience to God’s calling (See Genesis 12:1-4), he was already rich and blessed before going to war (See Genesis 13:2).  He has riches in abundance and has many servants under him from which he train some and took them to war to rescued his cousin Lot (See Genesis 14:14)

b. Abraham never tithed anything of his personal belonging to God as some Pastors’ are lying and not specific about what he tithed. Abraham only tithed the spoils he got from war (See Genesis 14:20). It was from all the spoils not from all he has he tithed.

c. Abraham was additionally blessed by the High priest of God Melchizedek before he gave Him a tenth of the spoils (See Genesis 14:18-19), not the other way round Pastors’ are lying to their congregations

d. Abraham never tithed out from his personal riches with which God has blessed him, he did tithed because Melchizedek first blessed him and in appreciation he tithed one tenth of the spoils to Him. People should tithe from their abundance not from poverty, tithe if they feel like or want but not by constraint, fear of curses and force Pastors’ are using Malachi 3:8-10 to bring upon them or using to manipulate them to do their lusts making them see it as God’s will.

e. Abraham wasn’t under any obligation to give one-tenth to God’s High Priest as many Christians are under their denominations leaders and Pastors’. Abraham tithed a free-will tithe which Pastors’ never talk about, but their emphasis in sole on blessings which many Christians have set their eyes and hearts upon, and that blinds them from knowing and seeing the truth.

In the days of Moses (See Numbers 18:20-28; Deuteronomy 12:11; 14:22-29; Malachi 3:8-10)

a. Many Pastors’ are lying that God said they should turn tithe into money, just to defend their man-made money invented tithe, and this lie was born out from their distortion of the book of Deuteronomy 14:24-26.

b. Some Pastors’ said money was not in existence, how then did Moses now tell them to turn the crops into money? These are confusion that lies about tithe have caused many Christians. Many Pastors’ are ignorant of the root or creator of money tithe, which is Emperor Constantine in 321 A.D. 

c. Many Pastors’ quoting Malachi 3:8-10, are thinking they have got verses to make tithe an obligation for the ignorant Christians, by telling them ye are curse with a curse. God never cause anybody who doesn’t pay tithe. Ask your Pastor which curse did the death of Jesus Christ then redeemed us from according to Galatians 3:13?

  But the truth is that because of money, many Pastors’ have distorted God’s Word, misinterpreted it knowingly and unknowingly, handle it deceitfully, quote it out of context and out of purpose. Many Pastors’ have deceived the Christians to believe they are obliged to be paying their man-made tithe using Malachi 3:8-10 as their reference to tell them they are obliged to pay it. One thing, I haven’t heard any tithe paying Church Pastors’ have said about tithe is the purpose why God made tithe a law to Israel and another thing they don’t talk about is that whether that purpose is still valid or not, and that could have told us if we are still to pay it or not.

a. God never told Israel to turn their tithes into money as the money tithe of today, the cause money was even mentioned there was written in Deuteronomy 14:24; open it and read it.

b. Money was in existence, but God never told them to tithe with money, and this shows that today money tithe is a man-made work. They never tithe with money because the only thing God told them to tithe from is from the fruits of the land they were given (See Nehemiah 10:37), even from all agricultural products of the land.

c. The purpose tithe was made a law was written in Numbers 18:20-26, ask your Pastor if that purpose is still in existence, and if he said yes, ask him, are you a Levite? And if he said the purpose is no longer in existence ask him how do Malachi 3:8-10 now concern me? If the law that made Malachi 3:8-10 to be in existence and has power is still valid till now, then they are quoting it for a purpose and in context, but if not, they are quoting it out of context and out of purpose.

d. Malachi 3:8-10, came as a result of the covenant Israel made with God in Exodus 24:7-8, the blessings and curses where highlighted in Deuteronomy 27; 28. Israel was taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar where they spent 70 years. When they returned, many no longer know the laws, it took Ezra, Nehemiah, and prophet Malachi, great works to bring Israel to the knowledge of the truth about their covenant law between them and God (See Nehemiah 8:8). The Levites were robbed of their tithes and they left their duties of the temple because their portions weren’t given them (See Nehemiah 13:10). This lead prophet Malachi to echoed Malachi 3:8-10, because one-tenth was the portion of the Lord.

In the days of Jesus Christ (See Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42)

Dearly beloved, like many Pastors’ are lying to make sure they keep you people paying this made tithe the works and signature of Emperor Constantine. Money is the root of all evil, it is the reason Pastors’ are not telling people the truth about this money tithe, but quoting Biblical verses out of purpose and context to deceive the ignorant Christians to do their lusts for them. There is no place in the Bible where Jesus Christ speaks about tithe. If you make mention or reference of a thing while speaking on a subject does it then mean you are talking about that thing? Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 23 was speaking on one subject called Hypocrisy. The fact that He mention tithe in verse 23 as an area where they conceal their hypocrisy doesn’t mean He was speaking about tithe as many Pastors’ are proclaiming, they are just looking for something to convince the ignorant Christians to see that they are paying this man-made money tithe. Pastors’ are quoting this verse Luke 11:42 to make many ignorant Christians see reasons why they will be paying man-made money tithe. Jesus Christ said “But woe unto you, Pharisees! For ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” The reasons for saying this, “and not leave the other undone” are:

a. It is the tradition or law of the nation Israel to keep doing all things that are lawful, just, and pleasant to God but the Pharisees were doing things hypocritically.

b. Jesus Christ said, because the love of God is the only thing that can make you give good judgment, and obey and keep His Word or commandments.

c. Jesus Christ wasn’t speaking about tithe, but exposing their hypocrisy in that area which they use to blind people eyes from the truth about their hypocrisy.

d. Jesus Christ never talked about tithe but only cited it as one of the areas where the Pharisees hypocrisy is also found. It was hypocrisy Jesus Christ was talking about, even though tithe is mentioned but never means He was talking about it.

  Dearly beloved, we can’t say we know the truth and we are speaking the truth when we are defending something which is not right but because of our personal interests we are getting from such thing. If Jesus Christ mentioned tithe when addressing the Pharisees because of their hypocrisy is what Pastors’ are using to defend the paying of their man-made money tithe, then they should question themselves, what were the things Jesus Christ mentioned they are using to pay tithe according to the law, are we using the same things in the man-made tithe the Church is paying? Pastors’ are only interested in the word tithe not whether it is Biblical or not Biblical, and this is because of their personal interests they can’t admit the truth. Emperor Constantine work or man-made invented tithe is defended by Pastors’ with Biblical tithe, they are defending man-made with Biblical, how can it be true. It is good we give to support any work of God but it should be a voluntary thing. If the things we are giving for really matters, you will see how God will touch people hearts to give for it. Pastors’ are operating with human wisdom in the Church when it comes to giving not under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  


  Dearly beloved, the root of anything determines are such thing is being done or used, take for example, many children that are ill-bred, we all can agree that it is because of 90% of their family background that made them so. And many people are behaving as they have been taught to do in their family or culture. And many do not find out the truth about what they are doing or being told to do, but only few find out about it and only have changed because of the truth they know. This money tithe the Church is paying was something Emperor Constantine imposed upon the Church because of his worldly power in the days of Roma locuta causa finite (when the Romans were world power and anything to say is final). It was forced upon people to pay one-tenth of their money to him because of the structure and buildings of large capacity Church. He told the people the consequences of failing to pay it, their failure leads to curses, excommunication, prison, and others. These things forced people to start paying it in order to avoid these consequences. After it has being established in Roman Church, which governed the Church of Christ for 1,200 years before proliferations of Churches comes up in the 15th century. Churches break away from the Roman Catholics systems but they still hold on to the man-made Sabbath day of the first day of the week and the money man-made tithe, and they never threw away these made things and today all those doing them are seeing them as God’s designed. Pastors’ have quoted Malachi 3:8-10 out of purpose and context to blind people’s eyes from the truth that would have made them free.

  Many Pastors’ in different denominations and Churches from the 15th century till now were imposing it on their members also, only 5% out of the 100 never join this man-made tithe but they are giving voluntarily. Nothing stupid have I found about the man-made money tithe some Churches are paying troubles me, but their keeping of the records of tithe paid by their members, is the absurd things they are doing when they are not God. It is human wisdom in operation in many Churches not God. With the records they are keeping or taking note of to know their faithful tithers, they pour praises on them so that they should do more. Some Pastors’ ask their congregations to stand up for special prayers if they know they are faithful tithers, and such thing is to bring inferiority complex to others who are not paying always. These things grieves me any time I saw it, to know and see the darkness of human wisdom in the Church. Some Pastors’ threaten those not paying with curses or Malachi 3:8-9. Many Pastors’ are abusing the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ more than the flocks of Christ are doing, they go to different extent to ensure that the whole congregation are vomiting their money in money tithe and offerings, and it makes all giving many Christians are giving centered in Church tithe and offering of money, and they don’t give the poor and needy both inside and outside the Church anymore because of Pastors’ uncanny emphasis on money tithes and offerings.

  Many Pastors’ takes tithe and offerings of money so serious to the extent that it looks like a sin and make you look like God’s enemy if you don’t pay their money tithes and offering in the Church. And anything that is true and of God is not done by force because God loves a cheerful giver and giving. Pressuring people because of their ignorance of the truth to do man-made rituals of the Church is darkness, and Pastors have enslaved the flocks of Christ to this man-made doctrine and ritual. The Biblical Sabbath is ignored by Pastors’ and other Levitical laws but they don’t ignore man-made tithe and offerings of money. They know they are not using the Biblical things of offerings and tithe in paying yet they are pressuring their congregations to obey them to do their lusts for money, making them believe God will punish them and not bless them if they don’t paid these man-made inventions. What about our failure to keep the Biblical Sabbath and do other Levitical works? With the force many Pastors are putting on money tithes and offering, if their uncanny emphasis on these rituals is put on righteous, holy, and godly living, sanctification and knowledge of the Word of God, I tell you Christianity will be better than what it is today.

People shouldn’t be enslaved to man-made things or God made things, neither anything be forced on them in the Church, people are enslaved because of their ignorance, only those who know the truth are freed. Romans 6:14, tell us that we are not under law but grace, being under grace doesn’t give us privilege to err and whore or disobey God. It gives us the strength of God to do His will and pleasure, it frees us from the constraint of the Levitical laws which are no longer valid because of Christ death for us. Hebrews 7:1-25 showed us the truth that grace is greater and better than the law. Grace is gracious for its graciousness. Grace to force anything or imposed or enslaved anybody to anything. I have heard many Pastors’ claiming that tithe is the gateway of God’s blessings, but if this is true why are they constraining their members to be paying it or threatening them with Malachi 3:8-10, that they have robbed God in tithe and offerings which is not true? Grace creates room for free will and respects our choices. Grace is not burden like the law neither does it put any burden upon people as the law does. Where grace abound people shouldn’t be forced or pressured to do anything, you can only enlighten them about the truth of what they should do and not do. Grace set us free and by it we were saved not by works according to Ephesians 2:8-9. The burden of people giving one tenth of their monthly earning to Pastors’ all in the name of God’s work is robbery Pastors are doing to Christ flocks, telling them that it is compulsory. God and His law do not put this burden upon us but our ignorance and Pastors’ lusts for money to live in a luxurious life make them enslaved Christ flocks to the man-made tithes and offerings of money.


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