Topic: Decide to Go On [Joyce Meyer Devotional 1 September 2021]

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Decide to Go On

All of us must face and deal with disappointment at different times. No person alive has everything happen in life the way they want it to, in the way they expect.

When things don’t prosper or succeed according to our plan, the first emotion we feel is disappointment. This is normal. There is nothing wrong with feeling disappointed. But we must know what to do with that feeling, or it will move into something more serious.

In the world we cannot live without experiencing disappointment, but in Jesus we can always be given re-appointment!

The apostle Paul stated that one important lesson he had learned in life was to let go of what lay behind and press toward all that lay ahead! (See Philippians 3:13–14.)

When we get disappointed, then immediately get re-appointed, that’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re letting go of the causes for the disappointment and pressing toward what God has for us. We get a new vision, plan, idea, a fresh outlook, a new mind-set, and we change our focus to that. We decide to go on!

Prayer Starter: God, I know that every day is a brand-new start! We can let go of yesterday’s disappointments and give You a chance to do something wonderful for me today, amen.

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