Topic: DEVELOP YOUR MIND – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 12 November 2019 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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 “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine… Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.”
1 Timothy 4:13, 15 (KJV)

Paul was writing to Timothy in I Timothy 4:13. You can apply that to yourself today. Give attendance to reading! Develop your mind. Listen to tapes! Read your Bible!  Read books!  Read materials that would enlarge your mind and your mental capacity.

Give attendance to exhortation. This speaks of what you hear! Listen to powerful messages, good gospel music and powerful teachings. Give attendance to doctrine. This refers to what you study. Also, meditate on those things that you have read, heard and studied.  Then, your profiting will appear to all.

Give yourself wholly to the discoveries you made while meditating. Give yourself to them. Act on them. When you act on them, your profiting will begin to manifest. Find out which one applies to you out of all you have thought about.

When it comes to meditation, God will not take that responsibility away from you. God will not think for you. He gave you your head to think. Archbishop Benson Idahosa said “A head that is not thinking becomes a heavy-weight on you”. If you are not using your head, it becomes a weight.

Isaiah 1:18 says “Let us reason together”. That is meditation. That is the act of thinking. God said, let’s reason together! Let’s reason in line with the scriptures and not in line with what the newspaper is saying, what your circumstance is saying or the challenge you are facing. Not according to tradition, nor what they do in your village.  No! God says, let us reason together.

Beloved, outside of Godly reasoning, you have no future.  When you refuse to develop your mind in line with God’s Word, you are sabotaging your destiny.  You can pray all you want; there is no future outside of God’s Word.

Further reading: Isaiah 1: 18-20
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 51-52; Evening- Hebrews 9

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