Topic: Divine Orchestration  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 21 September 2021

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Above Only Daily Devotional

By: Archbishop M E Benson Idahosa


Divine Orchestration

Romans 8:28(TPT, AMP), Ephesians 1:11(NLT)

……we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are His lovers who have been called to fulfill His designed purpose .*We are assured and know that (….) all things work together and are ( fitting into a plan) for good to and for those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose…. because we are united with Christ ….He chose us in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His plan.

God is a Master Planner who He is never intimidated by the exploits of the devil. Even when things appear to be spiraling out of control, God has a way of ensuring that everything continues to fit into His perfect plan and purpose. The life of Joseph is a good example of this. Why do you think that it was the very moment Joseph’s brothers were thinking of what to do to him that Ishmaelite traders passing by on their way to Egypt? (Genesis 37:24-28). Despite the circumstances that led to ishmael’s birth, God in His infinite wisdom later used ishmael’s descendants to advance His will and plan even beyond their knowledge. When Joseph was lied against and sent to prison he didn’t know that he was going to meet a servant of Pharaoh there who, after interpreting the servant’s dream, would someday remember him and tell Pharaoh about him.

The Bible assures us that the very hairs of our heads are all numbered (Matthew 10:30). God is concerned about every single detail of your life and He is ensuring that every experience is being divinely woven to fit into His perfect plan for your life. When you really understand this, you will be at peace as you trust God and you will stop trying to scheme or be crafty within the limitations of your human wisdom. When Joseph brought his two children to be blessed by Jacob, in his wisdom, he placed them in a way that Jacobs right hand would be placed on the elder one. Even though Jacob was blind, Jacob crossed his hands and placed his right hand on the younger one because God wanted it to be so (Genesis 48). Don’t be afraid. Keep your eyes on God and His great love for you. Yield yourself to Him. The lilies of the field do not toil or spin but your Heavenly Father takes care of them. You are more valuable to God. He will take care of you even much more (Matthew 6:28-30).

Heavenly Father, I thank You for how you are divinely weaving every single detail of my life into your perfect plan and purpose for my life.

Bible In One Year Reading Plan
Isaiah 37:1- 38:22, Galatians 6: 1-18, Psalm 65:1-13 & Proverbs 23:24.

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