Topic: Facing and Overcoming Obstacles [Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 November 2021]

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Facing and Overcoming Obstacles

We all face obstacles from time to time. God doesn’t remove every obstacle that stands in our way because we are often made stronger as we learn to overcome obstacles.

When we deal with the difficulties of life, we are strengthened. But if we run from all of them, we will never grow and become stronger in our faith and abilities.

If God allowed us to go through all of life without any obstacles, it would harm us. We would not be as strong as we could have been. Many times, our obstacles are what God uses to give us the strength to succeed, as long as we refuse to quit when there seems to be no way to go on.

Also Read: Open Heaven 17 November 2021 –Topic: DON’T AID AND ABET SIN 

You can face your hindrances and overcome them, and when you do, you’ll often find they gave you the strength you needed for the next situation that comes.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me face my obstacles, so that I can do whatever I need to do to keep moving forward! In Jesus’ name, amen.

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