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Dearly beloved, it is written, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”—Romans 16:17-18. The Lord Jesus Christ said, Lukewarm and cold Christians (uncrucified, not born again, partially submitted, not sanctified, not spiritually minded not born of the spirit), love messages invented by men to impress their hearers, such as messages of success, prosperity, and blessings. He said these are messages that excite the carnal Christians not the spiritually minded, heavenly bound, sober and godly Christians. He said these messages have a goal to turn people on to give their money, and the aftermath of these messages always go with giving or donations. They are used to prepare people for money giving, and they are carrying a tag, “If you want to receive God’s blessing, you have to give”. He said many Christians are giving for their personal interest instead of God’s glory. Such giving is self-fish giving. Jesus Christ said, fair speech sole aim is to please the hearers and to motivate them to give their money, and many Christians really love it so. They like hearing it and the preachers of such messages are always crowded with followers. He said God blessing people is not the reason of what they do or fail to do, though God demand that His children always do His will, be sanctified, living a holy, righteous, and godly life.

He said, materials riches is not a measures of His blessings, that fair speeches speakers have convinced many of His flocks to believe this lies, and those who are lusting for these things will go any length to achieve their lusts. And in-spite of all these, God is merciful to people not because of what they do or fail to do (See Exodus 33:19; 1Samuel 2:6-7; Psalm 75:6-7; Daniel 4:17, 32; Romans 9:16). He said, he provide for and protect sinners, and bless them as He do to the righteous, it is not to encourage them to continue in sin but to open their eyes to see and know that God do not hate sinners but sins and that He loves everybody irrespective of what we are and have done. One day in a Bible study, a youth ask a question, why do people love lies rather than truth? The Bible teacher only said because they do not know the truth. I told him I am not satisfied by such answer because it is partially true, but wasn’t elucidated, because the answer is more than that. Why people love lies than truth is also why people hate the truth.
But I will give you two or three reasons why people love lies rather than truth to help you get the message of this chapter. People love lies than truth because of their lusts and Satan has been deceiving us by reason of our lusts. In Genesis 3:1-6, the conversation of Satan with Eve created lusts in Eve which she achieved by believing Satan’s lies. You believe people lies because it is always in support of your lusts or it is a means by which you can achieve your lusts. People love lies than truth because it always pleases their flesh, for the truth is of the Spirit (See Galatians 5:17) and lie is of the flesh. Jesus Christ is called the Truth (See John 14:6), and Satan is called the father of lies and all liars (See John 8:44). Lies always please those born of the flesh, and it motivates or instigates them to strive to fulfill the lusts of their flesh. Any man born of the flesh will always hate the truth because the truth is light and has a revealing and slaying power. It does not just stop in revealing the darkness in a man, but slain it, and this is one of the major reasons people hate the truth because they don’t want it to take away the darkness in them which they are conformed to because it provide them their lusts. People love lies because it is sweet to hear by those born of the flesh and walking in the flesh. People love lies because they give them expectations which are nothing but false expectation which are always fantasy. Satan and his messengers or servants have never ceased to lie from the beginning of the world hitherto and he has been lying to both children of God without God’s knowledge of His Word and his own children (worldly people).

The most powerful deceitful and misleading instrument of Satan and his ministers is, lying using, God’s name, word, and work to deceive many Christians or church goers who are ignorant of Satan devices and also ignorant of God’s Word. Satan lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden calling God a liar which he is, and Eve believed him, even so the children of Eve will also believe him because their mother does. I said the most powerful deceptive tool is God’s name, word, and work, and many Pastors’ who called themselves, sent by Satan, elected by men are using this tool to achieve their lusts and love of money. Jesus Christ is always weeping because of His people ignorance of His Word gives Satan advantage over them. Talking and using God’s Word and work is the most effective weapon many Pastors’ have used to become sudden rich men. Motivational speakers even tell many people lies to motivate them to pursue their earthly lusts and many people certainly believe their lies. And many Pastors’ resorted to doing the same thing in Africa and in Nigeria after seeing the American Pastors’ using eloquence and fair speeches to gain worldly recognitions and honours. And many Pastors’ are not only using fair speeches to entertain their hearers, but using it also to raking silver and gold into their pockets. People are pleased to hear what speak or stand in support of their lusts and they love such people or things. And they will do anything possible to keep hearing such lies. God knows the harm fair speeches are doing to His Church, and every fair speech contain prophesies by those Pastors’ using fair speeches.

And 95% of these fair speeches preachers prophesy are falsehood from their hearts to make their congregations excited and do their pleasures of money giving. Not because God sent them to prophesy (See Ezekiel 13:6). Many Pastors’ using fair speeches which contain false prophesies, show of their eloquence, and show of their academic class or degree which are all works of the flesh. Using fair speeches to seduced those who love hearing such things, to gain worldly recognition, to deceive people, and to achieve their lusts for money. People giving money or dropping money in altars when they hear exciting words or fair speech or false prophesy that give them false hope of achieving their lusts, and many believe such is the LORD’s doing, but not. But when salvation, repentance, abstinence from fornication, uncleanness, sins, immoralities, and works of the flesh are preached, nobody goes to the altar to drop money. But such messages are the LORD’s doing, but even many Pastors’ hate it. Preaching to excite or please their hearers to generate money for themselves is the instrument in the hands of many uncrucified preachers. Let us hear from God’s Word about the harm of fair speeches used by many Pastors’ or preachers of the God’s Word. “A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land, the prophet prophesy falsely, and the priests (Pastors’) bear rule by their means (precepts, such as man-made invented money tithes and offerings, fair speeches, messages of blessings, prosperity, and success); and my people (Christians) love to have it so; and what will ye do in the end.”—Jeremiah 5:30-31.

God vented His anger here because of three things which are; false prophecy a tool of deception to deceive the hearts of the simple or the ignorant. The priests (Pastors’) who used their office or positions to achieve their lusts, and finally, is God’s children who like hearing fair speeches, false prophesy, or their Pastors’ lies. In all false prophesy or fair speeches, God’s flocks are the victims but their ignorance of what the truth is, makes them to love to hear lies that gives them false hope and expectation that they will achieve their lusts. Many Pastors’ preaches about people’s need and lusts, but not against their filthy characters or what God required from them, this they do to get their lusts for money from even the needy in the congregations. Fair speeches have turned many Pastors’ into millionaires and billionaires. They preach about people’s need and conclude with false prophecy to excite them making them to hope they will confirm the word. They speak against or prophesy against people’s assume enemies and that pleases people so much and people love to see their assume enemies die before their eyes. When Pastors’ speak and prophesy on these two things, “people’s needs” and “against their enemies”, the reactions in many Churches are, people rush to the altars to drop money, and others give ministers money hoping to see these prophesies confirmed.

God said, “They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, the LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.”—Ezekiel 13:6. This is the way Satan and his servants who have turned themselves to angels of light worked, that is, they use God’s name, word, and work to achieve their lusts. Through fair speeches God’s flocks have become Pastors’ money generating machines, which they use to satisfy their uncanny appetite for money and achieve their lusts for worldly materials and things. They prophesy and say things God didn’t sent them and people because of their lusts and ignorance of how they are being manipulated love to hear such sweet lies. The truth is bitter to those born of the flesh and lies are sweet to them. But one thing is certain all those who have devoured and still devouring God’s flocks, turning them into money generating machines to do their own services, by using fair speeches, false prophesy, God’s work, name, and word, will surely have it ill with their souls except they repent as the LORD JESUS CHRIST said. Fair speeches, false prophecy , and other make me feel good messages many Pastors’are preaching are designed to make people give out their money and to give the hearers false hope, they will be expecting God to confirm the false prophecy God never sent those who prophesy falsely. But God only confirm what He has commanded to be not what He never commanded to be. The scripture said in Lamentations 3:37, “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?”

Apostle Paul said in 1Corinthians 2:4-5, “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” Fair speeches makes people hearing them hate the truth which rebuke or censure their darkness, fleshly lusts, and worldliness. Fair speeches preachers churches are always filled with people because it’s what people like hearing, that is, what motivates them to achieve their fleshly lusts. The preachers are rich because they have many money generating machines, these are preachers that tell you serving God is good, not because it’s bad but because of their worldly lusts they are achieving using God’s name, Word and work. And many Christians have believed you can’t be truly serving God and not have your fleshly lusts, and can’t be financially poor. All such preachers that preach the truth in the Bible were not financially rich, even the early preachers after Jesus Christ ascended to heaven were same, till Emperor Constantine takeover the church and give Pastors’ man-made money tithe to enriched themselves. You may not be financially rich as a true preacher of God’s word, but if you have a church and you are collecting money tithe from Christ flocks, using fair speeches, and make me feel good messages, why can’t you be rich financially?

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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