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God told us in Hosea 4:6, that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (the truth), because they are not delighted in what He likes and desires we should know and do in Hosea 6:6 and the lack of what Hosea 4:6; 6:6 are saying may certainly lead many Christians to eternal damnations. I don’t know if people are really seeking for the truth in anything they see and hear, I believe it is only those who have that holy curiosity like the Bereans to know the truth cannot be slain by some Pastors’ lusts and lies for money. They don’t emphasize so much on what God want for His flocks (His knowledge, loving our neighbors, living in holiness, righteousness, sanctification and godliness, and our eternal safety), but on their personal interests, people lusts, and things of this world. Check the lives of all prosperity, blessings and success preachers if they are poor and not materially and financially rich. Preaching such about things people are lusting after or for is the key for them to achieve their own lusts. Money is of no importance to God as it is important to humans and Pastors’. It is a worldly thing and God is not a friend of money but of humans who make use of money. Just as God love sinners (people swimming, wallowing and lingering in sins) but hate sin.

People give God money instead of their hearts, time, and bodies, because Pastors’ emphasis on money has blinded their eyes from the truth, that money has no impact on God neither can it control God as it controls man and everything on earth. People give their money not their hearts, time, and bodies to God, because their Pastors’ have brainwashed them with the slogan “Money answereth all things”–Ecclesiastes 10:19 and “Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse : for ye have robbed…”—Malachi 3:8-9. This Malachi 3:8-9 is a weapon Pastors’ are using to extort Christ flocks. How can anybody under the blood of everlasting Covenant of Jesus Christ still rob God if Jesus Christ has paid all our debts we owe God? How can any Christian still rob God and be cursed with a curse if the blood of Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law? People ignorance of this truth, make them believed their Pastors’ lies. After Pastors’ have poured these verses upon the ignorant Christians, and they will start doing Pastors’ lusts with the hope of liberating themselves from the emotional guilt of robbing God. And doing this will give them self justification and righteousness, which are filthy rags before God. Quoting Malachi 3:8-10 to Christians, makes them look to themselves to please God not Christ nor His blood. The emphasis of Pastors’ on these verses makes many Christians believe that God has need of their money as Pastors’ made them believe by their uncanny emphasis on money to achieve their personal interests.

People can now give money to God not their time, hearts, and their bodies, since money answereth all things, then of what importance is God when you have money, who need God when money can answered all your lusts. This is just like what Job 21:13-15 is saying. It is a shame that many Christians don’t know man-made things and God made things, they don’t know God’s Word and cannot separate it from man’s word. After people have erred, swim and wallowed in sins and unrighteousness, pollute and defiled themselves; then they will go to Church to give God money for all their unrighteousness because they have been deceived to believed that money answereth all things without specification, but in general. To the benighted Christians, money can answer for their sins, justify them from God’s wrath, give them acceptance before God, and purge their consciences from dead works. Absurd!

Money cannot intercede for any man before God nor work the righteousness of God, money can’t wash any man sins neither can it give any man eternal life. Money can’t please God neither can it buy God’s love, and the giving of it is never and will never be the fear of God as Pastors’ have made their followers to believe their falsehood. God always echoed what delights Him, and many Pastors’ always echoed what delights them. They being servants of God doesn’t makes all their words the Word of God as some benighted Christians believed and obey all their words foolishly in their sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. God’s delight doesn’t have any emphasis in the Churches as money does. Many Pastors’ believed that other areas of the lives of their members are personal, but giving of money in the Church is the fear of God and it is not personal but a command (precept of men) all their members must obey even little children.

The love of money is the root of all distorted Word of God and misinterpreted Word of God by many Pastors’. Many Pastors’ believe that your heart, time, body is an issue between only you and God, but your money is an issue between you and them, because of their personal interest, they care so much about your giving of money, not your heart, time , and body to God. It is your garment (money) God doesn’t want is what they want you to rend unto them. God said “Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God.”—Joel 2:12-13. Money has a worldly spirit and it is contagious and transferrable, I mean the spirit of money through much talking about it. Giving God your time, body, and your heart matter much and most to God, not your money even though they are in millions, billions, and trillions, God doesn’t need them for anything. I said in Chapter One, when giving facts about money, that money is man-made not God-made. Let this be clear to you, God will not accept your money for your forgiveness of sins, acceptance to Him, your justification from His wrath, for the salvation of your soul, redemption, deliverance, access to Him, and boldness in His presence.

Pastors’ accepting it doesn’t mean God accepted it, Gehazi, Elisha’s servant story will show you how many God’s servant today want what God is not interested in (See 2Kings 5:15-27). And you can also see if there are 5% of God’s servants in this present world that will do what Elisha did in rejecting Naaman gifts of appreciation for God’s glory. God’s giving that will bring His mercies upon you, covered your sins, and heal and deliver you from the wrath of God is not the giving of man-made money of offerings and tithes, but the one you give to your fellow brethren, your neighbour, to strangers who are in needs (See Matthew 25:31-41). Money you give to these people are ten million times acceptable to God than that you do inside the Church every Sunday or Saturday. But you must know this truth, that except you have given God your heart through Jesus Christ, your time, and your body, nothing you give beside these will be acceptable unto Him. He can’t accept your garment (money) when He needs your heart. Your heart must first be given to Him fully not partially as the manner of many is, then before He will accept your garment.

Many Pastors’ say what God did not send them by prophesying lies, sweet words, and using fair speeches to deceive the hearts of the simple, just to make people empty their pockets and purses for them Pastors’ to achieve their personal interests. The scripture said in Ezekiel 13:3, 6, “Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!” and “They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.” And Apostle Paul told us to beware of them in Romans 16:18 “For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” You may say how can Pastors’ know what offerings of money is acceptable to God? They can know, but because they need money they don’t care how it comes into the Church all they want is that they have it in their bank accounts or pockets. They can’t tell you the truth that any money you bring to pay offerings and tithes you got in a dubious and illegal means is not acceptable to God, because even the money man-made tithes and offerings are illegal because God is not the author of it but it is the work of man’s cunning craftiness and classic witchcraft. Pastors’ don’t care whatever you indulge in to get money, and they won’t even warn you not to indulge in ungodly things for money sake, because all they want is the money.

What they care about is that you give them the money by using God’s name and work as deceiving means. People certainly might have been wondering by reason of the too much emphasis on giving of money by Pastors’ that God must really be in need of money. Those who have money now believe they can help God because their Pastors’ made them believe God is hungry and is in need of money. People these days giving money are praised in the Church, in that the Church really see them as special people, better than those who don’t have money nor is contributing financially to the Church. The Church give them special attention because of their money, whenever they are absent, the Church will inquire to know their state. But this, they never do to the less privilege and the spiritually minded ones, and these people neglected by Churches because they have nothing financially to contribute to Church have believed they don’t belong to God. Feeling of unworthiness, being unloved, and self-condemnation wear the poor in the Church because they don’t have money Pastors’ can benefit from, so they are ignored by Pastors’ and nobody cares for them save only God. The rich inside the Church in-spite of their filthiness feel worthy because the Church is relying on their money to do the so called proclaim work of God which is only seen in the lives of Pastors’ and their families not in the lives of the less privilege ones in the Church. People giving their money instead of their hearts, time, and bodies to God is a sore evil inside the Church and many Pastors’ uncanny emphasis on money is responsible for these nonsensical and prosaic things inside the Churches of Christ. It has become a tradition in almost all Churches that everybody must come out and pay their man-made money tithes and offerings every Sunday or Saturday.

People have developed a mentality that their money is all that God need, they don’t care about their relationship with God, their standing before Him, but believe as long as they can give money, and their money will fix anything before God. They have believed their money will answer anything before God for them, and this is the extent money is wrecking havoc in the Church, you may not see it so nor believed because God haven’t open your eyes to see the truth and except He do no way you can understand whatever you have been reading here nor believed they are true, but I know Jesus Christ who told me, Money is a god in the church can never lied, but all men can lie. People confidence before God now depends on having money in your pockets or purses to give inside the Church. Since money have been empowered by Pastors’ inside the Church to dictate the state of things in the Church claiming it answereth all things, and some people find no reason to give God their hearts, time, and bodies, but their money. Money is a god in the Church because it has being magnified by Pastors’ uncanny emphasis of it, and because it is for their personal interests and the only means they can fulfill their lusts for worldly things. They are using God’s work as instrument to get people vomit their money, because they know the emotional confusion it will cause people and people will try to get rid of it to be free. And also nobody wants to be perceived openly as God’s enemy and of His work.

So giving of money for the so called God’s work now made people appear as friend of God or people who love and fear God. Classic witchcraft! But the fear and love of God in the Bible did not consist of giving of money in anything that comes in the name and work of God. This is what the scripture said is the fear of God “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.”—Proverbs 8:13. Everything the scripture says are the fear of God, never speak of giving of money, 27 scripture verses which speak of the fear of the LORD, never included money giving in it. Money can’t win God’s heart nor work His righteousness and people should give God their hearts, time, and bodies, not money. You can pleased Him when you use your money to support things like rural area evangelism, crusade, or outreach, helping the poor and the needy both inside and outside the Church, even all that is mankind. Listen, I am not here to convince you to stop paying or offering your Church man-made money tithes and offerings and others, but my mission objectives is to tell you the truth about these things whether they be of God or not so that you be not deceive by the devil for too long. And mostly to let you know that by any form of work, we can’t find justification, salvation, forgiveness, deliverance, acceptance, and others before God save only by the blood and name of Jesus Christ. Joel 2:13, tells you the truth God need your hearts not your money. When your heart is given to God wholly God can accept the work of love you do with your money in other peoples’ lives, such as the ones written in Matthew 25:31-46, are acceptable to God because they are the works of love your money can be used for.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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