Topic: “FIGHTING” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 4 June 2020

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READ: John 10:1-15

All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.” – John 10:8

Become a good shepherd by fighting all who enter the sheepfold as thieves and robbers. A good shepherd must recognize that there are many people that seek to destroy what he is building. Enemies are part of life. God told David, “Sit down till I make your enemies your footstool.” David was constantly aware of the fight he was in for. He was aware of the reality of evil. Don’t try to be a nice gentleman, who lives at peace with all and sundry. Sometimes, to be a good shepherd you must label the enemy and fight with him.

Become a good shepherd by recognizing and condemning all who have ever tried to take away the sheep. A good shepherd must teach against the false religions and false shepherds that try to influence the sheep. A good shepherd must openly describe thieves and robbers as Jesus did. Jesus taught that those who came before Him were thieves and robbers. Teach your sheep how to recognize thieves and robbers.

Shepherds must develop the ability to fight. Ministry is honourable service to God. However, being in the ministry also implies the reality of serving in a military campaign. Ministry is the same as being at war. You become a target of an enemy who hates you. You become the subject of discussion of wicked spirits whose one goal is to extinguish your light. You must learn to fight and to fight well. Do not give up or retreat at all!

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