Topic: “FOLLW-UP” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 8 December 2019

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READ: Acts 15:35-16:5

“My little children, of whom I travail [pray] in birth again until  Christ be formed in you.“ – Galatians 4:19

The follow-up ministry is a scientific way of preventing the loss of converts. So much energy is spent in winning the lost. A proportional amount of time and resources must be spent to retain the harvest.

Let me ask this: What is going to happen to all the souls who come to the Lord? Follow-up is to new converts as breast-feeding is to babies.

At the turn of the twentieth century , the world’s population began to increase dramatically. This was due to great improvements in medical science at the beginning of the twentieth century , resulting in a drastic reduction in the mortality rate. If the church were to do follow-up, and retain the people we won to Christ, the church would experience major growth.

Planting churches where crusades and evangelism have taken place is a major part of follow-up. Follow-up also involves prayer for the converts won to the Lord.

You must travail for your souls in prayer. That is how to follow them up spiritually . After spiritual follow-up, you must visit them in their homes. New converts are established through visitation.

Follow-up leads to retention of souls. Without follow-up, evangelism is virtually a waste of time, money and resources. All our efforts will be in vain. Every church must develop effective follow-up to handle the souls that come to the Lord.

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