Topic:  From Wandering To Possession – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 6 October 2021 

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From Wandering To Possession

6th October 2021

Scripture Reading: Joshua 5: 13-15, 6: 1-6


“And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?” (Joshua 5: 13)

Joshua was part of a nation that wandered in the wilderness, where many perished and never got to the Promised Land. Joshua had many of his contemporaries who simply wandered in the wilderness and also died in the wilderness. They wandered until they died, and God proceeded with the rest. They were excluded from possession. So Joshua belonged to the generation that moved from wandering to possession.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you are moving from wandering to possession. You are moving from running round in circles to possessing your portion. You are moving from merely being an observer to being a possessor of what the Lord has made available to you. You are moving from wandering to taking territories. You are moving from mere movement without progress, to movement that will take you into your wealthy place.

There was a generation that made so much movement in the wilderness, and ended up empty handed. Joshua moved from mere movement without results, to movement with results. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your movement shall be with results. Your efforts shall come with mega results. Your seeds shall yield a mega harvest. Your labour will cause an increase. You will not move and have nothing to show for it.

The cycle of wandering without possessing is over in your life. The season of trying without succeeding is over in your life. The era of making efforts without possessing commensurate results, is over in your life. The season of working hard, yet remaining empty handed, is over in your life. The season of moving endlessly without possessing your possession, is over. The season of toiling without yielding, is over.

No longer will you be known as a wanderer in destiny. No longer will you wander instead of possessing.


I move from wandering to possession, in Jesus’ name!

Further Reading

  • Jeremiah 29

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