Topic: “HOLSITIC HEALING” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 28 July 2021

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READ: Proverbs 4:20-22

He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” – Psalm 107:20

Spiritual, emotional and psychological problems are the most difficult to solve. Doctors often struggle with these problems to no avail. The diagnosis and treatment of spiritual, emotional and psychological problems are the most difficult areas of medicine. But God has a solution. The solution is in His Word.

A daily dose of God’s powerful Word will bring healing to every inner wound. How was Jesus going to heal the broken-hearted? Through the Word of God! The Word of God has a way of healing us of our pain and wounds. God will touch you where it hurts if you will allow Him. He will heal you of every situation in your life.

God also heals our bodies. The Bible says that His words are life and health to the flesh (Proverbs 4:22). The flesh means the physical body. I would like to quote to you a very interesting article I read in Reader’s Digest:

“The notion that religious faith can promote physical wellbeing is not new. Most of us have heard of cases in which someone, seemingly by sheer faith and will, has miraculously recovered from a terminal illness or survived far longer than doctors thought possible. What is new is that such rewards of religion are becoming the stuff of science.”

It may sound difficult to believe, but God’s Word actually brings healing to our physical bodies

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