Topic: Hope Makes Us Live [Jentezen Franklin Ministry Devotional 5 November 2021]

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Hope Makes Us Live

Nangad Haiti could be compared to Alcatraz. It is a barren area with just a few trees, no water, and no way to make a living. There are not many families in this area at all.

In this desert-like mountain lives a mother, Madam Llomise. She had three children with her first husband: St Telise, Minise, and Saintia. He was abusive to both his wife and children. He sold what little they had to find another woman. He left, and took their three children with him.

In order for Madam Llomise to survive, she had to find another husband and she married again. They had three children: Robenson who is now four, Rosemitha, two; and Wilderson, six months. Now, this father has left her and she is struggling to feed her children all by herself.

Also Read: Open Heaven 5 November 2021 – Topic: JEHOVAH JIREH

Today they are living on top of the mountain in a small covering made with old pieces of rusted tin that were found in the dump. She, her mother and children sleep on the ground each night on a woven mat full of bugs. She has taken in her mother to help watch the children while she and the four-year-old, Roberson, look for sticks to make charcoal and rocks to sell.

Life is very difficult. Sometimes, they have food once a day and sometimes they have nothing. There is no church home for comfort and even if there was, neither she nor her children have clothes they would wear to church. All three children are on the verge of severe malnutrition. But the worst thing is, Madam Llomise has no hope.

We were able to send boxes of the Feed My Starving Children food that Pastor Jentezen and his partners sponsor each month for families just like her’s. Our workers took that food to her, and told her we would be back. She and her children were so very thankful, because they had nothing at all to eat!

To get to her and her family we must go through gang-controlled areas of Haiti, like we must to get to so many of the remote villages to which we travel. Haiti is now in the hands of multiple gangs who are armed with big guns—hundreds of men in each gang. We pray that we can get back to this family safely to bring her the help she needs. She said to us when the food was delivered, “Hope makes me live,” and that she now has hope.

Pray for us as we continue to feed families like the Llomise family with food and love. Thank you, Pastor Jentezen, and thank you, Kingdom Connection Partners for your monthly support. Your sacrifice has made a difference in the lives of this family. They thought that no one cared for them, and all hope was lost, but now they have hope!

As the Haitians say, “Hope makes us live!”

Bobby and Sherry

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