Topic: Perfect Love Casts Out Fear [Joyce Meyer Devotional 5 November 2021]

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There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection].— 1 John 4:18 (AMPC)View Previous DevotionalNOVEMBER 05, 2021

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Learning about and receiving the unconditional love of God is what sets us free from fear. Nothing else will! Perfect love casts out fear (see 1 John 4:18 ESV). Only God has perfect love, and it can be yours by faith.

Also Read: Open Heaven 5 November 2021 – Topic: JEHOVAH JIREH

Faith expresses itself in love (see Galatians 5:6). How can we put our trust in God if we are not convinced He loves us at all times? Take God at His Word and begin to receive His love for you, which will set you free from all fear.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for Your perfect, unconditional love for me. Because of that great love, Your Word promises me that I can live without fear! Help me as I walk this out in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen

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