Topic: Hospitality [Open Heavens for Teens 10 December 2019]

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MEMORISE: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” – Hebrews 13:2

Read: Hebrews 13:2-3

2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Hosea 5-8; Revelation 1


To be hospitable means to be good to at making people comfortable. Hospitality has many has many benefits. Hospitable people never suffer permanent loss. In 1 Kings 17:17-34, the widow of Zarephath would have loss her son, but because of her hospitality, God revived the boy. In Genesis 18:1-14, Abraham received heavenly visitors and the pending promise of a son was fulfilled. In the vein, Lot in Genesis 19:1-12, received angels who came in form of men and delivered himself and his family from the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Hospitable people are generous, homely and humble. They may not have much, but they present the little they have with smiles and love. When they have a guest in their house, they take good care of them. They will tidy up the guest room, make available healthy meals, put the television in the channel that the guest likes and even give the guest something to take home at the end of the visit. In our house, hospitality is the order of the day, and we have never lacked any good thing. Hospitality can win the souls of unbelievers to Christ even without preaching.

REFLECTION: How hospitable are you? God wants His children to be hospitable.

HYMN 13:

1 Is your life a channel of blessing?
Is the love of God flowing through you?
Are you telling the lost of the Savior?
Are you ready His service to do?

Make me a channel of blessing today,
Make me a channel of blessing, I pray;
My life possessing, my service blessing,
Make me a channel of blessing today.

2 Is your life a channel of blessing?
Are you burdened for those that are lost?
Have you urged upon those who are straying
The Savior who does on the cross

3 Is your life a channel of blessing?
Is it a daily telling for Him?
Have you spoken the word of salvation?
To those who are dying in sin?

4 We cannot be channels of blessing
If our lives are not free from sin;
We will barriers be and a hindrance
To those we are trying to win.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.

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