Topic: “HUMILITY IN MINISTRY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 6 August 2020

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READ: John 14:16-20

And I will pray the Father,andheshallgiveyou another (allos) Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” John 14:16

In today’s Scripture, Jesus calls the Comforter, another of the same kind. The word another in this verse, is the Greek word allos. This means another comforter of the same kind. Jesus could have used the word heteros which would also have been translated another. But heteros would have meant a help of a different kind.

The Holy Spirit (Comforter) is the anointing. When Jesus promised another comforter of the same kind, He was promising another anointing of the same kind. The same kind of anointing with which He had ministered would be available to the apostles. Most pastors would hasten their progress in the ministry if they would understand this simple truth. There is no new and special anointing that God wants to give you. He is simply going to give you another of the same kind. Even the apostles were promised another of the same kind.

The biblical pattern of becoming anything in the ministry is to become an allos. This is the natural way by which God produces ministers. Pride and presumption often keep us from becoming alloses. Humility is the greatest achievement in the ministry, yet it is so elusive. Most of us follow after human indicators of greatness. But Christ has shown what true greatness is. To humbly follow a man, to be obedient and to bear fruit in humility is no mean task. God does not require much from us. He expects us to become an allos of something that is working

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