Topic: IN PURSUIT OF THE SPIRITUALLY BLIND — [Max Lucado Ministry 30 OCTOBER 2020]

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Jesus still finds blind people and restores their sight. Did you know he promised that through his ministry “the blind shall see” (Luke 4:18)? Christ came to give light and sight. Consider what he is doing in the Muslim world. According to Tom Doyle, “More Muslims have become Christians in the last couple of decades than in the previous fourteen hundred years since Muhammad,” and “about one out of every three Muslim-background believers has had a dream or vision prior to their salvation experience.”*

Jesus is in hot pursuit of the spiritually blind. And he finds them, he touches them. He may use a vision, or he may use the kindness of a friend, or the message of a sermon, or the splendor of creation. But believe this: he came to bring sight to the blind. Remember friend, you are never alone.

*Tom Doyle, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012)

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