Topic: Keep the Faith! [David Jeremiah Ministry 4 October 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Keep the Faith!

OCTOBER 4, 2021

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
1 Timothy 4:1

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 24:11-14

The English word apostasy is made up of two Greek words: “away from” and “stand.” So it means to move away from a place where you previously stood (to depart). Biblically, it means to fall away from the beliefs one once held. The apostle Paul made clear that the return of Christ will be preceded by a “falling away” (an apostasy) from the true faith (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Early in 2021, the Gallup research organization found that, for the first time since the late 1930s, fewer than half of Americans belong to a house of worship (of any kind). And for many years, the fast-rising religious demographic in the country has been the “Nones”—those who answer “None” when asked about their religious affiliation. These facts don’t necessarily signal apostasy within the Christian Church, but one of the purposes of the Church is to keep Christians grounded in “the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42, NIV).

Apostasy doesn’t happen overnight. Be on guard in your life for slow, subtle signs of weakness in your faith. Keeping the faith is a daily charge empowered by prayer, Scripture, and worship.

Unbelief is the root of apostasy.
Thomas Watson

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