Topic: MONEY IS NOW THE FEAR OF GOD – – 30 May 2021

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Dearly beloved, the damage money is doing to the Churches of Christ is something many Christians or Church-goers seem not to acknowledge, may be some don’t really know and see it, or they don’t just care about it. “Money answereth all thing”, they said, and money is taking preeminence control over many things in this world both inside and outside the Churches and people’s lives. Money has no other way it would have gain greater recognition and enthronement in the Church as a god, but it gain it through the quoted out of context word from the Bible which say “Money answereth all things”, though the writer was so specific on the things money answered, but the quote has become a sweet honey in the mouth of many Pastors’ to the point that the whole world now certified the quote to be general.
Malachi 3:8-10; Luke 6:38; 21:1-4, have all sensitized the Christians adult and children about money, not about their chastisement, sanctification, their eternal destinies, chastity and purity. Money speak in all things now and answereth all things now, the Church preaches about money more than business schools talk about money, more than stock exchange of every nation talks about money. Any Church-goer is conscious of money more than the Word of God, and the Pastors’ made it so.

But I thank God that King Solomon was not a fool to generalized such a word and it wasn’t thus saith the LORD, lest every believer would have openly worship money rather than God. John 3:16, was formerly the most quoted scriptural verse, but that was then, may be in the nineteen century, but now,“money answereth all things”, is the most quoted verse not by people but only the Pastors’, I mean Ecclesiastes 10:19. The cunning craftiness of many Pastors’ is mainly done by using God’s works as a frame that has money as it picture. The frame is always what people see because it is always bearing the name called “God’s work”, but the picture inside the frame is called “money”, only few see it. The benighted Church-goers see God’s work as the picture instead of the frame, but those who know the truth see the frame as God’s work. And it is the frame many Pastors’ show their congregations, the frame blind their eyes from seeing the picture because of their sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The benighted Church-goers foolishly believed them because they know not the truth, neither can they proved them, nor tried them. Men love to create a tradition from their lusts or their assumptions and when that is done, they used their office, titles, or positions to enforce it and will start dragging men into their tradition to do what they want and say by using God’s work as their cloak to blind the eyes and minds of the simple.

And the tradition of men always pleases men not God because it was born out from their flesh, and Jesus Christ said whatever is born of the flesh is flesh (See John 3:6). People find it easier than A, B, C to obey the tradition of men, especially when it is cloth with the garment of God’s name, word, and work. But they find constraint in obeying God’s Word and truly doing His works. Those full of the light of God and born of the spirit certainly can discern easily between what is of God and from Him, and what is not of God and not from Him. People zealously keep the tradition of men rather than God’s Word. And some men knew it that using God will give them the attention they need and their lusts knowing that people don’t want to appear as God’s enemies. Using people fear and ignorance is really cunning craftiness it is not the work of the Holy Spirit, it is Classic Witchcraft. The tradition of men is the darkness they have spread inside the Church to blind the eyes of God’s children or Christ flocks from seeing the truth. People fear offending the tradition of men they presented to them, as if it is God’s work or His doctrine (See Matthew 15:11-13). The ignorant people adore what they don’t understand and the human wisdom is always for manipulating others because it is a product of the flesh which is a body of sin. Manipulating the ignorant people by your darkness or lusts is what the world called logics. And many Pastors’ are using it against their congregations.

Was it ever found in the Bible that people’s tithes in Levitical Priesthood days were recorded? No! But many Churches are doing it and it has become their tradition to record tithes as if they are the ones going to reward people if the money invented tithes is truly the design of God. I always keep praying that God open the eyes of many Church-goers that they may see Him and know Him, lest Pastors’ will continually deceive them by using God works. Many Christians don’t see obedience to God as God’s work, but Jesus Christ made the Israelites to know this truth (See John 6:28-29). Many Church-goers are living in immoral life and indulging in several messes both physical and spiritual ones. They don’t care because on Sunday or Saturday they are going to pay Emperor Constantine man-made tithes and offering of money, and that will answered all things pertaining to their erring and whoring for them. Pastors’ of the nineteen century made money paying offerings and tithes invented by Emperor Constantine without God’s approval or command a tradition for the Church, and many benighted Christians believed everything of the Church are of God and from God. Many Pastors’ have been brainwashing their congregations that if they don’t pay the man-made invented money tithes and offerings, that they don’t fear God by quoting Malachi 3:8-10 to them.

People’s ignorance and their yearning for sense of validation or belonging lead them to foolish humility and obedience to anything that comes in the name, word, and work of God. Satan know it too, that using the name, word, and work of God will provide him bigger ground to kill, steal, and destroy many Christians, by sending out also his ministers and building his Churches and mixing them with that of Christ to keep the ignorant lost and divided. Satan and his messengers or Pastors’ know that many Christians are so ignorant of the biblical truth, even the purpose of every word written in the Bible. They know the ignorant tremble before what they did not know and understand. And they uses fear as a tool to make many benighted Christians do their lusts using Malachi 3:8-10 which is a product of the works of the law that God has wiped out permanently because HE hate mixture of anything, and will not mixed the abolished Testament and its works with the New Testament, God forbid! See my book, Mixture of Law and Grace (The confusion in Churches and Christianity) and be enlightened. God said in Isaiah 29:13 “…and their fear toward me (God) is taught by the precept of men.” Every Christian child is taught paying of tithes and offerings of money, and when they have grown up with this tradition, it is only God that can tell the truth behind those man-made doctrines or dogmas and about this cocoon called the tradition of men or precept of men. And obedience to all the works of the man-made invented doctrines (not even of the law which has been abolished) is now treasured or called the fear of God.

Let me tell you few of the many things money, is doing in the Church and how it has become the fear of God. I keep saying the ignorant man adore what he doesn’t understand, even so do many Christians adore their Pastors’ words not the Word of God itself because they do not know the truth nor understand the Word of God, the purpose it was written and all it is to accomplished or fulfilled in this world and in our lives. I was invited to a Church doing a program by my friend we play football together from childhood, and he himself was also invited by a neighbour. So we went to the church and the service started and my friend was playing the keyboard for them. And when the Pastor they invited to come and help them generate money came out, he started prophesying falsehood and I was just watching like a spectator watching football match in stadium because I have seen what is going to happen. After he stopped, he said everybody should come out and drop five hundred naira on the altar if we fear and love God. As if that was not enough, he added that whosoever did not drop money, his or her family will mourn a dead person in their family. People started rushing out to drop money, I signaled my friend and he left the keyboard and we left the Church and we were laughing, my friend said, as the Lord liveth, I will see how this is going to happen because me and him never do such folly because we know the truth.

I quoted Lamentation 3:37, to my friend, which says, “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?” Telling him before the service started God has told me what we are going to see and nothing falls short of it. The whole thing with many of these days Pastors’ is classic witchcraft, manipulating God’s children because of their ignorance, and turning them into money generating machines because of their ignorance of the truth about God, His Word and ways which many Christians don’t know. A Pastor in one of the former local church I was attending before, was building his house secretly with money he has been collecting from the Church, and he later run short of money, see what he did to generate money to roof his house. On one Sunday, he brought another Pastor with him to the church and that Pastor he brought with him pour out olive oil on a bowl, and told the congregation that if they love and fear God they should give bigger amount of money for the offering he is about to collect for the purpose he never told the congregation (but called it the work of God).

He said, whosoever love and fear God should come forth and should drop fat money or tangible offering and will receive God’s blessing by being anointed for success, prosperity and blessings. After saying that he then added again, do as you are led by the spirit, but never specify which spirit whether the Holy Spirit or their own spirits. And after saying this, the entire congregation started streaming out because they are also lusting for success, prosperity and financial blessings and anointing oil. And they all want to prove that they love and fear God, even when many of they are so filthy that there is nothing to write home about them. I asked the Lord, “Father, whose spirit is leading all these people, is it your Spirit?” What I heard from the Lord was, “My son, you can tell from what you know and have seen about many of them that it is not MY Spirit at work.” I asked again, “Is this your fear and love?” The Lord told me, “You can answer it, you know it, it is not My fear nor My love.” While they were streaming out to pay money and get anointed, I was the only person who never left my seat, and the Pastors’ gazed at me steadfastly because he knew who I am in the Lord. The Church marvelled at me for sitting down and never responded, it look as if I have committed abomination against God and that I do not fear and love God. But all of them know me too well by words and deeds, faithfulness and commitment to the Lord in service.

So they all knew I saw something they never see and even the Pastor knew it, I laughed within me, and the Lord told me, those who know the truth are set free from such manipulation, and they are not tossed to and from by the wind of doctrines. God said to me this is why I want my children to know the truth, and the truth shall make them free, cited John 8:32. God told me, “My son, I am not an author of confusion; I don’t lead everybody, save only those who are wholly mine and have given their totality to me through my Son (Jesus Christ).” And God said again, “Many who came out to drop money are not subject to Him and His Word. They came out not because they love me nor fear me, but because of their lusts to receive anointing for success, blessing and prosperity their Pastor promised them.” But before they finally closed that service, I left because the spirit at work wasn’t that of God but of the love of money. It baffled me that not even few could see the falsehood in the heart of the Pastors.

A Pastor using the flocks of God as money generating machine to achieve his lusts was conducting a service in the month of October that year and my friend was invited to come and play keyboard for them because he is a proficient player. And after some minutes (45) he left and I saw him again and asked him what has happened, you didn’t stay till the program closed. He told me what went wrong, that the invited Pastors’ pour out anointing oil on the ground and said anybody inside the congregation who fear and love God, and want God to multiply him or her should come out give five thousand naira and by standing on that anointing oil, God will double the money they give. He said people were streaming out and the Pastor said, who did not come out will not prosper, and on hearing such word, he left the keyboard and Church, having experience many of such darkness before. I was laughing because it is no longer a new thing in Churches in Nigeria. But it is many Pastors’ strategy to rake into their pockets silver and gold, using God’s name and work to deceive God’s children. God’s fear and love now consists of giving of money. It is a shame to Christians who have not the knowledge of God.

I have so many of these stories I have seen and heard but no time to talk about all of them, but I have driven home the picture of this chapter for your understanding, except maybe you have not seen or heard of any of these things. It is not only happening in Nigeria alone but in Churches all over the world. You can see how Churches and Pastors’ are making money paying of the man-made tithe and offering the fear and love of God. I saw a banner inside a Church (Redeemed church) I was invited to with the inscription, “If you fear and love God, please pay your tithes and offerings.” I wept, and I clearly understand why Jesus Christ is always weeping, and will keep weeping till rapture day. Money is now the fear of God, but it is taught by the precept of me, their wisdom, or logic. The Lord Jesus Christ allowed me to have experience and knowledge of all these truth, even though I never really see the damages spiritually these things are doing to His flocks and Church, that is, I never thought it is darkness until He showed me it displeases the Lord God to see that people are not told the truth by many Pastors’ because of their love for money and their personal interests. There are many of these happening, no marvel, many Christians seems not to bother about it, because it is now like a normal system.

The psychological validation lies in their paying of these man-made tithes and offerings, and the fight against anybody who wants to take away this confidence from them, will make them see you as enemy of God even as many are seeing me for telling them the truth. Jesus Christ told me the truth before I started seeing them with my eyes, and that many will think I am God’s enemy because they don’t know the truth and their hope and confidence lies upon these man-made rituals. I said it before, that there are many of these (Pastors’ turning Christ flocks into their money generating machines) happening, no marvel, many Christians seems not to bother about it, because it is now like a normal system. And this is just with the natural man’s eyes, not normal before the eyes of God, but abnormal. But it is a shame to see how money is ruling the Church and many Christians are so ignorant about the truth, and Pastors’ are achieving their worldly lusts by turning God’s flocks into their money generating machines to do their own services. You may say, what can be done to change it or what is God going to do about it? What God is doing about it is making you know the truth through this book by exposing the darkness of Satan inside the Church living in the lives of many Pastors’. God is not changing anything, because the end of all things are already here, and every man shall receive a just recompense for every good and bad, truth and lie, of his works and words. If God is the one that called you or employ you to be a Pastor, don’t reward yourself, let your employer reward you by Himself, this is truth why Apostle Paul never use his position or title or offices to steal, kill, and destroy, but only look up to his employer to reward him (See 2Timothy 4:7-8)

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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