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Dearly beloved, since giving and paying of money in everything that comes in the name, word, and work of God is now the fear and love of God in churches, many Pastors’ take advantage of the man-made precepts (money tithe) to enrich themselves, build mansions, castles, universities, hospitals, buying jets, ships, trains, cars and others with the money they generated from God’s flocks in the Churches. In the Levitical Priesthood days, temple of God in Jerusalem was turned into business center by the children of Israel and the priests knew it all but they don’t care because of their own personal interests they get from those doing business in the house of God. They were buying and selling and exchanging money until the day Jesus Christ came into the temple and cast out all the businesses done in the temple of God (See Matthew 21:12). And Jesus Christ remembered them of what is written in Isaiah 56:7, which says, “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”—Matthew 21:13. The works of the law could not prevent people from turning the Temple into a “den of thieves”, and as long as some of those works are found in the Churches, many Churches are openly and secretly doing same business, and they are also “den of thieves”, and their Pastors’ also make it so.

I have been saying it that many Pastors’ are practicing classic witchcraft, and some people have been asking me how? Since the giving or paying of money (money man-made tithes and offerings) became the fear and love of God in the Churches, by giving of money in anything that comes in the name, word, and work of God, many Pastors’ have been using many Christians sincere ignorance and their conscientious stupidity, foolish humility and their adoration of what they do not know and understand (about God’s Word) to manipulate their congregations to achieve their own lusts. Using God’s name, word, and work as instruments of manipulation to achieve their lusts of the flesh and materialistic things is the classic witchcraft in the Churches in these present days and many Pastors’ are really guilty of doing it. Satan himself has no other means to deceive and enslave the flocks of God, but by using God’s name, word, and work which the flocks of Christ love to do and see it as the love and fear of God. Satan uses what we love and fear to manipulate us when we are ignorant of the truth about what we love and fear and many Pastors’ are not different from Satan.

The scripture warned us to try every spirit whether they be of God, and also to prove all things and hold fast that which is good (See 1John 4:1; 1Thessalonians 5:21). But unfortunately, not all the flocks of Christ are knowledgeable about God’s word, ways and person, and many of them are also ignorant like the unbelievers. Many Pastors’ sensing the fear and trembling of people concerning anything that comes in the name, word, and work of God, have resorted to using them as weapons to rake into their pockets and bank accounts silver and gold. They will print stickers and calendars and will sell them inside the Churches to their congregations. A certain Pastor from one of the Apostolic churches was selling a New Year calendar for his congregation for #5000, saying the calendar will bring them favour, peace, and abundant blessings when they hang it in their rooms and people were rushing to buy it because of their lusts for blessings, success and prosperity. This is the classic witchcraft many Pastors are doing. Anything besides books and gospel songs they sell to the Churches, people foolishly buy them and see them as the love and fear of God. People advertise their businesses in the Church announcements and are marketing their products in the Churches. Though they don’t present the products before the congregations openly but using their Church fellow members to buy and sell their products for their personal interests. And many Pastors’ are also using their positions and personalities to sell and advertise their businesses.

What people are buying outside the Church five hundred naira, those selling it inside the Churches will be selling it for six or seven hundred naira and using God’s flocks to make gain for their personal interests. They won’t sell it for four hundred and eighty or five hundred and twenty naira to help their fellow brethren, but with a higher price to rob them for their own personal interests, hear this. It was harvest period that year, the women of one Church in my community decided to dress in one style of cloth, as it is common in many Churches among women, even believing that wearing one type of cloth will make them united as one body, but that is just assumption so common among the ignorant. And one of their leaders, who were the head of their evangelism department, told the rest women she and the Pastor’s wife will supply all the clothes and others agreed with them. Simply because of the position they held and people assumption that they must be faithful in all they do. They brought the clothes to their Church and were selling them for one-thousand five hundred naira to the rest women, some were buying on credit base, promising to pay after the annual thanksgiving ended and they celebrated it well together. After the harvest, those who owed some money for the harvest clothes were asked to pay, and it was then the truth was brought to lime light.

Those who were owing; said they were deceived by the Pastor’s wife and the evangelism leader, after they discovered that what they sold to them inside the Church was purchased outside the Church with one-thousand two hundred naira. With this truth that revealed the darkness the love of money is causing in the Church, there was war, contention, striving, insults, abuses, and they almost started fighting themselves, were it not the outsiders who intervened, they could have wrestled with themselves. And because of this all the women were divided and become enemies to themselves inside this Church and some women as at the time of this writing left the Church because they couldn’t face their enemies inside the Church. Church has turned into business center, money and its love has flooded the Church and have turned it into business center where buying and selling are done. Also hear this. A Church was about to organized youth program and the youths beseeched their Church for financial assistance, and their Pastor asked them, what are they (youths) going to give back financially if the church assists them? The Pastor told the youth of his Church, that the Church is a business house, and if the youths are not ready to return in double what they may be given financially that he won’t give out a dine for their program.

He made it clear to the youths in his Church, that Churches are organizing programs to generate money that they are not the only Church doing it, including every other Church also. On hearing this, I wept and remembered immediately Jesus Christ is certainly weeping too. Many Churches are doing the same business only very few are exempted. People’s spiritual revival is not the purpose or aim of organizing programs, but to get or make money. They Pastors’ know fully well, that nobody goes to Church without money in their pockets and purses. May God have mercy upon the Church in the name of Jesus Christ. Many Pastors’ because of their uncanny appetite for money which is the love of money love those who have money inside the Church than those who are honest, spiritual, Holy Ghost filled, have knowledge and understanding of the things of God. Whatever they focus their attention on inside the Church is what will generate money, but when it comes to knowing the truth some Pastors’ will say it is personal, but when it comes to collecting (paying man-made tithes and offerings) money from the Church using God’s name, word, and work, it is general. Pastors’ biggest business inside the Church is the annual thanksgiving or harvest day every year. Whenever it comes around, before the very day, they send invitation to people most especially political figures, business men and women who can give fat offerings and tithes and donates big money.

And they will be blessing these people even in their unrighteousness and prophesying falsehood in order for them (Pastors’) to make these invited guests to give big money to them. Some Churches started it and others followed but it has become a tradition for the Pentecostal Churches and I don’t know if others are included but I am sure of the Pentecostal doing business on that day. Many Pastors’ are seeking for money like a hungry lion. The fact that they are Pastors’ doesn’t mean they don’t have lusts in them. Earthly ambition of many of them is worldly glories, honours, and recognition of men. They want to be heard in radios and seen in cables and televisions, and they need money to satisfy their lusts, decorate themselves and increase their academic life, they are looking and working for degrees. And many want to be called DR, Rev, Bishop, Apostle, Pope, and others. They know Church is a business center and there you have money generating machines (Christ flocks). Business of the word and prayers are not interesting, save only that of money. 80% of Churches worldwide are where Pastors’ make their money they use in buying cars, jets, and others and in building mansions and castles, the Churches are great business centers. If it is the Biblical tithe (God’s appointed and approved tithe) the church is paying, no Pastor will be living in luxurious life as many are living in today.

People never ask what really are they using offerings and tithes they are collecting every Sunday or Saturday of every year for? Some say the work of God, which work of God? They may say building of Churches, even those Churches that have already been built still saying the same thing. People don’t care about this all they know and believe is that, the money they give will justified them before God, cleanse their sins, make them acceptable to God and feed God. Absurd! Pastors’ open Church accounts where they put some Church offerings, but tithes money goes straight into their personal account. And this is one of the reasons why people are striving these days to build a Church of their own because of man-made money tithe and offerings in the churches and they know having a personal Church is a business, even a future investment for their families and children. Only few Pastors’ serving under denominations don’t have lion share of tithes, but those Churches under no denominations, the one who build the Church have lion share though he used God’s flock as money generating machines to build it. When they are building Church for their personal interest, they presented it to others as if God sent them, tasking people to donate money using the word ‘the work of God’. God’s work is only seen in the lives of Pastors’ and their families not members.

Their belly, personal interests, and their lusts they called the works of God to have the ignorant Christians commit to their lusts believing they are doing God’s will and they are helping God. Jesus Christ said the time is coming when many Churches will fold up, some Church buildings will be used for other business and many Pastors’ will be ashamed (cited Jeremiah 10:21; 12:10; 23:1-2) because their money generating machines who are struggling for survival in time of crisis will not give them revenue they are collecting now. And that many Pastors’ motives are as dark like the outer darkness (Satan’s ministers), they devour God’s flock without restraint or mercy. Their lusts and its fulfillment are laid upon their money generating machines (God’s or Christ flocks). He said His hand will be upon many Pastors’ for sore destruction except they repent and serve His flocks as He want. He said, “They (Pastors’) have turned My house into business center and My flocks into money generating machines. I will naked them to sore destruction except they repent.”

Many people don’t know the truth and they don’t want to know it, because if they know it, they won’t do their lusts but God’s will. Without man-made money tithe and offering many people wouldn’t have been Pastors’, some Pastors’ will say it is a lie that they would have still be Pastors’. I told a Pastor who said such before me after hearing me preaching it, if they would have still be, why didn’t Pastors’ now tell Christ flocks the truth, that Emperor Constantine tithe is what church is paying not God’s appointed and approved tithe? And only ask for voluntary donation when there is need for money to do God’s work, and see if God will not respond speedily if the work really matters or truly God’s appointed. How can children going astray be talk about without talking about their parents? This is also why one can’t talk about church and Christ flocks without talking about Pastors’, God and is Word is a respecter of no man. Pastors’ are humans and are prone to many things ignorance and weakness can do to any human. Greater glories await the Pastors’ that never hold the truth in unrighteousness, and greater damnations await Pastors’ who fail to preach the truth, but hold the truth in unrighteousness.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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