Topic: Night Seasons [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 14 September 2021]

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Night Seasons

Sep 14, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Job 7:3, NLTI, too, have been assigned months of futility, long and weary nights of misery.

Today’s Word

As it was with other Old Testament heroes of the faith, Job went through a night season. Out of nowhere his whole world was turned upside down through the very painful loss of his sons and daughters, the loss of his business, and a crushing illness. Job did what many of us do in difficult, heartbreaking times. He focused on the problem, magnified what was wrong, and let it overwhelm him. Job was saying, “I’ve been assigned to nights of misery. This is how my story ends. I will never again experience pleasure.” The mistake he made was thinking it was permanent.

What you’re going through may be difficult, but the good news is that you are going through it. As was true for Job, it’s not your final destination. It’s a night season, not a night lifetime. God wouldn’t allow it if it were going to keep you from your destiny. He has you in the palms of His hands. He already has the solution, and the breakthrough is headed your way.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You are the God of my night seasons. I believe that no matter what comes my way, it’s not a surprise to You, and You still have me in the palms of Your hands. I believe that though it may be dark now, breakthrough is coming. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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