Topic:  Old Haunts, New Memories – Devotional for Married Couples By Dr James Dobson 21 November 2021 

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Old Haunts, NeMemories

“Praise the Lord . . .who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”  Psalm 103:2, 5

Shirley and I celebrated our wedding anniversary a few years ago by exploring what we called our “old haunts.” We took an entire day together, beginning with a visit to the Farmer’s Market, where we had strolled as young lovers. Then we had a leisurely lunch at a favorite restaurant and talked of things long ago. Afterwards we saw a theater performance at the Pasadena Playhouse, where we had gone on our second date, and later we had cherry pie and coffee at Gwinn’s Restaurant, a favorite hangout for dating couples. We talked about our warm memories and relived the excitement of earlier days. It was a wonderful reprise.

If your marriage feels stagnant, maybe it’s time to experience again the wonderful places and events from your courtship or newlywed days. Re‐create your first date. Walk the same stretch of beach or mountain trail you used to enjoy. Return to the place you got engaged. Visit the church or chapel where you were married. Drive by the house or apartment where you first lived. Sing the old songs. Tell the old stories.

I think you’ll find that the old thrill is still there waiting for you.

Also Read: Open Heaven 21 November 2021 –Topic: THE TONGUE IS A FIRE 

Just between us . . .

• What were our favorite places to go, or things to do, during our courtship?
• Which of our dates or outings would you most like to re‐create?
• How can we make sure we have experiences now that we’ll look back on with fondness?

Lord, thank You so much for the good old days of courtship. Help us to make many new ones in the days ahead. Amen.

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