Topic: ON YOUR TRACK, GET SET….GO! – – November 2019

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Dearly beloved, on May 31st last year, Jesus Christ was with me in my room, after telling me something He want me to know, as He was about to go, I told Him, I want to go with Him, He told me, “My son, don’t worry it is near.” That means the time to take us out from this world is near. After He left I saw Heaven darken, then sudden bright glorious light appear and fill the whole cloud, I heard thunders of applauses from Heaven and He appeared in the cloud.

Dearly beloved, after one year and four months, yesterday 6th October, 2019, He showed me this revelation and told me to share it with people. In this vision, I was with my Eldest brother, I saw a far bright light beyond the cloud but my brother never saw it. I called him and I said Christ is coming, suddenly, the light draw nearer to the earth in a glorious incomprehensible form, and suddenly I saw Heaven opened, I saw uncountable angels with glorious righteous robes and Heaven was full of glorious rejoicing and celebration. Suddenly everything was closed. Jesus Christ had told me in 2015 not to use the word coming soon about His coming because of the nearness or closeness of the event of rapture. I only tell people Jesus Christ is coming not coming soon.

Dearly beloved, it is written, “To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.”—Jeremiah 6:10. There is no excuse for failure before God, simply because He’s done all that should be done to help us avoid incurring His wrath. Our negligence, nonchalance, frivolity, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter attitude towards God’s warning is certainly something that is going to cause many Christians earthly and eternal regret and sorrows. Except we change our attitude toward His warning.

It is, on your track, get set, Go! Don’t say or cry had I know, if you are left behind. Jesus Christ had told me, He is coming for the sanctified Christians not Church goers without sanctification from worldly love, funs, and pleasures. I have seen in different revelations He showed me how many Christians were left behind. He told me, that only 30% of the Churches in this world belong to Him out of the 100% Churches in this world. Know where you belong now, not after the trumpet sound. Repent from your secret sins and dead works of your conscience, be sanctified, for there is no time for hiding and seeking, because had I know is a language of the fools. Don’t speak it. Share this with your friends; it is not about me or you, but it is all about Jesus Christ. Shalom!

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