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  1. The truth will not respect your tradition (See Matthew 15:1-12)

Dearly beloved, anything set up by men or designed by men contain darkness, how? They are designed for the good of the flesh and also for the destruction of it, and they are also designed to glorify men who designed it rather than God. The world is full of impurities and even many people are full of mixture of light and darkness and they have a great conflict within them. God is the truth even as His Son is, like Father like Son. God is not to please us, but we are to please Him. Doing His responsibilities concerning us doesn’t mean He is pleasing us, and this is why we cannot influence Him, but to live under His influence. He is not to obey us, but we are to obey Him, He is not fear us, but we are to fear Him, He is not to satisfy our lusts, but we are to do His will and His pleasure. The truth is a respecter of no man neither of the works of man. The tradition of man is as dirty or filthy as man’s righteousness. The tradition of man is designed to magnify and exalt man.

Jesus Christ said, “Whatsoever is born of the flesh is flesh.”—John 3:6. The tradition of man is man and God has no respect for any man, yet He doesn’t oppress any man. He cares, love, protect, and provides for man, He has respect for us not to pervert judgment, not to live under our influence, not to satisfy our worldly lust, but to care for us and deliver us from earthly and eternal destructions. Jesus Christ rebuked the darkness in the tradition of man because it is made to magnify man not to glorify God, and it is also of the flesh not of the spirit, and men love to obey the commandment of man rather than that of God. It is because flesh and flesh have compatibility and that is not found among the Spirit and the flesh, even as only Spirit and spirit also have compatibility. Man’s traditions are of the flesh not of the spirit. Jesus Christ showed the Jews the truth of how the tradition of men is used by the elders to nullify the effects of God’s commandment by distorting it please men citing Isaiah 29:13, which says, “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.” In saying this truth, “And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” the elders were offended and the Disciples of Jesus Christ made Him to know, but Jesus Christ care not neither owes any man apology for speaking the truth. When the darkness concerning the traditions of people are revealed they get mad and see it as disrespect or abused because they were born in it and grew up in it, and it has become their pride. The truth always attacks darkness even as darkness always fights against the truth. So don’t be upset if your tradition is attack by the truth, the aim is to make you free from the darkness of bondage of you tradition.

  1. You can do nothing against the truth (See 2Corinthians 13:8)

Dearly beloved, this is the most awesome thing I seen that made me rejoice always about the truth. It is still the same things to the truth, “…for the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”—Matthew 16:18. Can any man beat God? Can any man or thing destroy God and wipe Him from existence? Can your unbelief make the faith of God of no effect? If we believe not, can God still not abide faithfully? These are question all those fighting against the truth cannot answer, they knew they can’t win over the truth but they still just to fight the truth because they knew He will deny them of their lusts. All those fighting against God or Jesus Christ the truth and all His servants of the truth, they have everything to lose and nothing to gain. No man can prevail over God and the best you can do is to be God’s friend, servant, son or daughter. It is written; even the gates of Hell cannot prevail against the truth.

The gates of Hell are the greatest oppose of the truth, but it can’t prevail against it or Him. You can’t stop the truth from not being preached, spoken, taught, and revealed, no matter your fight and struggle against it. The scripture said in Matthew 16:18, “…for the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” And Apostle Paul told the Corinthians Church in 2Corinthians 13:8, “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” The truth is something no power contrary to God can overcome Him. The worldly slogan we says, ‘If you can’t beat them, you join them’, is mainly quoted by carnally minded Christians who have low resistance against unrighteousness because of their friendship with the world. There is nothing, beside the truth that cannot be beaten and it is the truth that can beat every other power or existing evil forces and the truth no power can beat. And all you can do is to join the spreading of the truth, which is done in speaking, preaching, and teaching, because we can do nothing against the truth but everything for it to be heard and known.

  1. The truth will never regard your personality (Matthew 22:16)

Dearly beloved, the truth offends worldly powers, political and religion powers, authorities, and personalities like no other thing can offend them. It is because it will regard their personalities which they highly treasure, that makes people praise, worship, and adore them. Whenever their personalities are attacked they get mad because they will lose followers, worshippers, and adorers; and they will never be high psychologically as they were before their personalities were bruised by the truth. The Pharisees have personalities and their personalities and most of men or religion leaders and many Pastors’ are all hypocrisy. Their personalities are just appearing to be perfect, even when we all know nobody is perfect save only Jesus Christ the truth or God, and yet many appear to be perfect in their outward appearance. They have godly forms by wearing priestly robes or garments, yet they deny the power of godliness which lies in complete obedience to God in all things. They are law maker and compare people to obey the laws, yet they don’t keep the law but violate it in logical ways that the carnal man and ignorant people will never detect or know. But their titles or positions or personalities makes the ignorant of the truth think of them beyond measure, giving them praise meant for the PERFECT GOD.

The ideal of appearing to be what you are not in order to seduce to yourself adorers and worshippers is called Hypocrisy and this is the personality of many religion leaders, Church leaders, and worldly leaders. The truth doesn’t care about how offended you are, but how happy God is when your darkness is revealed and slain. The truth regard not the persons of men and their personalities which is which hypocrisy (See Matthew 7:15, 20; 23; 2Timothy 3:5). The Pharisees told Jesus Christ the truth, “…for thou regardest not the person of men.”—Matthew 22:16. Rebuking hypocrisy which is mainly the personalities of men is what Jesus Christ the truth always does without fear. Even Apostle Paul rebuked the high priest for his hypocrisy (See Acts 23:1-3) which is their personality. The truth has no respect for the tradition of men and their personality, whether you are pope, bishop, archbishop, Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or others, the truth has no regard for your person, but always concern about the pleasure of God in speaking, preaching, and teaching the truth.

  1. The truth is not a friend of multitude (See James 4:4)

Dearly beloved, the multitude represent the world and its lusts, their voice is the voice of the world and of its lusts, funs, and pleasures. And they are always after the lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life. They love pleasing themselves rather than pleasing God, and pleasing themselves is their utmost priority. They are not of the truth but haters of the truth because the truth condemned and hate what they love most which is carnality. They have no need for God but for their worldly lusts, and they like murmuring against God because of their lusts they always want to have. Multitudes have never been friend of God from Genesis till now even unto Revelation. God is not the ships neither in their planes, they may know God in their mouths but not in their hearts, they are Church or temple goers, they are bandwagons, craving for senses of I belong. They don’t like the truth, they judge God base of the lusts of their flesh they get and do not get, they hate the truth because it will reveal their darkness and slain them, and break their conformity to the flesh they love so much. Multitudes are full of mixture or impurities and God hate impurities. If you are among those who sought to know the truth by what multitudes say or do, I tell you the truth, you will die in darkness, because the truth is with the few not with multitudes. God walk and work with the few rather than with multitudes from ages past. Considered eight persons who entered the Ark among thousands of people (See Genesis 6; 7).

Considered how God use three hundred men to destroyed multitudes of soldiers fighting against Israel in the days of Gideon to prove He doesn’t walk or work with the multitude (See Judges 7). Considered the six hundred thousand men of Israel that left Egypt, and only Joshua and Caleb from that generation entered the Promised Land while five hundred and ninety-eighty thousand of that generation perished in the wilderness for many ungodly reasons (See Exodus 12:37; Numbers 14:29-30). Considered Jesus Christ who chose twelve for a task hundred people cannot do. These and others have shown us that God doesn’t live, eat, and drink with multitude but Satan does. Multitude don’t love God, fear, and obey Him. Their voices can never and will never be the voice of God, the truth is not found with and among the multitude. Many people who are assuming that doing and saying what the multitude do and say is the truth or way to follow, they are in darkness. Jesus Christ the truth said, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”—Matthew 7:13-14. The truth is found in the voices of the few not in the voices of multitude, because multitudes, scripturally are known for erring and whoring. Those who want to please and obey God must come out from the multitudes, because they are rebellious children full of lusts and worldliness, they desired their lusts than God’s pleasures. Any true Christian or child of God knows God is not a friend of the multitudes. God said in Isaiah 52:11, and 2Corinthians 6:17, _”Come out from among them saith the LORD.”_The multitudes are controlled by the spirit of this world not by God’s Spirit, and they don’t know the truth. They have worldly styles not godly; pleasing themselves not God and the love, funs, and pleasures of this world is their priority. The truth is against them and they are also against the truth, light and darkness have no fellowship, and Christ has no concord with Belial nor her children, but ye shall know the truth.


It is written, _”And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”_To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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