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Dearly beloved, the benighted Christians spiritually and mentally do not know the truth, and except those who are privileged to tell them, tell them the truth, they may never know the truth. But the truth about many Pastors’ these days, is that they are using classic witchcraft more than anything to control and manipulate God’s people to get their lusts for money and using God’s work and word to shut people in darkness to get their personal interests. Taking advantage of their positions to lie and deceive their hearers who hold high esteem for them believing them to be true servants of God. But true servants are to deliver the Word of God as it is and always speaking, preaching, and teaching the truth, because many are ready to obey the Word of God for their own good whether some so called servants of God distort it or not because they flocks of Christ believe they received it from God. Many Christians believe their Pastors’ to be true servants of God and every word they speak to be true and of God and from God. And they believe obeying their words as servants of God is the fear of God, yes it is true if they who hear it also can prove it with what is written in the Bible because some know that God’s Word is greater than His messengers, so they have to believe by proving it but if not they shouldn’t believe (See Acts 17:11), but others don’t know this truth and they don’t just care but to swallow anything that comes in the name or Word of God.

The problem is this, many so called servants of God using the belief of their congregation in them that they are true ministers of God to now manipulate them by telling them lies and deceiving them and yet their congregation will still believe them to be true. The so called servants of God who deliver the Word of God to the people are now appearing to be their God, because their congregations believe them more than the plain truth written in the Bible. God’s messages are greater than any of the messengers in time past, but in these present times, messengers are now appearing to be greater than the messages. Many of the so called servants of God gain acceptance from their congregation by God’s Word they once preached in truth, but now even when they are vomiting their falsehood to rake in money, their congregations foolishly still believe them to be true.

The fear of Pastors’ are now the fear of God in these present days, anything Pastors’ present as the work of God people foolish give their money for it, may be trying to tell God that this is our fear and love for You. Using God’s work as means to gather money from their congregations to build and buy their lusts is the classic witchcraft many Pastors’ are doing these days, because they believe the people trust them to be true of God, and then speaking of lies, is now what they are using to get what they want. Talking about God, His Word and works; are the instruments many Pastors’ are using to manipulate their congregations to vomit the money, they needed to achieve their lusts. They have sense the truth that many Christians don’t really read the Bible because many of them believe reading the Bible is the business of those who are Pastors’ and want to be Pastors’. So many Pastors’ subject them to emotional confusion by using Malachi 3:8-10 as a weapon. And hearing such thing, people will do anything foolishly or wisely never to appear as God’s enemy and of His works. It is also one of the commonest reason why many people, sinners, wicked, goats, dogs, fowls, geese’s, turkey, wolves, and sheep are all going to Church, because they don’t want to be perceive as God’s enemy or as one who hate God and His works.

Nobody wants to carry that sense of guilt with him or her, and they give money to get themselves relief from that guilt of being perceived as God’s enemy. Many Pastors’ knows what I am talking about, and they play on people’s ignorance and their emotions to make them provide them their lusts or personal interests. Jesus Christ knows it all and except He tell us this truth it is even hard for any Christian to imagine this or believe it, because they can only be spiritually discerned. Just as Satan is controlling people to do his lusts but will still make them believe they are in charge of their lives whereas he is the one in charge.

It is really witchcraft, some called it logics, some called it wisdom of men, yes, and they are all one. When people want to get their lusts from you, they present your own interest to you and at same time concealing their own interest from your eyes. Their interests may be greater than your own but they will be talking and emphasizing on your own until you get blind believing they are working for your good not knowing they are working for their own good instead of yours. Your ignorance of their wiles makes you fall a victim to their whims and caprices. We must awake from our slumbering, such manipulation they called it logic, but that is witchcraft, because manipulating people is what witchcraft is all about. It is called classic witchcraft because God’s work is their covering cloak of their lusts or personal interest from not being seen or known by the blind Christians. It always appear to many Christians that all Pastors’ are fighting for God’s interests, but they don’t know they are only using the God’s work as a cloak to cover people’s eye while pursuing their personal interests.

If you say it is a lie, why is there one Church in every thousand that doesn’t collect this man-made money invented tithes and offering? If you remove this man-made Emperor Constantine money tithes and offerings from the Church I bet you many Pastoral colleges will shut down and many that are Pastors’ now will retire or seek for another thing to do with their lives. But those who are really seeking the interest of God always render selfless services not paid services as many Pastors’ are being paid, which is the handwriting of the Roman Emperor Constantine, this man invented this money tithe and offerings and the paying of Pastors’ salary, there is no such thing in the Bible and some Pastors’ know this truth but because of their personal interests they won’t confess it or preach it to the world.

Nobody was paying any prophets and servants of God in the old and New Testament, till Jerusalem and the second temple of God were destroyed in 70.A.D by Romans soldiers under Commander Titus, under Emperor Nero, they all (God’s servants) offered selfless service in preaching and teaching of God’s Word. People giving money for anything that comes in the name of God’s work, really don’t know the truth. And some Pastors’ know and as they see people show their fear of God, but they have turn that fear into giving of money not abstaining from fornications or all unrighteousness, because they are benefitting from the fear that made people empty their pockets and purses all in the name of God’s work. The effects of many Christians ignorance is a gain to many Pastors’, many Pastors’ tell people their lusts instead of the truth God want his children to know that they might be free. Many Christians are financially enslaved by the Church man-made money invented tithes and offerings. But Jesus Christ said “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”—John 8:32. Many Pastors’ can now add and subtract God’s Word and their congregation can’t even know or tell but believe without questioning what they are doing. Many Pastors’ don’t really tell the truth as they are in the Bible, they ignore the purpose for which the Word is given and rather use it for their personal interests. To deceive people is easier than truly direct them rightly and in truth (I have written down what Jesus Christ told me about Pastors’and churches and I titled it as The Publishers of the Word, who sent them?). The failures of many Christians why they are still in darkness after many years of church going are 50% attached to the distorted Word of God they hear from the filthy lucre’ preachers and Pastors’. It is the most common temptation for all preachers of God’s Word inside the Church to add and subtract from God’s Word in order to achieve their lusts for money.

And 80% of the multitudinous Pastors’ have fallen into this temptation more than anything because of their love for money that has flooded their hearts. It is easier for Pastors’ to deceive people, mislead them, and tell them lies and they will easily believe them without any doubt or question, simply because in their assumptions, they have believed that for their Pastors’ to be sent from God as His messengers, and they also believe anything their Pastors’ say is of God or use His name for is true. People seldom question their assumptions or belief, and for many Pastors’ it is a key for them to turn God’s flocks in their own money generating machines. Many Pastors’ will certainly be doomed, that is what Jesus Christ said, because some of these Pastors’ are placed in their positions by God to tell God’s people the truth, but the love and thought of money is greatly influencing every messages they preached, always preaching about worldly success, prosperity, and materials blessings. People’s failure to know the truth, do what God want them to do and know is 50% in the failures of many Pastors’ to speak the truth, but lying because of money. Every Christian ought to know the truth of the things that are more or so important to God concerning their own lives and eternal destinies, but many Pastors’ distorting of God’s Word, made people do what Pastors’ want rather than what God want. God highlighted His desires in Hosea 6:6; Joel 2:13, concerning us as the paramount things He want us to know and do. But many Pastors’ don’t lay any emphasis on these verses but on Malachi 3:8-10; Ecclesiastes 10:19; Luke 6:38; 21:1-4. The reasons for these are, the first two verses speaks of God’s interests which are, our loving one another, having knowledge of His Word, and giving our whole hearts to Him. And God proved again in Joel 2:13, we should render our hearts to Him not our garments (money).

While the last four scripture verses are always used and distorted by Pastors’ to pressurize their congregations’ to provide them means (money) to achieve their lusts for money or get their personal interests. “Money answereth all things”, is now generalized by Pastors’ even when the book writer was so specific, but because of their lusts for money they laid uncanny emphasis on Malachi 3:8-10; Ecclesiastes 10:19; Luke 6:38; 21:1-4. There are many benighted Christians who in their life time may never search the scripture to know or see if these things they are hearing from many Pastors’ are so and if their interpretation are according to the purpose for which the word they have heard were spoken. In previous chapter, I speak on how people think or assume they can compensate God with their money. It is a misleading thought for many Christians to believe foolishly that what are important to them of the things of this world, are also important to God. But many Pastors’ uncanny emphasis on these verses Malachi 3:8-10; Ecclesiastes 10:19; Luke 6:38; 21:1-4, have blinded many Christians to believe money is so important to God.

That can be said of man not God because God doesn’t need it for any reason even though we claim is for spreading the gospel and building and maintaining Churches, good, but it shouldn’t have become a tradition, but a voluntary thing. But all money given is done by compelling (force and fear) people with Malachi 3:8-10; Ecclesiastes 10:19; Luke 6:38; 21:1-4. God questioned the Israelites in Isaiah 1:11, when they have believed that their sacrifices of rams, goats, bulls, and heifers is what God need and what matter most to God, even as many Pastors’ have blinded many Christians eyes to believe that money is all that matter most to God, and they were ready to give any sacrifice but their hearts were far from God, even as many Christians are ready to give money to God but not their hearts, time, and bodies.

God said “To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to me? Saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beast; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.”—Isaiah 1:11. But many Pastors’ delight in burnt offerings (offerings of money in different magnitude), they delighted in offerings of ram (any money you can give), and the fat of the feed beasts (big money given in tithes, offerings, and donations). And because of their personal interests not the interests of God’s flocks, they delight in all man-made money offerings.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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